Status: the story is just beginning...

Rookie Fangs

chapter 1: blood of a Arlingt.

The sword swings down, like a guillotine, and tears the flesh open, leaving the perfect entrance for maggots to enter the body when the body falls into the grave...
Standing out in the open, with his rapier in hand, Dante walked towards the Panzer tank which was firing upon an allied group of special operations soldiers. One of the foot soldiers escorting the tank saw Dante out of the corner of their eye and laughed. "Was ist das?" the soldier fired a few shots at Dante. It didn't seem to even affect him. "Die Hölle?!" The German took out an M60 and opened fire, eventually emptying an entire clip. Every bullet that hit Dante and had made a hole through his body, healed instantly. "Was das Bumsen Sie sind?!" the soldier climbed up to the top of the tank, opened the hatch and ordered the tank to fire at Dante. "nehmen Sie dieses Dämon!" and the tank fired a shot straight through Dante's chest. Again the hole that was made was healed instantly, though not the clothes. Dante's chest was bare and at that time those German soldiers finally knew what he was. A vampire.

The blood tattoo on Dante's chest symbolized him as a vampire. a small pentagram with an "X" shape under it. But the Germans realized this too late. With one swing of his sword, Dante cut the Panzer right in two. The tank exploded after. Dante had hit one of the cartridges and it exploded which also ignited the fuel chamber that had been split open. Only one soldier had escaped. Dante pointed at it and out of nowhere it seemed, another vampire jumped the soldier and snapped his neck like a bird.

"Good job Kain. That's one less axis force we have to worry about." Dante said to the other vampire, who happened to be his son. Not his true son. Not birthed from a female, but a young boy whom he had turned into a vampire a few years back. Kain was his name. He was only 27 years old at the time, born in 1919 and turned to a vampire in 1937 at the age of 18.

"Dante... What's that?" Kain asked, pointing towards a figure towards the north. It was a man. One man with a piece of wood in his hand and a small leather book in the other. Dressed in a scratched up, brown duster and hat. The man had gray hair and wore strange looking, colored spectacles. "What a strange old man. I wonder why the hell he is out here."

"Dante, get back. That man is an Arlingt." Dante put his hand out and stepped in front of Kain.

"What? what is an Arlingt?" Kain had a very confused look on his face. He had never heard of an "Arlingt".

"Arlingt is the last name of a family of vampire exterminators." He looked over his shoulder at Kain, his brow furrowed with the slightest hint of fear. "Get back Kain. This man has undoubtedly killed many of our kind, considering the scars upon his flesh and the tears in his coat. You would be no match for him." Kain crawled back against a piece of the tank, pulling the soldier he had killed with him. It had started raining at this point. "I know why you have come. You have come to kill me and my son... Haven't you?" Dante's voice could be heard even over the rain that would have burnt the flesh off the vampires, though they had pulled up hoods over their heads from their cloaks.

"I have, demon... I have come to run this stake that is in my hand, through your never-beating hearts..." The old mans voice was scratchy and deep. He was about forty feet away from Dante when he finally stopped walking. He opened the book he was holding and started chanting something. "oh senior rector is crux crucis ut meus hostilis pectus pectoris quod tego texi tectum is intus him. succurro mihi transporto is diabolus ex unde is venit. tergum ut pits of abyssus quod despero. may vos beatus suus animus per vestri sanctus lux lucis , quod indulgeo him of suus sins... Now die vampire!" He started running at Dante with amazing speed, the cross in his hand pointed straight at the center of Dante's chest. "You're mine vampire!"

"You are gravely mistaken old man..." Dante stepped to the side with just as much speed, and even more grace than the old man and grabbed him by the coat and threw him to the ground. The old man slid back to where he first was. As he got up he took off the coat to reveal just what he was. A werewolf... "So that's how you got so much speed. I should have guessed with the color and texture of your hair. Doesn't matter, I will still kill you." Dante's speed was much greater than the werewolf's. In less than an instant, he was standing in front of the old man, the werewolf's arm in his hand... ripped from its socket.

"You are fast vampire... But not fast enough" The werewolf said, as if his arm was still attached to his body. "Gotcha' hehehe..." Dante's eyes opened in pain. The old man had driven the cross through Dante's stomach. "Now it's your friends turn." He threw Dante aside like a rag doll, and started walking towards Kain.

"Dante!" Kain got up, and bolted straight towards the old man. "You will pay for what you have done!" Kain slashed at the man with his sword but missed every time.

"Good try demon, but not good enough." The old man took Kain's sword and turned it against him, running it straight through his shoulder. Kain fell to the ground and backed up against a piece of the destroyed tank. "now is where you die vampire!" the old man slowly took out the sword and readied it to stab through Kain's heart.

"No you don't..." Kain watched as Dante tore the head off of the wolf man and let the body fall. Blood poured out of the neck on both ends, from the body and from the head. Dante somehow lit the head on fire and incinerated it. An ear piercing shriek came from the burning head before it finally turned into a skull.

"How are you alive?!" Kain stammered. "That old man ran you through! With a wooden spike!" Dante helped Kain up from the ground.

"My son, a vampire can only be killed if we are stabbed in the heart or if our heads are severed from our bodies. The werewolf stabbed me in the chest. He was stupid."