Police Investigation on Cyberbullying

Police Investigation

Police Investigation: Case 2470915
Audrianna Haynes is accused of first degree murder of her brother Aaron Haynes and Involuntary Manslaughter of Danielle Stern.

Diary of Danielle Stern: The victim.
Monday 10-12-09
Today was a good day at school. This boy I like talked to me. I went on Facebook today and accepted a friend request from some girl. I don’t know who she is. What does she want from me?
Tuesday 10-13-09
Today we learned about Cyber bullying in school again. You know that boy I mentioned in school yesterday? I talked to him, the whole time because I’ve learned about Cyber bullying already. I think he may like me. That new friend on Facebook hasn’t said anything to me. That’s a little strange.
Friday 10-16-09
You know the boy I’ve mentioned? His name is Aaron. I have been dating him for a couple of days now. We have another date next week and I’m now his girlfriend. He mentioned something about his sister but I couldn’t understand him. I was excited because I am now Aaron’s girlfriend, but not as excited as I should be. Who is his sister?
Monday 10-19-09
That friend on Facebook started to talk to me today. She said she goes to my school and knows all about me. Is that a threat? I’m starting to get scared. I should have denied the request.
Tuesday 10-20-09
Aaron ignored me today. Something is bothering him. My friend on Facebook started to insult me today. I don’t want my parents to know. I really should have denied the request.
Thursday 10-22-09
Aaron told me he can’t date me anymore. He said it was complicated. I told him I love him still and I always will, no matter how complicated it gets. His response was just a pained look on his face that is constantly replaying in my mind. My Facebook friend insulted me some more. I am really stressed out. I feel like I have 100 pounds of weight on my shoulders trying to make me collapse underneath them.

Friday 10-23-09
A naked picture of me was posted on Facebook last night. I don’t know how it got there. It wasn’t even my body. I cried tears of anger and confusion all last night. I feel my life slowly slipping away from me.
Monday 10-26-09
My mom made me go to school today. I had ducked under the covers, hoping I would be hidden. Hoping I could stay under them forever. But that failed and the next thing I knew, I saw the naked pictures and nasty comments covering my locker. This is getting too hard to bear. How sharp does a knife have to be to kill someone? I should Google that one. It is a matter of life or death.
Friday 10-31-09
It is Halloween. A day that I feel is dark. Filled with hatred as the naked photos and nasty comments fill my head. Then my mind diverts to the knife in my closet. I’m hoping no one will find it. I need it to do my business. I need to kill myself. I will. I’m scared but also brave and I know I need to end this and stop the comments that have been already killing me. I will be the one to put an end to it.

Diary of Audrianna Haynes: The convicted.
Monday 10-12-09
I have found my next target. Her name is Danielle. My brother likes her and I don’t know why. I never liked my brother.
Friday 10-16-09
He asked her out. My brother, Aaron, asked Danielle out on a date. They are a couple now. Danielle is my target. I made her my friend on Facebook. I am supposed to ruin her life. It is my plan and I will get my way.
Thursday 10-22-09
Aaron broke up with Danielle. Crisis averted. I will get my way. I told you that.
Friday 10-23-09
I have been insulting Danielle. It feels great. I used to be the victim, but I’m better than that now. I just posted a naked picture of her online. But it was just a body I found on Google with her face pasted on it. Life is good.

Papers written by Aaron Haynes: The witness and victim.
She’s gone. My twisted sister killed her. Indirectly of course, but I think of it as murder. My sister needs mental help. It all started in the 6th grade when Audrianna got cyber bullied. She has been targeting innocent girls ever since. My sister has cyber bullied about 5 girls since the 7th grade. That’s two years since we’re in the 9th grade now.
I couldn’t stand to date Danielle after I found out about my sister’s plan. It was too hard to look at her. This is all my fault. Danielle’s death I mean. I saw this coming. She was crushed under my sister’s metal fist. A fist clad with insults and naked photos. I saw this coming. I knew. I did not warn her. I did not take her in and console her, but desert her instead. I could have talked her out of it. Could have told someone. Could have talked some sense into her. I may actually be the murderer here.
I don’t know what to do. I can tell on my sister and possibly get her arrested or I can keep quiet. The choice between my sister and my deceased girlfriend. Would you choose to rat out your evil twin sister, or would you defend your dead girlfriend because she can’t?
I want to tell on my sister but I’ll feel guilty…
Later on:
I did it. I told on my sister. I think she is going to be charged with manslaughter. My parents were hysterical. They were crying and looked more stressed out than the time our house almost got foreclosed. My parents have always been troubled by my sister, so deep down I think they are relieved, but I’m not. I think I just made this worse. More worse than I could ever imagine.

If you are reading this, this is Audrianna. I’m about to live a life of crime tomorrow. I’m running from the law and I had to do one more thing. I killed Aaron. I stabbed that Danielle-loving heart of his until I could stab no more. I never loved Aaron. He was always the good one in our parent’s eyes. Now I don’t have to worry about that. I couldn’t have him live on, basking in our parents attention, if I have to run away. This is sort of like a modern Romeo and Juliet… Only better.