Status: complete;sequel up.


You're Everything to Me


I sat at the dinner table with my family. My dad was invited to a dinner party with an other family and they wanted to take me and not Tom. So now here I sit at 8 pm wanting to be home with Christofer.

"Is that Oli?" A female voice squealed

I looked up from the dark wooden table and at a short lady near the doorway. She had a old wrinkly smile and graying hair, she came to me and gave me a large hug. "Oli dear it's been so long." she laughed examining me from head to toe.

"Hello." I greeted awkwardly.

"Do you remember Kate? Tell me you remember her?" She asked.

A young girl about my age came forward, she had a skimpy red dress on and her long blonde hair was curled and cascading down her back. She smiled and exposed her cheap white teeth, "Hello Oliver." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes, no one calls me Oliver. It upsets me. "It's Oli." I corrected.

She pressed her lips together and giggled, "Sorry."

We all sat down at the table again and everyone engaged in small talk. I picked at my food and watched as my mom attacked Kate with questions about her future.

"Oli," My mother called. "Honey, do you know why we brought you here?" she asked.

I shook my head and put my fork down, "Why mom. Enlighten me."

My father coughed and gave me a warning look, "Oliver, we want you and Kate to go on a date."

My jaw dropped at the news, they didn't expect me to go out with her. They know I'm dating Christofer, "But dad, what about Christofer?" I asked.

My dad laughed a bit, "It's not a serious relationship. You're just going through a phase."

"We'll talk bout this more at home." My mother added.


We got late, maybe around midnight. I was tried and just wanted to crawl into bed with Christofer and fall asleep.

I walked into my room and turned the lights on, but something felt off. The room felt empty and lonely. It felt cold and dark.

"Christofer?" I called softly looking around the room. I walked into the closet and found it empty, I looked to the bathroom door.

It was slightly open and the lights were on. I took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom afraid of what I'll find. I opened the door and glanced around the empty bathroom.

He wasn't there, on the counter laid a small note with something shiny laying on it. I walked over to the counter and picked up the shinny thing.

It was the bracelet I bought Christofer.

I opened the note and read it quickly,

I'm leaving you Oli, I'm going to live with Nathan for a bit then head over to my mom. I just don't want to live with someone that doesn't love me.


I let the note slip from my hands and watched as it fell to the floor. Slowly I slipped to the floor as well and buried my face in my hands.

Did Christofer just leave me?

I wiped at my eyes and picked the note up again and read it over and over again. I just couldn't get myself o believe this, why would he leave. Everything was going great, we were happy.

He was happy

He was happy, wasn't he?

I looked around the bathroom and saw the small little razor near the bath tub. I crawled over to it and picked it up, in it was blood.

He wasn't happy

I twirled the blade in my fingers and stared at it. He wasn't happy, he wasn't happy if he was cutting himself behind my back.


I looked up the the doorway, Tom stood there. He came over to me sitting next to me on the cold bathroom floor. He pulled the razor from my fingers and threw it in the garbage. "What happened?" He asked.

I handed him the note and watched as he read it to himself. He finished and looked to me with tears in his eyes as well, "H-he left?" he choked out.

I nodded and showed him the bracelet he left behind, "He left me Tom." I whispered feeling more tears escaping my eyes.

Tom quickly pulled me into his arms and let me cry on him. He rubbed my back and told me it'd be ok.

But I knew he was lying, we both know's what will happen if I don't have Christofer by my side.

"Tom." I whispered softly.


"Don't leave me." I begged holding him closer.

"I won't."


I sat in chemistry the next day with Tom next to me. We were simply taking notes, but my eyes kept going to Christofer's empty seat.

I wanted to cry again when ever my eyes landed on the seat. Because my Christofer is suppose to be sitting there, staring at the board intently and taking notes down.

My Christofer is suppose to be there when the bell rings so I could walk him to his next class and give him small kisses at the door.

My Christofer was never suppose to leave.

"Oli." I looked over to Tom and wiped away the fresh tears running down my cheeks. "The bell rang."

I nodded and stood up gathering my things. I headed out the door with Tom by my side. We were simply feet away from my next class when I was tackled into a hug.

I glared at the person that was hugging me, "Get. Off. Me." I spat pushing him away.

Curtis frowned and pulled himself off me, but his smile returned "You seem cranky." he said.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away, "Leave me alone." I said walking toward the classroom door.

"But Oli, we haven't hung out in a long time. I miss my best friend." He whined blocking my path.

I stared at him as he began to pout, his bottom lips coming out and his eyes growing wide. It only reminded me of Christofer and how adorable Christofer looked pouting.

"I'm busy." I told him.

"Really? I heard your boyfriend left town. If your boyfriend really did leave then you have time for me." he said smiling proudly.

My chest clenched as he told me about Christofer leaving. I know he's gone, but hearing it out of the mouth of someone other than Tom makes this all but real.

"Just because Chris isn't here doesn't mean I have all the time in the world." I spat and pushed past him one last time before entering my class.

I just want my Christofer back with me.

Thats all I want.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well isn't Curtis a persistent guy. We all know he's not that much of an asshole, let's not all really kill him. But i'm glad you people hate his personality in the story, i was aiming for that (:
Anyway, so remember i told you guys about that show i had to perform last week. So there's this guy in my class, he's a fucking beast at singing like it took me til the moment he performed his 3 solos to realize that he was that great. he makes you get the chills and everything.

ok that was long and pointless lol :P
Title Credit: Emily- From First to Last