So Break My Graffitied Heart

Chapter Four

"That was a mad coughing fit," the boy said. "Yea, well you get used to it after awhile." "True dat." Alex got up and brushed my ass off. "Yo, got to go." She said walking away. "Whatever, Hey at least give me your name." "Names Alex." Alex walked through door and down the hall. Looking at the lockers as she went passed. There were a few 'Happy Birthday so and so' signs on somebody’s locker. She walked up to it and ripped the posters down.

She was pissed and didn't want anyone to be happy. "Fuck the school, fuck happiness, fuck foster homes!" She cried breaking down. Alex slid down the wall of lockers. Her body began to shake. She pulled her knees up to her chest, and began to sob into them. "Why!?" She cried in between sobs. Her body shook as the sobs wracked her body.

"Stop my heart from beating another beat!" Alex banged her fist on the ceramic tiled floor. "Why, why, why?!" She moved her hands from the floor to her forehead banging the repeatedly. She repeat the question, "Why, why, why?" "Why ask why?" A voice called in front of her.

"What?" she questioned blindly. "I said, 'why ask why?'" the voice retorted. "Who are you might I ask?" Alex looked up. "Gerard Way. Nice to meet 'cha!" he called. "Alex," Alex replied. "Hey you okay? I saw you crying and well heard you crying and just-" "Say no more," Alex put her hand up. "Please I don't need your pity, I've been through hell and back on my own for years and don't need someone like you now."

"Well," he said sounding offended. "Whatever." Alex pushed passed 'Gerard' and walked away. "Well see you around?" Gerard yelled at her retreating figure. She put her hand up and brushed him off. Gerard shrugged and walked away.

"Hey Mikey!" Gerard called. "Hey Gee! Sup bro?" Mikey asked. "Oh nothing, met this real interesting girl in the hallway today. She was really rude..." Gerard stared off. "Hmm, whatever don't let it bother you." Mikey stated. "Yea, I guess you're right," Gerard sighed. "Of course I'm right, I am the smarter brother," Mikey laughed. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," Gerard said rubbing the younger’s head.

Alex walked through the school pissed looking for a girl's bathroom. She walked in and looked into the mirror that hung above one of the sinks. "Terrible," She muttered. She began blotching at her red blotchy eyes. She used the cold water to make it better. She straightened up her make up and replied a thick rim of eyeliner with the pencil she kept in her back pocket. "Well I guess I look decent," She said into the mirror.

She walked to her free period class. It was now eighth period out of the overall eleven periods. Only three more forty-five minute classes before I get to go party. While entering she dropped her books from shock. There stood the raven haired boy that confronted her earlier. "Oh lord!" she muttered silently under her breath as she retrieved her books from the floor. "Here let me help you with that," a voice muttered while picking up part of Alex's books.

Alex didn't pay attention to the familiarity in the voice. She looked up, "Oh my god!" Alex lost her balance and fell back on her ass. "Oh my god! Are you alright? Alex?" He hovered over her. "Yeah I'm fine," she uttered the words while regaining her balance and rubbing her ass. "Are you sure?" the boy Gerard said. Dude this guys is taking on the characteristic of the annoying helpful type, Alex thought silently in her head. "Dude, what did I tell you earlier?" Alex asked rudely. "Oh, yea, sorry, must've slipped my mind," the boy walked to the back seat next to Alex's normal one.

Alex walked resentfully to the back of the room next to the boy named Gerard. "Oh can't get enough of me can you?" He asked looking over at her cockily. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the untouched homework that lay out before her. She pulled out her blue pen and started to it.