Status: Finished

Leave Her Behind

Leave Her Behind

All through high school, he spent his days staring in her eyes. I wanted to touch him just once, and feel his warm embrace the way she did, but that could never happen. I wasn’t ever one to take a man from someone else, but let’s face it, my time was running out. So while we looked at each other from across the room at the graduation after party, I seriously was wishing he would come to me.

Then I noticed her. Valary. She was sitting next to him, smiling, her big beautiful smile. She knew what she was doing to me. She always knew what she was doing to me. Ever since I’d confessed my love to him my freshman year, she tortured me. Secretly I’d hated Matt for years. I was angry with him for telling her about what I’d asked him. But now, I was over it.

She pulled his face down to look at her and started kissing him. His beautiful lips were being pulled apart and pushed back together again by hers. My mind was racing with anger, and desperation. Tonight was the last night I would ever get to see Matt before we all went along on our separate ways.

“Zack.” I murmured, nudging the dark haired boy sitting next to me.

“Hm?” He mumbled in between kisses to some girl he’d been trying to get to all night.

“Do me a huge favor and I’ll get you in with Gena.” I explained, knowing I’d just given him an offer he could in no way refuse.

He turned and gave me his full attention. “What do you need?”

I extended my pointer finger to the face sucking couple I was envious of. “Get Val away from him, and get her wasted.”

If Zack was good at anything, it was at getting girls wasted. He stood without a word, and waltzed over to them. They stopped their kissing and looked up at Zack. Since Zack had always been pretty good friends with Matt, it was going to be easy to get Matt to trust him. Matt sat all alone on the couch, watching Zack walk away with his girlfriend. It wasn’t my time yet to move in.

Gena walked over to me and sat down. She was giddy and excited. She always got this way about parties.

“How’s it going?” I laughed at her inability to keep still.

“Good. So I see you were talking to Zack?” She looked slightly concerned. She really wasn’t big on Zack, but she would do anything for me, just like I would for her.

I proceeded to explain my situation. “You just need to pretend that you’re interested for just one night okay?”

Gena rolled her eyes and smiled at me. “Anything for you.”

As the night wore on, Valary was beginning to lose her mind to alcohol, and I was beginning to gather up the courage to confront Matt. He was standing around, talking to some other friends of his. I tapped on his shoulder, He turned around quickly and knocked my drink all over my fifty dollar dress I’d bought just for graduation.

“Mother fucker.” He said angrily. I didn’t know what to do. He’d just spilled his alcohol all over me. All I could do was stand there in shock. “Come on.”

He grabbed my wrist and took me to one of the bedrooms. This was Brian Haner’s party. His parents were loaded so it was sort of a given that we would have the party here. Not to mention, they were okay with the party. They had even bought the alcohol.

Matt ran into the bathroom and came back in with a towel. He tossed it at me.

“Wipe yourself up, you’re all wet.” He explained, as if I didn’t already know.

I did a crappy job of wiping myself, on purpose. He groaned as he looked at my still soaking chest.

“Let me try.” He said, taking the towel from me and wiping them over my breasts.

My body tensed at the feeling of him touching me. It had never felt so good.

“Hey Matt, where’s Valary?” I asked him, gripping his wrist.

I knew by now that Zack would have put our little plan into action. Matt looked out of the bedroom. His face went from being slightly buzzed from the alcohol, to being completely angry. In order to keep him from ruining everything, I had to bring him back a notch.

“Wait Matt.” I pulled him back and shut the door quickly. He looked at me surprisingly. “You should get even with that bitch, she shouldn’t treat you like that.”

He looked at me with his deep hazel eyes. “You’re right. I’m going to have to find someone that would be willing to kiss me in front of her.” He paced the room.

“I would.” I said, raising my hand slightly. “I would even dare to go a few steps farther.

He stopped in his tracks and stared at me oddly. “What do you-“

I don’t know if it was the alcohol, or the sudden desperation to feel him, but I grabbed him by his loose tie and pulled him in so his lips were tightly pressed against mine. He opened his mouth at the same time I had so we could pull each other closer. He stopped being surprised by the kiss and began to enjoy it with me. After four years of wishing for this, it was finally coming true.

“Haley, I didn’t know you still felt this way after all this time.” He looked genuinely shocked.

“I’ve always felt this way for you.”

He kissed me again, this time it was full of more passion. He pushed me back onto the bed and he climbed over me. He breathed hard on my neck as he began to slowly plant gentle kisses on it. He was helping me live my dream. Everything was perfect.

“I don’t know if I should be doing this Haley. I really don’t, what about Val? I feel like I should be hurt or, going to beat that asshole that’s kissing her.” Matt said, trying to get off me.

I held him there firmly, looking straight into his eyes. “Matt, I’m not going to give you up now that I have you. Please, stay with me, and deal with her in the morning.” I gave him another tender kiss, incase he needed reminding of where he should be.

That night, Matt took a part of me that no other man could ever have. In all my life I never thought anyone else would have been suitable for it anyway. I was glad he had it, and I didn’t even want it back.

In the morning, I woke up with his arms wrapped around me. I took in his scent, which for morning, was pretty good. He kissed my forehead and lifted my face to his with his thumb.

“Haley.” He whispered, pushing a strand of my brown hair behind my ear. He cupped my face in his hands. “I love you.” My eyes watered with his words. There was no way this could be alcohol induced either. He really did love me. “After seeing what Val did last night, I know that I can do better and I need to move on. Will you be mine?”

“Of course I will.”

Why hadn’t Zack and I done this sooner?
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all liked it! Again, for this Contest

Please leave me comments!! Thank you!