The Leastion Chronicles


The class was quiet, that was to be expected there were only four people in it. It was last period on a Friday and the teacher had been called away.
Two of the class members were talking away happily in the back corner while the other two sat up the front listening to music.
“hey Zandra, Carla what are you two talking about.” One of the boys asked randomly.
“none of your business, Leo, as usual.” Zandra replied, her tone teasing and mischievous. She turned back to Carla, continuing the conversation.
Carla was a beautiful, young woman with toffee skin, dark brown hair and eyes that almost appeared black, but held a permanent smile and glittered with laughter and warmth. Her companion, Zandra was almost the opposite, with light skin, medium brown hair streaked with light brown and blonde, and green eyes that didn’t always smile and laugh but did, according to some, look mischievous and slightly evil.
“ I bet you anything you like they have dabbled and if they haven’t they soon will.” Zandra said.
“I’m not so sure, they just don’t seem like the type that would dabble.” Carla replied. The two boys sitting up the front paying complete attention to them.
“okay, I’m intrigued.” Seb stated. Leo nodded.
Seb and Leo were as opposite as Zandra and Carla. Seb had light, sandy blond hair, slightly pale skin and sparkling blue eyes that always held a hint of laughter. Leo had medium to dark brown hair, tanned skin and dark crystal blue-green eyes that held sarcasm and interest and on occasion amusement.
“Seb, Leo, can you come here please?” Carla asked. With out another word both boys were out of their seats and over where the two girls were sitting.
“what can we do for you?” Seb asked taking a seat across from Carla as Leo took the one across from Zandra.
“we need you to settle an argument for us.” Carla replied.
“ok, what?” Leo asked, curious.
“well, you see, I think the two of you have either dabbled, thought about dabbling or are going to dabble some time in the near future. And Carla disagrees, she thinks it will take a few more years before you start dabbling.” Zandra said explaining.
“ok, one question. What the hell is dabbling?” Seb asked looking completely confused, Leos expression matching.
“see, they cant have dabbled they don’t even know what dabbling means.” Cara stated, Zandra just groaned and slumped forward hitting her head on the desk.
“just because they don’t get what we mean doesn’t mean they haven’t dabbled. You didn’t know what dabbling was until I explained, and you had done it.” Zandra said, her voice showing she just wanted it to end.
“girls! What the fuck are you talking about?!” Leo yelled.
“before we explain, you have to swear that anything that happens or is said in this room doesn’t leave this room, no one else is to hear anything. You also have to promise to answer this question honestly or I swear I will kill you.” Zandra stated looking both of the boys in the eyes.
“we swear on our lives that anything said or done in this room will not leave this room and to answer all questions honestly.” The boys relied together.
“now the two of you have to do the same.” Leo said.
The girls quickly repeated what the boys had said, it was an oath they had came up with a few years ago when they had first started to become friends, no one ever suspected these four to be friends, especially Zandra and Leo, they seemed to hate each other most of the time, or at least Zandra hated Leo and Leo perpetually pissed off Zandra.
“So, so what’s the problem?” Seb asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.
“have you and Leo ever dabbled or thought about dabbling?” Carla asked, her tone serious.
“once again, what the hell is dabbling?” Seb asked again. Zandra sighed.
“have you and Leo ever; kissed in any way, touched one another intimately, etc. or ever thought about it?” Zandra asked, enjoying their confusion.
“oh, dabbling.” Leo said, and then it seemed to sink in. “wait! You want to know if we what?!” he yelled. Seb burst out laughing as did the two girls.
“don’t have a heart attack Leo. Its just a question.” Zandra said.
“yeah..but…but it’s a personal question.” Leo stuttered, turning red.
The others laughed again.
“god he's adorable sometimes.” Carla said, Zandra and Seb nodded.
“so, have you dabbled?” Zandra asked leaning back in her chair, once again all business and mischief.
“no.” Leo almost yelled.
“really, honestly and truly?” Carla asked, shooting a grin of triumph at Zandra who waved it off.
“so you haven’t dabbled, but have you thought about it?” Zandra asked, looking at seb.
“I'm not answering that, its personal.” Leo, said. Zandra and Carla knew he was hiding something.
“I will.” Said seb. Zandra's eyes were immediately on him, waiting.
Seb shifted slightly, leaning back on the desk.
“like I said we haven’t dabbled, but, I have thought about it.” He said looking all of them in the eyes, noting there expressions. Leo looked slightly shocked and rather smug, Carla looked curious, and Zandra’s face had settled into a mask of self-satisfaction and intrigue.
“I told you so.” Zandra said as Carla handed her a twenty dollar note.
Leo was looking dumbly at seb.
“what?” seb asked him.
“nothing, just wondering why you had thought about dabbling.” Leo replied.
Seb sighed and turned to the girls.
“he doesn’t get it, in the however many years we have known each other he hasn’t suspected a thing.” He said.
“well, this is Leo we are talking about.” Carla said.
“yeah, he's the king of oblivious, you're going to have to explain.” Zandra told seb. Leo was watching like it was a tennis match.
“explain what?” he asked. Seb sighed again.
“Dude, your hot, smart, funny and slightly charming when you want to be. I’m single, Bi and totally attracted.” Seb said, marking things off on his fingers to emphasise his point.
“oh.” Was all Leo could say.
Zandra chuckled before pulling a cherry out of bag that had mysteriously appeared on the table.
“even I could see that seb liked you, Leo, and I don't pay that much attention.” Zandra said, putting the cherry in her mouth before expertly spitting out the seed.
“I have never been able to figure out how you do that.” Leo said, seb and Carla chuckled because they new the answer.
“you never will know Leo, lets just say I have a talented tongue.” Zandra said, winking suggestively. Leo turned red, Zandra and the other two laughed.
“so, Leo, now you know how seb feels, are you going to dabble?” Zandra asked.
“and we’re back to the dabbling.” Carla sighed sarcastically.
Seb chuckled, popping a strawberry in his mouth, which he promptly chocked on at Leos whispered reply of ‘maybe’.
Zandra's eyebrows almost met her hair line and Carla fell off her chair.
“what?” asked seb, still coughing lightly, Zandra patting his back.
“you heard me. I’ve never been game enough to do anything, even though I've thought about it a few times. I want to know what its like, and id like to find out with you.” Leo said, looking at the ground shyly.
“ugh, gag material. Could you be any more sappy?” Zandra said, even though she was smiling slightly.
“shut up Zandra, I thought it was cute.” Carla said, pushing Zandra lightly as she sat back down. Zandra chuckled.
“so are you to going to kiss or what. Hurry up, I want to know how this movie ends before we have to leave.” Zandra said, earning herself a small glare from Leo and a wink from seb.
“eager to watch, are we Zandra?” he asked.
“well the both of us have been waiting for the two of you to get together for ages now. Plus I have a bet going with Carla that the two of you would snog before the end of the lesson, so hurry up and snog in the next ten minutes or I'm out by fifty bucks.” Zandra said jokingly, making little hurry up motions with her hands.
“hey no fair, you cant tell them about the bet.” Carla said, just as Leo and seb closed the last small gap between them.
There lips met, softly and shyly at first, before turning into something more passionate. Leo ran his tongue along Seb's lower lip, begging for entry into his mouth, seb granted it to him immediately, there tongues twisting together, battling for dominance, Leo knew he wouldn’t win, he felt seb slide his tongue over his teeth and along the roof of his mouth before retreating invitingly. It was Leos turn to control the kiss, he slowed the pace, exploring Seb's mouth slowly before pulling away.
“wow. That was,” Leo broke off, lost for words.
“ hot!” Zandra yelled, causing the boys to look at her in surprise. “ what, so I like seeing to decent looking men smooching. Put down to a kink.” at this Carla laughed.
“oh, yeah.” Carla agreed, fanning herself. The boys chuckled.
“glad you enjoyed the show.” Seb said, wrapping an arm around Leos waist, snaking his hand lower, Zandra's eyes following his every movement did not fail to notice Leos….excitement. while it was Carla who noticed that seb was just as eager and excited as Leo, and being the girl she was, she blushed.
“why are you blushing?” Leo asked. Carla giggled. Zandra leaned in and whispered something to both boys, causing them to go bright red.
The bell went, saving the boys from further embarrassment.
“see you two tonight for the movie night still? Or do you want some alone time?” Carla asked, mischievously after hugging both boys goodbye.
“we’ll be there, we just might get distracted at times.” Seb Said, nipping at Leos lip playfully.
“damn, and I was looking forward to some girl time,” Zandra said, teasing. “oh well, at least I get some boy time instead.” She finished winking at the two boys, causing the to, once again, blush. She hugged both of them, laughing.
“you are evil, Zandra. Do you know that?” Leo asked.
“what can I say? It’s a talent.” She replied turning and walking to the door with Carla, missing the tender kiss between Seb and Leo.
The girls began arguing about weather the bet still counted or not after Zandra told the boys about it, still arguing the girls wrapped an arm around each others waist, their hands dangerously, and purposefully, low.
Turning to seb, Leo told him, “sometimes I wonder about those girls.”
“same, but right now I don’t care.” Seb replied, putting both arms around Leo's neck, kissing him as Leo slid his hands down to Seb's waist.
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this has always been one of my favourites i hope you like it to