The Leastion Chronicles

Music Room

~Zandra’s POV~
I walked into the music room at midnight to be greeted with the site of Seb, a friend and fellow musician, sitting on a table with his knees drawn up to his chest, hugging them and his head resting on his arms.
“Seb? What's wrong?” I ask, walking over to him.
“Zandra!” he said, looking up clearly startled, there was a bruise on his cheek, but it was fading fast. “Nothing’s wrong.” he lied.
“Seb I can tell you’ve been crying and you have a bruise on your cheek, so something's obviously wrong. You can tell me.” he looked up at me, and in that moment I was reminded of how much of a pup he really was.
“It’s nothing really, just something this new guy said.” he told me, wiping away tears.
“What did he say?’ I asked both concerned about Seb and slightly pissed that someone had hit one of my best friends and said something to upset them. ‘Come on seb don't make me use telepathy on you.” I fake threatened, making him laugh a little.
“He made some comment about how all vampires are blood thirsty killers, and when I defended them he said it was only because I was screwing one, and said I was a traitor. I asked him what he meant, he told me I was a traitor for having feelings, friendship or otherwise, with anyone who wasn’t a wolf. He said that you and Leo probably glamoured me into liking you and that Carla had put some sort of spell on me.” seb said, stopping to draw breath before continuing. “And when I argued he and his friends started to call me names and they said a some really nasty things about you, Carla and Leo too.” fresh tears started falling as he spoke, and I lent forward and wiped them away.
“what about the bruise?” I asked gentleness masking the anger in my tone.
“one of my so called friends decided that I needed a physical mark to help what they were saying sink in.” he spat.
“Thank you for telling me Seb. I want you to know that I am your friend and I honestly don't give a rats arse what any one thinks, you aren’t the traitor, that guy is and he is going to cop it big time.” I said almost growling the last part. Seb looked at me worriedly.
“You can’t do anything about it Zandra, he’s a wolf like me, but I could tell he was strong.”
“I don't care I’m a witch-wolf who was turned, and I still have all my powers and added abilities, I’ll show him how bloodthirsty we can be. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.” I snarled, my eyes snapping and fangs extending slightly.
“sorry.” I said retracting my fangs when I noticed that Seb looked a little afraid. I turned to leave the music room.
“Don't leave just yet. Please.” I looked at him and he looked so vulnerable.
“I’ll be back soon, ok.” I said as I turned back to the door.
I heard him whisper, “Ok” as I left.
Once outside in the night air I focused my abilities on finding the two people I wanted.
I headed for the closest one, Carla, my best friend since we were children, she was a elemental-witch.
“Carla!” I called. She spun around to face me, and in doing so managed to throw the fire spell she was working on, at me.
“Sorry Zandra!” she exclaimed running over to me, as I patted out the fire on my arm.
“Carla we have a problem, some new guy has been picking on Seb, and some of his so called friends got involved.”
“What! Is he ok?” she asked, genuine shock and concern flooding her dark brown eyes.
“Yeah he's a bit better now, he's up in the music room, and can you go up and sit with him until I get back?” I ask her.
“yeah, sure.” She said nodding.
“thanks, I’m going to go find Leo.” I told her walking off.
I was furious, how could someone be so cruel to Seb?
“Leo!” I called spotting the vampire. Leo was almost the exact opposite to Seb, its one of the reasons they where so close. While Seb was all gold and blue light, with his sandy blond hair, beautiful medium blue eyes and slightly pale skin, Leo was all dark and shadows, with medium-dark brown hair, tanned skin and dark crystal blue-green eyes. Seb was shy and normally polite, unless you annoyed him, Leo on the other hand was outgoing and had a habit of being an annoying jerk. The balanced each other well.
“hey Zandra!” I was broken out of my thoughts by Leo’s greeting.
“we have a problem.” I said as soon as I got close enough to him for him to hear with out me yelling.
“What's wrong?” he asked going from joking to serious in a split second when he saw the look on my face.
“It’s Seb. Come with me and I’ll explain on the way.” He nodded and together we set off to the music room.
~Carla’s POV~
I couldn’t believe this people that Seb had called his friends, which meant they where probably friends of mine had started making fun of him. How dare they.
Seb, Leo, Zandra and I hadn’t always been friends. When we all had started here Seb and Leo had been best friends as had Zandra and I, Zandra and Leo hated each other but she had gotten along ok with Seb, for me it was the other way around. But over the years we got to know each other better and had become friends, we formed a tight group and looked out for one another.
I arrived at the music room door and knocked quietly before opening it.
“hey Seb.” I said walking in.
“oh. Hey Carla, I thought it might have Zandra.” He said smiling slightly. One look at him told me that he had been crying so I knew that whatever they had said to him had to have been bad.
“Zandra's trying to find Leo she should be here soon.” I told him walking over and sitting down beside him.
“ok. Did she ask you to come and baby sit me?” he asked a hint of bitterness and annoyance in his voice.
“she asked if I would I come up here and keep you company. Seb, she was worried about you is all, you’ve heard her say you remind her of the little brother she used to have. Besides she was also worried that those dickheads might have come back.” I told him trying to sound gentle.
He looked at me nervously. “oh. Sorry.” He said slightly sheepish.
“that’s ok I told him giving him a one armed hug.”
The door opened.
“isn’t that touching.” Zandra laughed as she entered the room, Leo right behind her.
“hey Carla. Seb are you ok, Zandra told me what happened.” Leo said crossing over to where Seb and I sat, he sat down on the other side of Seb, carefully turning Seb's head to see the bruise on his cheek. Zandra pulled over a chair and sat down in front of us.
“Seb I want you to tell me who it was that said those things to you.” Zandra said. Seb's eyes widened as he looked at her.
“you have to be kidding, I told you Zandra he’s powerful.” Seb seemed to plead.
“Seb you don’t have to worry, he won’t be able to speak when I'm done with him.” Zandra told him but I could see Seb was worried about something else entirely.
“Seb, What is it that you’re worried about?” I asked him.
“look, I know you guys are powerful as well but this guy, he was really strong. I could tell just by looking at him, and I don’t want any of you getting hurt just because some dickhead said something that hurt my feelings.” He said looking around at the three of us.
“Seb, none of us are going to get hurt. Ok.” I told him. He nodded.
“besides, only Carla and I will be going.” Zandra said, I looked at her and nodded my agreement.
“now hang on a second. Why just the two of you?” Leo asked looking slightly annoyed.
“because Leo, I know just how much you care about Seb,” Zandra told him, I noticed him colour slightly and had to stifle a laugh. “And how easily you can be insulted. And, quite frankly, I don’t want the poor guys throat ripped out, I only want to make sure he understands to not come near any of us or speak to any of us, especially Seb, ever again.” Zandra replied matching Leo’s gaze. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife, ancient vampire against not-so-ancient-but-still-damn-powerful vampire, not a good thing.
“fine.” Leo said backing down.
“Seb what was their name and what did they look like?” Zandra asked, there was something in her eyes that told me that whoever he was the person who hurt Seb would be sorry.
“his name was Jeremy, he’s tall has green eyes and reddish-brown hair.” He said still hesitant but he seemed to realise that we weren’t going to let it go.
“thanks Seb, we shouldn’t be to long.” I said to him, and with that Zandra and I left.
It didn’t take us to long to find the guy; he was surrounded by all his friends. They immediately stopped what they were doing when we approached them.
“that’s the guy, there in the middle. And the one next to him is the one that hit Seb, he’s broadcasting it loud and clear.” I said to Zandra, my voice had lowered slightly and my words had a slight fire behind them.
“yep, I can hear him as well.” Was all she said. I looked over to her and saw that her fangs had extended slightly and there was a dark violet tinge to her normally green eyes and I knew mine would be doing the same, only gold not violet, it was the sign of our powers coming to the surface.
“who are you and what do you want?” the guy, Jeremy asked.
“friends of someone you and your mate here hurt.” I said.
“as for what we want, we want you to stay away from our friends.” Zandra hissed at them letting them see her fangs.
They all stepped back excepts for the two in the middle, they laughed.
“what do you know, I think we just got threatened by a vamp.” The other one said, he was about the same height as Jeremy and everything about him screamed were-wolf.
“I think we have, matt. But what I want to know why a pretty, young witch is hanging around with a vamp.” He addressed the last part to me.
“I’m not hanging around with a vamp I'm hanging around with a friend.” I snarled.
“a friend? You call a murderous, blood thirsty bitch your friend?” he asked me, sounding incredulous.
“watch it.” I warned.
“now that you mention it I am a bit hungry.” Zandra said licking her lips, fangs sliding out further.
The guy who hit Seb, Matt, stepped back and Jeremy flinched.
“you cant threaten us.” He said, he had obviously lost some of his confidence.
“but we aren’t threatening you, are we Zandra?” I asked with mock concern and innocence.
“no we aren’t. you see, I don’t make threats, I make promises and right now I am promising you that if you ever do anything to hurt one of my friends again either physically or otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your miserable excuse of a life. Do you understand me?” Zandra asked getting right up in his face.
He had no choice but to nod in agreement.
“good” she said. I tried not to laugh at the terrified look on his face.
We turned around and started to walk away.
“I think he just about pissed his pants.” I said.
“I know he did.” Zandra laughed.
I laughed along with her.
~Seb’s POV~
I couldn’t believe what a shitty day I was having. How could the people I had considered my friends say things like that to me. The new guy I could kind of understand, he didn’t know how things worked around here. But the thing that hurt the most was the fact that Matt had punched him, it wasn’t the blow itself that had hurt, I was a wolf after all the bruise was almost gone already, what really hurt was that I had trusted Matt.
“hey Seb! Are you ok?” Leo asked me, snapping me back to the present.
“yeah, I was just thinking.” I replied.
“what about?” Leo asked.
I looked at him, wondering if I could tell him the whole story.
“Seb, you know you can trust me.” He said moving so he was standing in front of me. I sighed.
“ok. I was thinking about today, and how someone you trusted could easily turn on you.” I replied looking at my hands as I fiddled with the pick I had picked up off the table.
“what do you mean?” he asked reaching out and grabbing my hands to still them.
“its just that I’ve known Matt almost all my life, we’ve been friends since we were five and for him to suddenly turn around and side with some one he only just met, and to say what he said, well it hurts.” I risked a glance up at him to see how he had reacted to learning that matt had been involved. He didn’t look happy.
“what did he say to you? Was he the one that hit you?” Leo asked, his voice full of anger was as cold as steel. I looked down at my hands again. Not game enough to look up at him I told him something I didn’t think I ever would.
“yes, he did hit me. He called me a cock sucking faggot.” I almost whispered. I could hear Leo’s gasp telling me he had heard what I said. He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted.
“he was like a brother to me, I trusted him with everything. Which is why what he said hurt so much, because he was the first person I told when I realised I was Bi, he was also the only person I told, that I had crush on you.” I rushed out knowing if I didn’t say it now I never would, I started fiddling with the pick again and was looking down at the floor. Leo stood beside me, unmoving, showing no sign of reaction to what I said.
“you have a crush on me?” he asked, I could hear a slight smile in his voice.
“yeah, but Its not like I expect you to return the feeling or anything.” I said hurriedly, growing worried.
“seb…” he started but again I interrupted him.
“don’t worry about it Leo, I shouldn’t have said anything, I’ll leave, tell the girls I said thanks.” I stood up and started to move towards the door, staring down at the ground when a strong hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. Before I could I open my mouth to say anything Leo was kissing me.
~Leo’s POV~
I listened to what Seb was saying in a daze, I couldn’t believe he liked me in that way. He started to walk towards the door with his eyes focused on the ground. Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed his wrist and pulled him close, I could see the confusion and fear in his eyes and decided to put him at ease in the best way I knew how. I kissed him.
When he didn’t react at first I grew afraid that I had misheard or misinterpreted what he had said.
“sorry” I said pulling away, not game enough to look at him.
“don’t be.” Came the some what breathless reply.
My head snapped up and I began to say something but seb silenced me by crushing our lips together.
The kiss was full of lust, love, need and hunger. Seb backed me up against the wall, attacking my mouth with a ferocity I didn’t expect from this quiet and polite boy, but then again I never suspected that he liked me either. He parted my lips with his own, sliding his tongue into my mouth, exploring. He moved his tongue in a way that was full of promises, electing a low moan that he eagerly swallowed.
Something inside me snapped, I wanted to be the one in control. Without a second thought I lifted seb up and he wrapped his legs and arms around me.
Our tongues battled for domince, but we both knew I would win. Seb conceded and granted my tongue entrance to his mouth, I could taste peanut butter and chocolate. I ran the tip of my tongue over his teeth and along the roof of his mouth.
As we hit the desk we broke apart.
“did you have peanut butter on toast with a cup of hot chocolate for breakfast?” I ask him. He looks up at me grinning madly, before kissing me and pulling me on top of him as he fell back on the desk. I smile into the kiss and slowly move down to his neck, sliding my hands under the material of his shirt, scrapping slightly. He casually slides one foot up my leg before locking it around my hips.
~Zandra’s POV~
“I still cant believe what that dickhead did to seb, and matt claimed to be his friend.” I ranted.
“I know, its ridiculous, mean and completely un-friend like.” Carla replied, I knew she was half serious half trying to cheer me up. I smiled at her.
“I hope Leo managed to cheer seb up.” I said, Carla nodded in agreement.
~Carla’s POV~
I was astounded at the idiocy of some people, especially boys. They just didn’t seem to care if they hurt anyone. Poor seb, he was betrayed by one of his best friends.
I knew Zandra well enough to know that behind her mask of indifference she really cared about seb and Leo, especially Seb because he was the youngest and reminded her of her younger brother, she cared about Leo to, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, I knew that deep down she cared.
“c’mon, lets see what the boys are up to.” I said, jumping up the last few steps.
~Leo’s POV~
I sucked on Seb's neck, bitting it lightly, knowing I would leave a mark, but that’s what I wanted. I wanted to mark Seb and make him my own, to warn every one else that from now on if they mess with seb they’re messing with me and will suffer the consequences, no one hurts my seb.
“God.” Seb moaned. Halting my attack on his neck I leaned over him and smirked.
“not quite Pup.” I said winking, I caught the sound he made at that, which may have meant to be a sarcastic snort, with my mouth as I crushed our lips together again.
~Seb’s POV~
I don’t know how, but Leo knew all the right places to bite, lick, kiss and touch to make me squirm, and I loved it.
He kissed me with a bruising intensity, and I knew there would be marks on my neck for days. Because I'm a wolf and am stronger the most he didn’t need to be as careful as he would with a regular mortal.
He had just started bitting my neck again when the door opened and in walked Carla and Zandra. They both stopped in their tracks and I hastily pushed Leo up. Their eyes darted around the room, taking in our shirts on the floor, and our appearance and position.
“uh, hi girls.” I said, at a loss for anything else to say, Leo had turned bright red and I could tell I had as well.
Cara, who looked the most shocked slowly took something out of her pocket and held it out to Zandra, who was currently doing a victory dance that involved her jumping up and down around in circles and basically acting more psycho and way more excited then usual.
“I was right, I knew it. I told you that there was something going on and that they would hook up before the end of June, and on my birthday to. What a present.” She said taking, what I could now see as a fifty dollar note, off Carla. What she said sank in.
“you took bets on whether we would get together?” I yelled.
“its your birthday?” Leo yelled at the same time.
Carla and Zandra looked at each other and burst out laughing. Zandra nodded.
“yes, to both.” She gasped, Leo and I were both dumbfounded.
Carla hugged us both.
“I'm happy the two of you finally saw what we could see from day one.” She said.
“same its about fucking time the two of you got over your manly pride and got together.” Zandra said, bouncing over (she was still excited) she hugged both of us and, to everyone's (including Carla’s) astonishment kissed both of us on the lips. Both her and Carla started laughing again at the look on our faces before turning around and walking out.
“we’ll leave the two of you alone to, um, finish up. But we want details later.” Zandra said mischievously. Then wrapping an arm around one another's waists they walked out, closing the door behind them.
“well, that was…”
“unexpected, weird, humiliating, embarrassing.” I supplied leaning back on the table, pulling Leo with me.
“yeah, Zandra seemed really happy.” He said with a look on his face that told me he would be cornering her and getting answers later.
“I sometimes wonder about those girls.” I stated, Leo nodded and then looked at me with a devilish smirk, his eyes dancing with laughter and love.
“now where were we?” he asked leaning closer.
“right about here.” I said closing the gap between us and smiling into the kiss.
~Zandra and Carla’s POV~
Seeing them kiss we slid down the door and gave each other high fives.
“about fucking time” we said together as we sauntered down the hall.
“Hey Zandra, what do you bet that, with a little bit of meddling, Zane and Mike will get together before the end of the year.”
“hell yeah. I bet you another fifty that they’ll get together sometime in the next three months.”
“you’re on.”
We stopped and shook on it.
♠ ♠ ♠
i've added some new charaters to play around with so let me know what you think.