The Leastion Chronicles


Running, there’s no other feeling quite like it. The sound of my feet hitting the ground in a steady rhythm, the feel of the earth against my paws and the wind rushing through my fur, the sounds of the night surround me, it’s the one time I get to be alone.
The wind direction changes and there is a new scent. Its unfamiliar, it’s different to anything I’ve encountered before.
I change, my spine stretches as my legs lengthen and my paws change into hands and feet. I stand up and look around, my senses on alert, I’m in the middle of a clearing. Something steps forward, a shadow next to a tree.
“Hello. Who are you?” I ask. The shadow laughs. “Answer me!” I almost snarl.
“Easy, Pup.” they laugh again. “My name is Leopold. Leo for short.” the shadow takes another step forward into the clearing. I can see them clearly now, it’s a man, well a teenager most likely. He is dressed in black jeans that hug him tightly, and no shirt. He has the build of an athlete, tall, lean, and strong. He has medium brown hair and clear blue-green eyes.
“What are you?” I ask warily, wondering why he hadn't either tried to kill me or started running and screaming in the opposite direction, he had to have seen me change.
“I’m different.” he said shrugging his shoulders. “Now its your turn. Who are you?” he asked stepping closer, I quickly stepped back. “No need to be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to know who you are.” he said calmly stepping back a bit.
“My name is Sebastian, Seb for short. You’re not human are you? You’re like me but not the same.” I said, unsure why I told him my name and confused about what he is.
“Seb, you’re correct I am not human and I’m not a were-wolf, I’m a vampire.” he said, this time it was me who stepped forward.
“I’ve never seen a vampire before.” I said stepping closer. Curiosity got the better of me and with out thinking I reached out and touched the side of his face. He gasped and then lent into the touch.
“Your hand is so warm” he said. I couldn't help but smile.
“I’m a were-wolf.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “Our body temp tends to run high.”
I suddenly remembered that this was a man– vampire-that I didn't know, I pulled my hand back.
Leo made a noise of protest at the loss of contact. And I chuckled. I found myself liking and trusting this Vampire even though I had just met him.
“Why are you staring at me?” Leo asked me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
“Sorry. I didn't realise I was.” I said to him looking at the ground.
I felt his hand under my chin, I slowly looked up at him and he looks nervous but he is still smiling, so I smile back. He seems to make up his mind about something, but before I can ask his lips are on mine.
Its just a quick kiss, he pulls back and looks at me, for a moment I’m actually afraid, not of him, but that he might leave or that all this is a dream.
“I’m sorry.” he says and turns away.
“Don’t go.” I say, grabbing his hand. Before he has time to react I kiss him. I can feel his shock as his body goes rigid for a second but then relaxes. And he's kissing me back. The kiss is gentle at first, both of us scared and not wanting to be the first to strengthen the kiss, but something changes, its like a part of me is released and for a moment I am both man and wolf.
I run my tongue along his bottom lip and bite it gently, he gasps and I use the moment to slip my tongue into his mouth, he tastes of coffee and herbs, I run my tongue over his teeth, I can feel his fangs, sharp and perfect, I explore his mouth slowly before entwining our tongues together, we battle for dominance, and he wins. It’s now he who controls the kiss, I feel the rough bark of a tree bite into my back, Leos hands feel as though they are everywhere at once, his nails lightly rake over my chest, brushing my nipples in such away that I cant do anything but moan into his mouth. Leo breaks the kiss only to start marking my neck, liking, kissing, bitting and sucking his way down my neck, he finds a sensitive spot, the hollow where my shoulder and neck meet. Here he bites down hard enough to draw blood, he sucks at the mark until its dark purple, when I drag him up greedily for another kiss, I can taste my blood on his lips and it’s so erotic that my eyes roll into the back of my head, my hands digging into his shoulder.
“Fuck me!!!” I moan, I’m completely and totally at his mercy.
Breaking the attack on my neck he grins at me wickedly, “oh I intend to, Pup.”
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ok so i'm new and i real would love it if someone would comment, espeially if its advie on how to improve my writting.
i would also love to give a shout out to a good friend of mine Miss Becca Arrington for getting me on to this site. this story is definately dedicated to her.
thanks Finney :)