So Break My Graffitied Heart

Chapter One

Alex had her black bandanna pulled tight against her nose and her mouth. Her stunning emerald eyes the only thing that showed. She ran the spray paint can across the brick wall. The harness was tugging that her hips. She looked up and saw that the rope that was connected to her harness was still in a tight knot. She said a silent pray and continued her master piece. She dropped the empty can to the ground below her. It fell a good two minutes before she heard the satisfying sound of metal connecting with cement.

She used her legs to push herself a bit away from the piece she had just finished, just like she wanted. It was her tag a dyeing red rose with its petals falling. She nodded her approval. She scaled the wall and landed on her feet. She undid the rope and broke the old factory’s window. She wriggled her way in and climbed the steps to the roof. She walked out the old rusty door to the roof. She walked slowly, her feet barley making any sound. She was surprised that an alarm didn't go off, but this wasn't unusual for the old factory’s and warehouses in her home of Newark, New Jersey.

She undid the tight professional knot and wrapped the rope up quickly. She looked over the edge and watched the miniscule Jersey night life. She lived a little ways away from the shore and that’s where most people were. She could see the distant lights of the Tweeter center across the water. She wondered what could be going on across the way but didn't dwell on it. She left her perch and headed down the old, rusted, creaky, metal steps that lead to the floor.

Alex wriggled through the same broken window that she entered in. She pulled her hood close and grabbed her bike from the side of the building. She pelted home the left over cans clanking in her bag. The wind ran its cold fingers against her face. She shivered slightly and her feet pedaled harder. She wasn't going to go home, not to the crappy place, not the foster home. Those people were horrid. They treated her like shit.

Alex guessed it was because of her rap sheet. She also thought it was because of her failing marks in every class and her normal activity of detentions and causing trouble. Like she said she didn't look for trouble, trouble found her. She pedaled her way to her friend Matt’s home. His mother always welcoming to her nightly visits. She didn't mind her sleeping over either. She was a caring and understanding mom, who knew what happened whenever Alex went home.

She was close to a second mom and Matt like her first sibling. She loved them like a family and treated them as such. "Hey Alex," Matt greeted. "Hey Matty boy!" Alex dropped her bike and ran up to him to give him a hug. "It’s nice to see you too Alex and don't call me that!" He laughed while hugging her back. "Ditto, but it’s a good nick name!" She whined. "Whatever," was Matt’s response.

"You mind if I stay over tonight?" She asked him with pleading eyes. "You know you are always welcomed!" He laughed guiding her into his home. She laughed, "Yea I know I just wanted to make sure."