Status: complete;sequel up.


Live Your Life For Yourself


Zach and I sat in a group therapy session. Today’s topic is about our experience with alcohol and drugs. Although I’ve done a lot of self-destructive things in my past, I hardly tried drugs and only used alcohol as a stress reliever when I couldn’t cut myself.

Everyone in the room was silent, today the therapist let the girls join us since most of the time it’s just the boys.

“Anyone want to start.” The therapist asks.

Zach coughs and raises his hand, the therapist nods his head and we all turn to face him.

“It was last summer I tried alcohol, I was never one to drink but I was having a rough relationship with my girlfriend so I thought it might help me forget. M friend he was having a party and invited me, he said there will be alcohol and since I didn’t feel like cutting I took him up and went to the party.” Zach started. He took a few deep breaths and looked up to the ceiling trying to recall his memories.

“So I went to this park first and my friends pour some beer into cups, no one really told me that you aren’t suppose to drink the foam and I got really sick.” He laughs shaking his head. “I puked all over a car anyway so the night progressed and I really enjoyed myself I even had some X and that’s when I started cutting.” He finishes.

“Thank you Zach,” the therapist says. “Christofer would you like to share an experience.”

“Uh, I only d-drank a-alcohol when I w-went to a party.” I shrug avoiding eye contact. “Otherwise I’m n-not a fan.”

The therapist smiles and moves onto the next person. After an hour of talking we are sent back to our rooms. As I’m heading back a therapist stops me and pulls me aside.

“I have great news Christofer.” He says smiling. “As long as you promise to continue therapy and continue to take your medication you can be releases tomorrow at 11.” He says smiling. “You have progressed and we feel you are ready to go home.”

I smile and whisper a quick thank you running over to my room. I jump on Zach and giggle like a manica.

“Uh,” Zach says pushing me off.

“I g-go home t-tomorrow.” I giggle.

“Really? Me too!” he says hugging me.

I laugh and hug him back, “Promise to c-call me every n-night.” I ask looking up at him.

“Of course.”


I stand by the nurse station as my mom signs papers. Zach is standing next to me watching his dad discharge him. Oli is standing next to me mom helping her out since I’ll be staying with him until I turn 18. My mom hands me the sheet of paper and has me sign the paper and then they give me a prescription.

“You have your packet with copping methods to use instead of cutting?” a nurse says.

I nod and show her the packet in my hands.

“Are you wearing a rubber band?”

I nod and show her my bare arm with multiple bracelets and rubber bands on them. She smiles, “Good luck.”

I smile looking over to Zach. The nurse ask him similar questions and he replies with yes to all of them. Finally Zach and I are exiting through the doors we watched many people come in through. We sign out at the lobby and head out to the sunny fresh day.

“Well call me.” Zach says leaning in for a hug.

“Ok.” I whisper. “We are g-going to h-hang out.” I say.

“Of course. See you later Christofer.” He smiles getting into a large truck. I smile and get into my mom’s car with Oli and Tom sitting with me.

“You feel better?” Tom ask.

“Better t-than ever.” I answer.

Oli leans in and gives me a kiss, “I’m happy.” He says kissing me again.

The drive home is long and boring, Oli kept his hand tangled in mine the whole ride. We get home around 3 and my mother helps me out the car and toward the front door. “We’re going out for dinner.” She says. “You are heading home tomorrow morning.” She smiles sadly kissing my cheek.

We all head inside and get ready for diner dressing in nice clothes and everything. Oli sits on the bed as I pull on a pair of dark black skinny jeans. I tuck in my dark blue dress shirt and slip a belt around my waist. Oli is already dressed and waiting for me, “You really are skinny.” Oli notes standing up and wrapping his hands around my waist.

“But I’ve b-been eating.” I say looking up to him.

“I never said you weren’t babe.” He laughs kissing my cheek. “Hurry everyone is waiting.” He says slapping my ass and pushing me forward. I quickly slip on some oxfords and grab a tie tying around my neck as I head out the door.

Everyone is waiting for us downstairs, the twins are dressed and talking with Tom while my mom is fixing my younger sisters dress. “Ready?” Greg asks.

Everyone says yes and follows him out the door. Tom, Oli and I head to Oli’s car and follow Greg to the restaurant. We drive into town and arrive at a small contemporary restaurant. There’s a lot of middle age people sitting around inside.

We all park and head inside were a waitress takes us to our table. We all sit and begin to order, half way through diner I have half my food eaten even though everyone is already done. Oli smiles down at me proud that I’m eating more than I ever had before.

Greg coughs a bit and everyone turns their attention to him, “I have something to say.” He says turning to my mom. “You make me the happiest man on earth,” he starts. “You’ve accepted me and my children, you love and care for everyone and I love you for that.” he stops and reaches into his ocat pocket. He gets down on one knee holding the box open, “Will you marry me?” he questions.

My mother shrieks and throws her arms around his neck hugging and kissing him, “Yes of course.” She giggles watching as he slips the fingers onto her finger.

Everyone in the restaurant cheers. My mother comes to me showing me the ring, “Oh baby look it.” she gushes.

I smile and stand up giving her a tight hug, “I’m h-happy for you m-mama.” I smile.

She smiles and gives me a kiss, “I love you baby.” She smiles.

“Love you to mom.”
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter ): but i was thinking i do want a sequel but i want a co-writer so if you want to co-write just comment or send a message to me (:
Title Credit: A Day to Remember- All I Want.