

“Come on, I promise I’ll do better. You can’t blame me for getting all worked up last time!”

Kenny stopped midstride and turned to look at his bumbling companion. “And why not? You couldn’t stop laughing hard enough for us to shake the kid down. I lost at least twenty bucks because of you!”

Gil kicked a pebble with contempt. “He had his pants around his ankles for Paul’s sake! I don’t know how you keep up that stonewall demeanor of yours. It’s probably why you don’t have a girlfriend.”

Kenny gripped Gil’s shoulder until the shorter boy winced. “We’ve gone over this again and again Gilbert. I know you don’t have all the colors of the rainbow but I’m going to repeat myself one more time just so that when I kick your ass you can’t say I didn’t tell you… My not having a girlfriend is a personal choice and if you tell Mom that I threatened to kick your ass, I’ll do it anyway but much worse.”

“Lighten up,” Gil said once he was released from his brother’s death grip. “If I muck up this next kid, I promise to do your chores for a month.”

Kenny smirked and folded his arms across his chest. “Two months.”

“Two months?! Be reasonable!”

Kenny patted Gil on the back. “Alright, alright. One month and make me breakfast every Saturday until my birthday.”

Gil mumbled something under his breath which Kenny took to be an agreement. With a smile, Kenny continued to walk down the sidewalk. He was sufficiently happy now. He was about to ruin some nerd’s life, possibly get a few extra bucks from said nerd, and have Gil do his chores for the next month. Why, if he were a cheerier person, he’d whistle.

Posted up on a brick wall, Kenny took a drag from a cigarette. He’d timed the meeting perfectly so that by the time he finished Walter Allen would come strolling by. And sure enough, seven seconds after Kenny crushed the butt under his boot Walter Allen walked by. Kenny held out his arm and almost clothes-lined the poor boy.

“K-Kenny?” Walter stuttered while simultaneously pushing up his glasses.

“Who else would it be? You haven’t replaced me as your bestest buddy have you Walter?”

Walter shook his head fiercely. “N-No! I wouldn’t dream of letting anyone but you bully me Kenny.”

“You’d better not!” Gilbert fired from behind Kenny.

He rolled his eyes. “Say, why don’t we go for a little walk?”

Walter gulped and shifted his eyes. “I’m afraid I can’t today Kenny. Y-you see, I’ve got some friends with me.”

Kenny peered over Walter’s shoulder and finally noticed a group of boys all at least four inches shorter than himself and wearing pocket protectors. His eyes brightened.

“Oh boy. This just made things much more interesting. I’ve never been able to get my hands on a group of ugly nerds before.” Kenny chuckled.

Gilbert laughed and took a few steps forward to elbow one of Walter’s friends. “Hey man, you’re ugly! And you’re uglier than him! And you’re ugly part three! Hey, you’re Revenge of the Ugly!”

“Gilbert!” Kenny yelled. “Please, show some decorum… But what’s with the Nerd-fest, Walt?”

“We were just studying in the library you see…”

Kenny put on a pained expression. “You mean to tell me that you’d rather study with these losers than get pushed around by fantastic me?”

Walter didn’t answer which was probably the smartest thing to do.

“Hey Gil,” Kenny said with a mischievous smile. “I might actually need your help on this one. You still have the rope in your pocket?”