So Break My Graffitied Heart

Chapter Two

"Thanks so much Matt," Alex said. "Hey, no problem, come over anytime." Matt leaned against the door as Alex hopped onto her bike. "Hey see you at school tomorrow or tonight," Alex started to pedal away. "Alright see you whenever!" Matt called to her retreating figure. The wind not as strong today tickled her nose, making her sneeze a few times in a row. It was around noon and she needed something to do to pass the rest of the day. She decided that it was time to practice her BMXing.

She positioned her bike so that it was pointing towards the vacated empty pool that the neighborhood kids used. It was a short ride and she was greeted by a few of her friends and a few other kids. "Hey Aid!" She smiled widely. "Hey Al! Sup?" he questioned. She laughed, "Same old same." "Alright then," He laughed. "So you ready for a girl to show you up?" She asked him getting onto her bike and jumping into the bowl. "Yea like you could show the amazing Aiden J. Todd!" He pumped his fist in the air. "I'm sure she could!" A male voice said behind them.

"Seth?" Alex fell from her bike. "The one and only!" The boy shouted running up to her. "Oh my god! Long time no see!!!" She picked herself up and ran into the boys arms. "Yea way too long," he laughed into her hair. "Hey Seth." Aiden sounded truly disappointed to see his old rival. Seth and Aiden had an old rivalry from middle school that hadn't truly past and they were still always trying to out do each other. Alex was told to choose sides once and she refused cheering both of the boys on.

"Hello Aiden," Seth said with a disappointed tone. "So learn anything new from the last time we saw you?" Alex asked still holding the boy around his small waist. "No, I have not. Have you?" He looked down at her. "Yes, Aiden here has been teaching me a few." She pointed towards her black haired friend. "Aaahhh, lovely, lets see what you have learned." Seth let go of Alex and went to retrieve her bike. "Okay show me." Seth handed Alex her bike.

"Okay let’s do this." She hopped on and pedaled off warming up. "First I'll do an easy one," she called. She nosed manualed down the side of the bowl. "Very good, simple, but good." Seth nodded his approval and Aiden beamed. Next Alex made her bike climb the sides picking up speed. She got a steady hold of her handle bars as she went up for a second jump.

She twisted the handle bars in a perfect one eighty. "Nice!!! Perfect X-up!!" Seth cheered. Alex next did a few more simple tricks and then hopped out of the bowl and off of her bike. "Well, well, seems Aiden here has taught you a few decent tricks," Seth stated. "Yea I taught her everything she knows and more," Aiden laughed. Alex checked her black plastic watch on her wrist, 6 o'clock. "Damn it," she muttered. "What is it?" the boys both asked in unison. "If I don't get home quickly, I get no dinner," she said hurriedly. "Oh well in that case, Later!" they both shouted again.