Status: Just Started. Will update when I am bored/have time.

Lyrics of Love

Lyrics of Love: ♪Damn You Look Good & I'm Drunk♫

Even though Kyle and I weren't allowed to have parties while Lyric was staying over, I was still invited to one on Saturday. But, technically it wasn't Kyle's party, it was his best friend, Drew's party. Drew was sort of my friend, we didn't talk as much Kyle and he did though.

Anyway, I was over at Kyle's house, drinking some punch when I saw Lyric come out. Her hair was wet and she was drying it with a small pink towel, she looked surprised. I thought of talking to her then, but I also decided against it, while I debated the pros and cons in my head, I saw Drew go over to Lyric.

"Hey there hottie." he said.

"What do you want, Drew?" she asked.

I didn't know they knew each other, until now that is.

"Why don't you join the party? You wanna dance?"

"No thanks."

Lyric was about to go, but Drew grabbed her hand back.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." he continued.

"I said no thanks!"

Drew pulled her close to him and I saw his eyes search her. I felt weird seeing all this, I felt like I should do something, but still I did nothing, but just watch.

"Damn, you look good." he said.

"You're drunk." she replied.

"Well, that I am."

Drew leaned forward and tried to kiss Lyric, but she pulled away and ran upstairs. I don't know why, but I followed her. Lyric had run into the upstairs bathroom and I could hear her crying in there. I had no idea why, she should be happy that at least someone likes her. Lyric had no friends or boyfriend, she was a loner and I sometimes felt sorry for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: This chapter was a short one and it ended weirdly, I know. It wasn't the best chapter. Hopefully the others will be better and a little longer. But, until then, I'll see ya:)

BTW: Avery, Lyric, & Kyle are 15 years old & Drew's 17, but still has a "thing" for Lyric.
& all the chs. will be in Avery's POV.