The Leastion Chronicles


I like the night, the solitude, and the stars. I'm a creature of night, I’m a vampire. To me there is only one thing better then roaming the world at night and that’s roaming the world at night with my best friend in this, or any other, world, Sebastian, who happens to be a were-wolf. That’s were I’m going now, to Sebastian's house, but something feels wrong.
I smell it before I see or hear it, smoke, then I can hear the crackle of flames, a sound that my kind dreads hearing, fire is death to us. I break into a run and as I round the corner I see something that will stay with me for the rest of my life, Seb's house is on fire, people are standing around watching it and I can hear sirens in the distance but I know they won’t get here in time. I rush into the house, not caring for my life at that moment, only feeling the overwhelming need to make Seb safe. I run to his room and find him barley conscious on the floor, coughing.
“Hang on Seb, I got you.” I say to him as I pick him up.
“Leo, get out. You’ll die if you stay.” he mutters weakly.
“your coming with me Seb, I’ll come back for the others.” he shakes his head, but passes out before he can protest, I run him outside as quick as I can. Everyone starts to crowd around, I make sure Seb is breathing alright before I go back inside, leaving him with the onlookers.
It’s so hot inside the house, and there are flames everywhere, but I have to try to get Seb's parents out. I go as quickly as I can to their room but it’s too late.
I hear the sound of groaning wood and realise that the roof is about to collapse, I run as fast as I can, trying to get out before the roof gives way, I almost make it but only about a metre from the door the roof caves in, trapping me under it, I feel the flames start to work on me and I thankfully pass out.
I wake up in hospital five days later, someone is holding my hand, I move slightly trying to see them but it hurts, I let out a small groan.
“Leo. You’re awake, thank god. I thought I’d lost you.” it’s Seb. He is dressed in black and he looks tired.
“Seb,” I groan, “what happened?” he looks at me and presses a button on the wall.
“I’ll explain everything but first lets make sure your ok.” he says as a nurse and doctor enter the room.
They checked me over thoroughly, said it was a miracle I survived and healed so quickly. Let them have their miracle I thought, trying not to smile. It was decided that I could be released but only because Seb said that he would stay with me and take care of me.
Seb told me what happened as we were driving home. I got the sense he was angry but didn't say anything.
The tension and feeling of anger and annoyance grew over the next few days as I got better, my body healing itself quicker then any humans.
Finally I couldn't stand it any more.
“Seb, what's wrong?” I asked him one night while we were watching TV.
“Nothing is wrong Leo” he replied coldly.
“Don't lie to me Seb, I know something is wrong, you seem as though you’re angry at me.” I said almost timidly.
“Why would I be angry at you, what possible reason could I have for that?” he asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“If I have done something to anger you please tell me, so that I can make amends.” I told him, my voice pleading.
“Alright then, you are completely selfish.” he all but yells at me, jumping up off the lounge.
“How am I selfish?” I ask, also standing up try g to control the wave of anger and hurt that was crashing over me.
“You risked your life! That’s how. You walked into danger again without any thought as to how that makes me feel!” he screams.
I open my mouth to say something but stop as his words sink in.
“How you feel?”
“Yes how I feel, you dickhead.” he glares at me.
“Why does it bother you if I live or die?” I ask, wondering what he meant.
“Because you’re my best friend, my brother, the stupid idiot I have feelings for.” the last part is said so softly that even my vampire hearing couldn't quite make it out.
“What?” I ask stepping closer.
Seb groaned and walked up to me, so he was right in front of me. Before I realised what was happening he had leaned up and kissed me full on the mouth, it was nothing more then a quick brush of the lips, but I suddenly understood everything.
“I said I have feelings for you, dickhead, feelings that go beyond friendship and it would kill me to lose you.” Seb almost whispered the last part.
“Oh, Seb.” I sighed.
“I guess I should go.’ he says and turns to pick up his things. But I block his path.
“Don't leave Seb. I wish I had known how I was hurting you. That was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Seb I love you, I have since we first met, and I know that sounds cheesy but it’s the truth.” with that I lean down and kiss him back. I feel his arms slide around my neck, deepening the kiss, I feel my fangs slide out and lightly pierce his bottom lip, I lick away the small bead of blood that appears. His lips part in response and I slip my tongue into his mouth, tasting him, his mouth is like honey, I run my tongue over the roof of his mouth causing him to shudder, I slowly start to suck on his tongue, drawing it into my mouth. I start to unbutton his shirt, sliding my hands under it, and ghosting them over his bare skin, he starts to take my shirt off, breaking the kiss to lift it over my head. He starts to suck at my neck, hard enough that I know there will be marks in the morning, I roll my head back, allowing him better access before pulling him up to hungrily kiss his mouth again, slowly walking backwards until the back of my legs hit the lounge. Seb gently pushes me down onto the lounge, he straddles my hips, leaning over me he looks me in the.
“Don't ever risk your life for mine again, I can’t live with out you.” I can hear the slight tremble of emotion in his voice.
“I can’t promise you that because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you Seb.” I tell him honestly not bothering to try and hide the emotion in my voice.
Seb leans down and gentle kisses me.
“I love you, Leo.”
“And I love you, Seb.”
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ok so i'm just updating most of the chapters i have written for this thing. Running and Fire were my first ever shots at slash so i don't think there that great, so one again any constructive critisim is greatly appreciated