

i walked into the cafeteria, our temporary hopsital, and almost walked back out. there had been other busses that arrived while i was asleep, and they had fared worse than mine. kids needed stitches, splints, and many other forms of medical help, before they would even begin to feel better. and in the middle of it all were brigid and ashley, my two favorite people that couldn't kill a wolf with its own dew claw, or some other odd weapon. sighing at how screwed up my thoughts seemed, i waited for them to notice me.
after all of 30 seconds, both of them ran over and tackle hugged me. all three of us were laughing and smiling and hugging, even in the middle of this hell. thats what i loved about them. we are the same age, though they are older by a few months. At 17 they are probably the youngest healers ever. both are thin, and very pretty. their brillinat blue eyes shine, even in the worst circumstances. the only way to tell them apart is their hair. ashley keeps her's very long, to the middle of her back, while brigid's is a pixie cut. i always envied their hair, becasue its a deep brown with red highlights that are always visible, unless its nearly dark.
we talked for a few more minutes, but they had to help people and get back to work. something of my talk with andrew must have been showing in my eyes, becasue they kept giving me and each other looks, silently telling me that when they were free i was going to tell that exactly what was up or they would tear it out of me. they weren't fighters, but not because they couldn't handle it. no, they were as tough as my team, more so, maybe. they weren't fighters becasue they could heal. they knew how to handle the tools, and how to keep their patients comfortable, even during the most painful procedure.
i walked around, talking to people, comforting them and just generally being around. Andrew was right. the kid from my bus looked up to me, and it was a veiw that was quickly spreading. i wondered at why i seemed so amazing, but then i remembered that those kids had known the kids , or possibly even had family, on the other bus. and they all heard me say we lost half out team. but i hadn't cried, or really showed much emotion. so maybe it was that. or maybe they just needed to know someone would fight.
i suddenly realized that shelby was right. i needed people, and they had proven themselves. i was gonna have to talk to them, and figure out who wanted to join. later though, right now i had to get out of there. i couldn't bear to see people in pain.
as i was walking out brigid tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a look that said i coudn't hide from either of them. great, so they were going to hunt me down to find out what happpened. i just smiled and winked at her, knowing it would drive her mad. then i walked out and went to find andrew. he was the first person in my team that had any say on who would be accepted, and who would not. he could also convice the others to go along with my idea, if he thought it was a good one. i needed to talk to him about my idea, and i really hoped he would agree.