Bang, Goes The Gun


“Hey Caz,” Josh said running up to her in the middle of town.

“Yo,” She said back at him.

“Got any news on Aidan?” He said to her

“Yeah actually, he’s in the hospital. ‘Recovering’.”

“Shit,” he said “Has he said anything to anyone?”

“Can he fuck! He’s in a coma dipshit!” She said

“Whoa, what’s up with you?!” Josh said

“Sorry Josh, I’m just really uptight after what happened,” she said sitting on a bench and rubbing her temples.

“It’s okay. You’ve got to keep it cool Caz. The last thing we want to happen is for us to get found out by the fuzz. Okay?”

“Okay. I’ve got to go and meet Dom. Where are you off to?” She asked him

“I’m going to see Zak, he’s got something I need.” Josh said brushing his hair out of his eyes and walking away.

“Wait!” Caz yelled, he turned around “what is it that you want?” Josh tapped on his nose to say ‘that’s for me to know and for you not to know.’

Josh’s POV

I walked through the town centre towards the town hall and I got funny stares from everyone around me. I got the odd call of


As I walked down the road. Am I fuck emo. I pulled up my bag and looked down at my DC’s… Am I fuck emo…. I had a Bring Me The Horizon shirt on, black skinnies on and a black ‘lowlife’ hoodie on, with an addition of a bullet belt. Am I FUCK emo.

I hurried up to the town hall.

“Orayte Josh.” Rob said smoking on his fag. I grinned and walked over to Zak.

“Rayte dude,” I said to him. “Got it?” I asked

“Yeah Mayte!” He passed me a bag of green and I smiled. I sat next to Zak on the step and pulled out a fag and patted my pockets.

“Shit, anyone got a lighter?”

“I have,” a girl with black hair and a lip ring handed me a lighter and took a swig from a can
of carling. I raised my eyebrow and lit my fag and took a long drag.

“Ahh... I needed that.” I handed her back her lighter and she slipped it into her back pocket.

She didn’t walk away though.

“I’m Effie,” she said

“Effie?” I said “what’s that short for?”

“It’s short for ‘fuck you I’m not telling you my real name’.” She half smiled and took another swig of her beer. “Drink of beer for a drag?” she asked

“Sure,” we swapped and I took a good drink of beer and handed it back to her. There was red lipstick on the fag when she gave it me back.

“Well, I’ll see you around. Josh.” She said raising her eyebrows and walking away.

“Yeah. See ya.” I said under my breath. I looked at Zak who was looking at her.

“She’s fit.” He said “she can’t be from round here. I’ve never seen her before.”

“….me neither.” I said taking my last drag of my fag, putting it out, saying bye to the guys and walking off.