The Leastion Chronicles


“Zandra I have to go. If I talk for much longer he’ll get suspicious.” Seb said, keeping his voice low so He wont hear. There’s a pause while he waits for Zandra, one of his best friends, to respond.
“alright, miss you to. See you in few hours. Bye.” seb ended the call and slipped his phone back into his jeans pocket before silently re-entering the lounge room, where He was.
The He in question is Seb's best friend, Leo. Noting that Leo hadn't seen or heard him enter, Seb took the opportunity to “examine” (*cough* perv on *cough* ), his friend.
Leo was tall, you could tell even when he was sitting down, he was wearing a pair of faded jeans and an old button down t-shirt opened at the neck. His skin was tanned from spending most of the day in the summer sun. the shirt he was wearing showed off his muscled arms, he wasn't over muscled but had the build of an athlete. But the one feature that never failed to catch Seb's attention had to be his eyes. Leos eyes were a deep, clear green-blue, and always gave Seb the feeling that Leo was starring into his soul, he felt that he could easily lose himself in Leos gaze.
Mentally shaking himself from his thoughts Seb walked over and sat down on the opposite end of the lounge, away from Leo.
“how long are the girls going to be?” Leo asked. He was puzzled as to why Seb had sat so far away from him, in fact he had s been acting weird for the past week or so.
“they should be home in a few hours.” Seb replied, trying to act casual.
Leo just nodded and turned back to the movie they were watching.
Just as the movie was finishing Leos phone went off, signalling that he had a text. After he read he started laughing, seb just looked at him with an eyebrow raised, knowing exactly who the text would be from.
“oh man, Carla and Bethany are so freaking hilarious, and they are major flirts.” Leo said s he replied to the girls in question.
Seb snorted and got up to change the movie. Leo looked at him, noting the sarcastic snort.
“what was that for?” he asked.
“what was what for?”
“that snort.” Leo mimicked the sound and Seb just shrugged.
“its just that you’re calling Bethany and Carla major flirts when you’re just as bad. You always flirt with them.” Seb said there was something in his voice that Leo thought was close to jealousy.
“is that jealousy I hear. Awwww are you jealous, Seb baby? Do you like one of them?” Leo asked teasingly.
“1-its not jealousy its irritation, 2-Fuck no! I'm not jealous of you, and 3-that would just be gross considering I think of the two of them as sisters.” Seb replied listing the things on his fingers. Putting anger into his voice (silently thanking the girls for signing him up to a drama club) in an attempt to cover up just how close Leo was to the truth.
The truth being that Seb was Jealous, just not of Leo, he was jealous of Bethany and Carla. Leo was always flirting with them and giving them attention, not that he could blame him, the two girls were hotter then hot. Carla with her toffee-caramel skin, dark brown hair, warm brown eyes and curvy figure, she was polite, friendly but had one hell of an attitude, when it came to her friends and those she cares about she's worse then a mother grizzly. And Bethany with her slender figure, medium length blonde hair, clear blue eyes and alabaster skin, she was fun loving, out going, protective and loyal. The amount of times they had stuck up for the boys or kicked their arses just wasn't funny.
“whoa, calm down Seb I was only kidding. Leo said clapping him on the shoulder.
“sorry Leo. Just had a tough few days, didn't mean to take it out on you.” Seb said, putting as much truth and sincerity into those words as he could manage.
“that’s okay, I noticed you haven't been yourself for the past week. What's up?” Leo asked and for the first time Seb noticed the concern in his friends eyes.
“nothing, just having a bit of trouble sleeping is all.” Seb quickly lied, well it wasn't far from the truth, he had been having trouble sleeping lately.
“all right. You want to watch another movie?” Leo asked, knowing Seb wasn't telling him something.
Seb nodded and the two sat on the lounge, seb leaning against Leo this time, and Leo with an arm around Seb's shoulders.
The girls got home not long after the movie had started. Leo jumped off the lounge and Gave Zandra a hug while Seb took her bags and put them to the side out of the way.
“how was the flight?” Seb asked as he gave Zandra a hug.
“not bad a slept a bit of the way, but I feel absolutely knackered.” Zandra replied flashing a small smile.
“I’ll take your bags to you’re room.” Seb told her before Leo swooped in to give her another hug and ask her about her trip.
Seb watched them for a moment.
Zandra looked great, well rested, the old jeans and V-neck top she wore revealed her usually lightly tanned skin as a deep bronzy-brown, no doubt from the two weeks spent in Queensland and then another two in Perth, visiting family. Her long hair hung loose around her shoulders for once, and with the way the light hit it you could see all the colours in it, ranging from dark browns to and almost white blonde. Her deep emerald green eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief as she laughed with Leo, Bethany and Carla.
Seb took Zandras' bags to her room and carefully set them down on the floor beside the bed. He was happy she was home, she was basically a sister to him and she was also the only one who knew he had feelings for Leo that went beyond friendship.
“hey Seb.” Zandra said from the door way, startling Seb, who hadn’t heard her approach.
“Jesus Zandra, you almost gave me a heart attack.” Seb laughed.
“sorry. So how have things been while I've been away?” she asked, Seb knew what she meant.
“not so good. I'm not game enough to tell Leo anything in case it ruins our friendship, besides I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me in that way.” Seb said, his eyes downcast.
He felt the bed shift as Zandra sat down and put an arm around him,
“I wouldn't be so sure Seb. I've seen Leo look at you to see if you were watching before he started flirting, I think he might be trying to make you jealous.” Zandra said.
“why would he do that?” Seb asked looking up.
“because he likes you and wants to see if you like him, and making you jealous is the only way he could think of without actually asking you.” Seb looked at her doubtfully.
“I think you need to sleep Zandra, you sound more crazy then usual.” seb said and both of them started to laugh.
“alright, ill see you in the morning Seb.” Zandra said as Seb stood up.
“night Zandra, I'm glad you’re home, I missed you.” Seb said before exiting the room and heading for his own.
A week passed and things settled back into the regular routine now Zandra was back, and Seb found he could avoid Leo easier now. But no matter how much he tried to ignore it, the way he felt about his friend wouldn't go away.
Until finally, at breakfast on Saturday Seb snapped. Leo had been flirting non-stop all morning with Bethany and Carla. it made Seb more jealous then he ever thought possible, until anger took the place of jealousy.
“oh! For fucks sake, would the three of you just stop!” Seb yelled. And everyone stopped and looked at him. Leo, Bethany and Carla all looked shocked, while Zandra just looked worried.
“excuse me?” Carla and Bethany asked in unison.
“you heard me. The three of you cant keep your hands off each other. Its making me sick.” Seb said, trying not to yell.
“Seb what's wrong with you, you’re not normally like this.” Leo said stepping towards his friend.
“what's wrong with me is that I'm sick of being ignored as soon as soon as Bethany or Carla, hell lately even when Zandra enters the room.” Seb had tears in his eyes now, and Leo had anger written across his face.
“seb I think you should…” Zandra started but Seb cut her off.
“No Zandra. Enough’s enough.”
“what the hell Seb?! What do you mean you’re sick of being ignored?” Leo asked struggling to control hi voice.
“I'm talking about you ignoring me as soon as one of the girls enters the room. I'm talking about the constant flirting that’s going on between you.”
“I'm not the one that’s spent every moment possible out of the house or in my room for the past week. I feel like your avoiding me.” Leo said his voice full of anger and insecurity. He couldn't believe he and Seb were having a fight.
“I have been avoiding you!” Seb yelled.
“why?!” Leo yelled back, stepping closer to Seb.
Seb groaned.
“because I cant control the way I fucking feel about you, and it damn near kills me every time I see you flirting with someone else. Because I know that you wouldn't even spare me a second glance.” Seb yelled and then realising what he had just said he bolted out of the kitchen, they heard the door to his bedroom slam and Music started to filter down to the kitchen.
“What was that about?” Bethany asked.
“yeah I haven't seen Seb like that before, I don't think I’ve even heard him raise his voice.” Carla said, looking first at Leo he seemed to be in a state of shock, and then at Zandra who looked murderous.
“uh, time to go Bethany.” Carla said grabbing Bethany and pulling her out of the kitchen. Both girls know that they didn't want to be around when Zandra exploded.
“you arrogant, self centred prick.” Zandra said to Leo, her voice cold.
“what did I do. It was Seb who started it.” Leo said, still slightly shocked.
“don't blame this on him, if you had been paying more attention to him instead of flirting with everything that moves you would have noticed he likes you.” Zandra said, her tone holding a hint of annoyance and rage.
“wait. What do you mean he likes me?” Leo asked. Zandra slapped him up the side of the head.
“for reasons unknown to me Seb loves you.” Zandra said her voice softer. She wasn't sure what reaction she had been expecting but this wasn't it. Leos face lit up, and he began to grin uncontrollably.
“Leo?” Zandra questioned. Leos response was to grab her and spin her round and then plant a kiss on her before bolting out of the room.
He ran to Seb's room taking the stairs two at a time. He burst into the room without knocking and pounced on the unsuspecting Seb, Who had been sitting cross-legged on his bed.
“Leo what the……” Seb started before Leo cut him off with a deep kiss conveying everything he felt for Seb, lust, passion and above all love.
As he broke the kiss and looked down into a slightly dazed but deliriously happy Seb's face he said the first words that came to mind.
“I knew you were jealous.” before reclaiming Seb's mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this introduces Bethany. she is based on a friend like all my other characters are. i hope you like her, you will be seeing more of her in later chapters.