Status: complete;sequel up.


Whatever Tomorrow Brings, I'll Be There


I waited by the nurse station as they searched through their computers to see what ward Christofer was staying at. After minutes of standing there I finally speak up, “Shouldn’t he be in the adolescent ward?” I question.

The women moves her mouse a bit and clicks on a few things before smiling, “Ah here he is.” She smiles and takes a pen and writes on a visitor pass. She hands it to me and I place it on my shirt, she quickly writes another one for Tom and he does the same.

“A security guard will be here to escort you to the Adolescent floor.” She says.

Tom and I stand around the lobby waiting for the security guy to come, and soon he comes out of a metallic door. He smiles and gestures for us to follow him. We walk through the door and go up one flight of stairs passing the Children’s ward. We reach the adolescent ward and there’s still a flight of stairs leading above us, I could only assume it leads to the Adult ward.

He punches a code into the door and it makes a loud ring down from within the building probably notifying that someone has arrived.

The door clicks and the man opens it and lets us in. he smiles and wishes us a nice visit; Tom thanks him and follows me into the ward. We go straight to the nurse station and tell them we’re here to see Christofer. A young nurse stands up, “I’ll show you to his room.” She says and shows us down a brightly light hall. The walls are a gross green color and the carpet beneath us a dark blue color with different pinks and green woven into it.

“Here we are.” She smiles and shows me a pale pink door. We smile and enter the room, Christofer is talking to some football jock guy. He’s smiling and laughing which brings a smile to my face.

“Christofer?” I question.

He turns around and smiles widely running over to me, “Oli.” He giggles giving me a kiss on the cheek. “I missed you.” He says.

“I missed you too.” I tell him running my hand down his hair. “So how are you doing?” I ask.

“My therapist s-says I’m doing really well a-snd I -ccould possibly leave after my suicide watch is o-over.” He says nodding his head.

“That’s great.” Tom says coming over to give him a hug as well.

“So tell us everything.” I ask sitting on his bed.

“Well t-thanks to Zach I’ve b-been a-able to talk about t-the s-stuff my d-dad did.” He whispers.

“That’s great.” I whisper and pull him into my lap. “What are you going to do when you’re out?”

“I could l-live w-with you a-as long a-as I v-visit a t-therapist d-daily.” He says grinning.

“That’s even better.” I smile kissing his temple.

Everyone grows silent for a bit but soon broken by Christofer, “S-so h-how are you?” he ask looking at me.

“I’ve never been better, don’t worry about me right now you are more important.” I tell him.

He nods and smiles, “Ok.”

After talking for an hour about meaningless things a nurse walks in and tells Tom and I visiting hours will be over soon and we should say goodbye.

Tom gives Christofer a tight hug before leaving with Zach to the front nurse station. I turn to Christofer and pull him into my arms. “Two days.” I tell him.

He wraps his arms tightly around my waist and rests his head against my chest, “Two d-days.” He repeats looking up at me. “I t-think I’m g-getting b-better.” He says smiling.

“I know you are.” I say as I kiss his forehead, “Don’t ever listen to shady people, they only want to see you break. Don’t ever give them that satisfaction.” I tell him almost like I’m a mother scolding her child.

“I won’t.” he promises, and I notice it’s the first time he’s said something without stuttering.

“Hey you didn’t stutter.” I laugh kissing his lips softly. “That’s great.”

He giggled and kissed me again, and soon we were making out probably going to go further if not the same nurse walked in again, “Excuse me, kissing is not allowed between patients and visitors. It violates the code.” She says.

Christofer and I pull away both of us blushing a deep red color. She notices and smiles kindly, “But I’ll let it slip. Just don’t get caught by a therapist lurking around they’ll be sure to prohibit you from visiting.” She adds.

Christofer and I nod our heads and wait until she’s gone before sneaking in one quickly kiss. Christofer walks me to the door Tom and I came in from. “I’ll be here tomorrow same time.” I tell him going in for a kiss but noticing the nurses behind Christofer eyeing us, so I give him a hug.

“Bye.” He whispers.

“Bye.” I tell him before exiting through the door and heading back to the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
One or two chapters left.
Title Credit: Drive- Incubus