So Break My Graffitied Heart

Chapter 6

The next night

Alex’s' black bandana hugged her mouth and nose. It kept the air she was breathing fresh and free of the fumes the spray paint was producing. She had on an Alesana beanie on. It kept her long hair back as she dragged the can across the brick wall in complex lines that made a perfect picture. The harness tugged at Alex’s hips as it was the only thing keeping her from the ground below. The sounds of the loading docks were all around her.

The smell of the river and the fumes of the spray paint can surrounded her. She finished the basic Anarchy sign she was working on and released the rope that was around the harnesses clip little by little until her feet made a soft "pat" as they hit the ground. She took the harness off and shoved them into the back pack she was carrying. She also shoved in her empty spray paint cans. There was a broken window by the door of the warehouse she was tagging.

She shimmied thought the broken window taking extra care as in to not get scratched by the ragged edges of the broken glass. As soon as Alex stepped foot into the warehouse an alarm sounded.

"Shit!" Alex swore.

She jumped back through the glass window. The jagged edges scraped her hips as she made her way through the window. The cuts stung like hell and the blood seep through her black shirt.

Alex sprinted to her bike and took a running leap onto it. Her legs pumped like hell as she made a fast break. She saw from the corner of her eye the red and blue flashing lights that only meant one thing; the cops. Gravel bits rushed passed her as her wheels tore up the ground. Alex could not get arrested tonight. The bike tires screamed as Alex executed a sharp turn into an abandoned alley way.

She pulled her bike up to the side wall and watched the police cars drive past. The red and blue lights were flashing colors into the alley way where Alex waited. It took a mere 30 seconds for the police car to pass her without a second glance. She waited her heart pounding a few more minutes before exiting her hideout from the police. She looked left and right before fully stepping out of the alleys mouth.

Alex made a clean break from the place and headed towards Buzz’s' house. He lived with his brother who couldn't give a shit about who stays over. Plus he loved her. Well in the big brother loves a little sister way. She didn't bother knocking on the door she just invited herself in. There was no use to knock when the door was always opened any way. "Hey Al." Sal Buzz's older brother greeted. "Sup Sal." Alex responded. Alex went to give the tall boy a hug. "Same old same. Buzz is in the basement." Sal said after giving Alex a hug.

"Thanks." Alex waved and walked down the basement steps. She snuck down quietly and carefully. Buzz was glued in font of his PS2, playing a brain washing video game. Alex took a running leap and jump on his back.

"BOO!" she hollered.

"Hi Al!" he greeted.

"Hello." Alex sat cross legged next to him.

"Mind if I stay the night?"

"Not at all."

"Okay well then it’s settled."


"Holy shit!"


"What’s all that blood from?!"

"Oh that! Well when I was tagging a warehouse I went to go back through the window with a bunch of jagged glass and alarm went off so when I rushed back out the window the jagged pieces cut me. No biggy!"

"No biggy?!"

"Yep no biggy."

"Whatever you say..."

"Hey why are you so worried any way?"

"Because I do actually care about you."

"Oh." "Well thanks." "I need to get changed."

"You know where my clothes are. Oh and you might want to shower too."

"Okay see you."

Alex ran up the steps stumbling a few times. She raced up the basement steps then the second floor steps. Alex fumbled with the door but finally got it open. She grabbed towels and a pair of Buzz’s sweat pants, an oversized t-shirt, boxers, and a pair of socks and rushed to the bathroom. She stripped from her clothes using her shirt to mop up some of the blood on her side.

She turned the shower knob to hot but not so hot. Getting in she washed her body. Alex gasped. The cut hurt when it was touched by water. She finished up her shower. The water left ribbons of red down her body. Alex stepped out and towel dried her body. After dressing in Buzz's boxers and his sweat pants she carefully wrapped her bleeding torso in some gauze and a bunch of band aids.

While slipping on the t-shirt she exited the bathroom. She ran into Buzz in the process.

"Ack!" Alex cried.

"What’s wrong?" Buzz questioned while pulling Alex into him.

"My cut. It’s nothing." She said while looking up at him.

"Is it? I'm sorry." he said.

Buzz leaned in closer to Alex and gave her a kiss full on the lips. Alex's shock turned into quick lust. Their hands raced over each others bodies. Buzz subconsciously made sure not to hit Alex’s cuts as his hands freely roamed. Buzz’s hands slid up Alex’s shirt as Alex had her hands running up Buzz’s shirt. There was a grunt in the background and Buzz and Alex pulled away. They turned around in shock to see Sal standing before them with a disappointed look plastered on his face.

"What are you two doing?" Sal asked.

"Nothing." they replied.