Bang, Goes The Gun

Break Up

Caz’s POV

I watched Josh walk off and I couldn’t help feeling that he was doing things behind my back, but I didn’t give myself much time to think about it. I was late. I hurried along the road the opposite way, occasionally looking back. I was meeting Dom at his bus stop, which I knew quite well.

I picked up my pace as I noticed I was ten minutes late. My grubby converse were hanging on my feet. Really not wanting to be there. I tapped all my pockets to make sure that my phone; ipod and my purse were in there. I grinned.

As I hurried down the empty road I pulled up my studded belt that were not helping my tight but big, grey trousers stay up. I started to slow down as I saw his bus stop.

He wasn’t there.

I had time to rest. I sat on the bench by the bus stop to wait for Dom.

As I sat on the bench… I listened to everything around me. It was so quiet, but I had my worries… that someone was watching me.

I felt so guilty… my brother had no guilt about what we’d done. At all. Guilt and conscience free! I don’t know how he does it. He’d always been the one to get things wrong in my family, not me. I was the good one.

Why has this happened to me?

“Caz?!” Someone yelled. I recognised his voice immediately

“DOM!” I yelled. I ran up to him and hugged him ever so tightly. Like I hadn’t seen him in years.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said

“No worries!” I said, “I was late anyway.” I was beaming.

For some reason, all my fears and doubts went away when Dom was near me.

“How are you?!” I said

“Good I guess,” he said a bit quietly.

“So, where do you wana go? I mean we don’t have long. Only about three hours, but I don’t care as long as I’m with you!” I said really happily.

I love him so much! I pulled on his hand, but he let go and stood still.

“Dom? What’s wrong?” I asked. My heart stood still.

“Caz… we need to talk.” At those words, my heart dropped down to my feet and back up.

“W-why?” I asked

“I think it’s best if we break up.” He said.

Ouch. The bullet hit my heart. I was dead.

“Sorry.” He said.

I froze. I couldn’t speak. All I could do was drop to my knees and cry. I cried. He touched my head and said


I heard him walk off. I’d never felt this way before. He’d ripped my heart out and stamped on it. I sat there crying.

When it began to rain, you couldn’t tell weather it was the tears, or the rain running down my face and making my make up run.