Simply Dandy

Chapter 1

The sun is setting, we need to go soon. They will come out of the shadows soon... I keep glancing to the window as the sun continues to sink lower and lower on the horizon.

“Jena? Jenifer, hello? Anyone in there?” My friend asks me waving her gloved hand in front of my face. I manage to draw my attention away from the window long enough to look at her.

“Um, yeah sorry. What were you saying?” I ask her watching the sun from the corner of my eyes.

“We were asking when you were going to tell us what you and your sister are doing all the time at night? You two aren't harlots or anything are you?” She asks worried and I laugh. I can't tell her what I'm really doing, but that is definitely far from it.

“No, were not doing that. Nothing like that.” I tell her still laughing, and try to stop once her face turns to a scowl.

“Then what do you and Jesica do so late at night?!” She yells at me and I shake my head.

“Sorry, but she can't tell you.” My sister says as she walks up next to me putting an arm around my shoulders.

“Why ever so not?!” My friend yelled at her and the two of us laughed.

“Cause it’s our little secret, and not for you to find out about.” My sister says with a wink and a smile as I smile as well.

“That's so mean!” She shouts.

“O well, now Jen are you ready to go?”

“Yeah Jesi, come on lets go.” I tell her as we both glance to the window. “Well this party was fun, but see you guys tomorrow.” I tell my friends and give them brief hugs before Jess and I walk out the door of the house. We start pretty much running down the streets as the sun is slowly disappearing from sight.

“Wait up! I can't run so fast in these heels!” I whine and Jesi sighs stopping.

“Then take them off! At this point we don't even have time to get back to our house! We just have to get to the site before they do and be ready to attack!” Jesi yells at me as she buckles her tan coat over her tan dress.

“I am, I am! Hold your horses!” I yell at her taking off my strap on heels and then tying my gray coat over my purple dress. I stand up and fix my hat before I start to run down the streets with her barefoot.

“Sure is damn cold, not that those blood suckers will notice.” Jesi says in a twisted tone.

“True, I just hope there are some good ones to fight tonight.”

“Same for me, it seems as if they are scared of two female hunters.” She says as we burst out laughing.

“Are you sure this is where it’s supposed to happen?” I asked Jesi as we arrived at the intersection.

“Our contact said that the Dandies are supposed to come here to feed tonight. There's a party nearby or something.” She tells me with a shrug as she pulls a steak out of her dress while I do the same.

“Should we go for that Beckett vamp if we see him this time?” I ask her as the darkness of night starts to set in.

“No, we don't want the same thing to happen as the last time you went after him.” She reminds me.

“I almost had him! I sliced open his back and kicked him in the balls too! If he didn't have so many god damned lackeys I would have had him!” I tell her annoyed.

“That doesn't matter! You almost died!”

“So him and his little body guards threw me through a brick wall or two, that was nothing. I'm okay now aren't I?!” I ask her and she narrows her eyes at me.

“A brick wall or two? It was two brick walls, they snapped one of your legs and one of your arms! Plus you could have died! They only left you there because they thought you were dead!” She yells at me, but I just roll my eyes.

“As if you have any room to talk anyway! Miss-”

“That doesn't matter right now.” She cuts me off and before I can complain she starts talking about Beckett again. “His powers are still too tricky for us anyway, were still somewhat new at this don't forget.” She tells me and then looks me in the eyes. “Promise me something... I know I haven't been the best si-”

“Save it for someone who cares, or for a time that it will actually count.” I cut her off looking around before I feel her arms tightly wrap around me.

“I just have a bad feeling about tonight that's all.” She tells me still hugging me tighter.

“Okay well can I breathe??” I ask her with a strained voice and she loosens her grip on me. “But I know how you feel, I have the same feeling.” I mumble walking towards the center of the intersection.

“They should have been here by now...” Jesi thinks out loud.

“They are never late.”

“Good evening girls.” A sinister voice rings through the air as none other than William Beckett the leader of the Dandies appears directly in front of us.

“Where’s the rest of your “posse” Beckett?” I spit at him and he chuckles.

“Ah, ah, ah, be nice Jenifer, and you too Jesica. I have a proposition for you.”

“Were not interested in anything you have to say unless it’s, 'I surrender' or 'Kill me'.” I spit at him and he smirks while chuckling.

“Not even if I was asking you two to join me, and my men?” He asks politely staring me in the eyes and now it’s our turn to laugh.

“Very funny Beckett, but we would never join you.” I tell him.

“Yeah, over our dead bodies.” Jesi adds and Beckett smirks.

“That can be arranged.” He said with a snap taking a step closer to me, and I take one back. “I presumed you would be dead anyway.” He says with a smile revealing his vampire teeth as the rest of the Dandies that are now surrounding him all laugh and smile, showing their teeth as well.

She's mine!” I heard Brendon Urie, Beckett's right hand man hiss as him and Mike Carden come up on either of Beckett's sides.

“Please Jenifer, join me willingly....” Beckett pleaded me with begging eyes. What the hell? Why would he want us so badly?

“Why should I? You would probably kill us the first chance you get.” I said with anger in my voice.

“No! I could never kill you...Not for anything.” He seems to be telling the truth, but I know better than to believe this low life bastard's tricks.

“Very funny Beckett, lies will get you nowhere though.”

“I'm not lying! I...I lo-”

“Will! You can't tell them that!” Mike interjected cutting him off, leaving Jesi and I with our confused looks.

“Well whatever you were about to say wouldn't change anything anyway. I will not join you.” I tell him and his face turns to sorrow.

“Will you join us?” Brendon asked Jesi all of a sudden.

“Wha-What? No, of course not!” She says to him and Brendon's face turns to sorrow as well. What the hell is with these boys? They should hate us! We've been killing their kind and many them for years now! Why do they want us so badly?

“What, are you poor bastards running low on little minions to order around? Have we wiped out so much of them that you want us on your side, so we won’t kill any more of them?” I ask Beckett with anger clear in my voice.

“No! We just really can't li-”

“Brendon!” Carden cuts him off before he can finish.

“Just shut your mouths and get this started already!” Jesi and I shout at them in unison, but all Brendon and Beckett do is plead us with their eyes.

“Will, drop your glove or take them already. If we don't hurry the other hunters and rival vampires are going to get here.” Carden says to Beckett, but he seems to ignore him. He just keeps looking at me, that creep. Without warning though I find myself in Beckett's arms with I'm staring deeply into my eyes.

“What are you d-!!” I begin to yell before Beckett smashes his cold hard lips down onto mine. I struggle under his grasp punching and kicking him trying to get him to stop, and let go, but nothing is working!

“Beckett let her go! Now!” I hear Jesi yell and I can see her from the corner of my eye as she starts to run at him.

Before she can get to us though Brendon grabs her by the waist and kisses her as well. I gasp from the shock of what is going on, and Beckett takes that as his chance to shove his tongue down my throat. I try to bite his tongue off, but I'm not strong enough. I keep biting and kicking and punching until I finally remember I have a stake in my jacket. I reach my hand in and before he can realize what I'm doing I stab his arm with my stake.

“AGH!!! SHE STAKED ME!!!!” He screams out in pain grabbing his arm and shoving me into the ground. He pulls out the stake and grabs it so tightly it shatters into pieces. I guess Jesi had the same idea as me as her stake shatters and Brendon is grabbing his leg in pain. I try to get up and run to her as fast as I can, but before I could even make half the distance Brendon did the unthinkable. He slapped my sister across the face, and before she had time to react he bit into her neck.

“NO!!!!” I scream out as the color starts to drain from her face. “No! Stop! Take me! Just don't kill her!” I beg out, but no one listens to me they are all looking down the street as hunters and vampires quickly approach.

“Shit!” Beckett hisses and Brendon looks up from his feast with my sister’s blood running down his chin. Her body falls limp to the ground, only being held up by the arm Brendon has in his hand. I look back to Beckett as I see him sliding one of his white gloves off his fingers. He points down the street and then drops his glove.

“How could you....How could you do that to her!!” I start out in a growl that quickly turns to a scream as I run over to Brendon.

“Brendon back to the house, you know what you have to do.” Beckett tells him and just as I make it to where he stands.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!!” I scream out as I fall to my knees.

“Would you like to join her Jen?” Beckett asks me.

“I don't want to be anywhere near any of you! And you have no right to call me that!” I scream out as he approaches me slowly.

“This is going to happen one of two ways. Either you come willingly, or I will take you forcefully.” He says slowly as he walks over and crouches behind me. I slide away from him only to have him come closer.

“I will never go anywhere with you.” I tell him and I hear him sigh.

“I was hoping it wouldn't come to this Jen-”

“Don't call me that!” I yell out as I start to slip another steak out of my jacket and jab it into his other arm.

“Agh! Dammit!” He yells out grabbing the steak and ripping it out before throwing it far away from where we are. He snaps his fingers and four men surround us. “Restrain her!” He yells and they all nod before each grabbing one of my legs or arms.

“Let me go! Let me go now god dammit!!” I yell at them pulling on my limbs.

“Break them.” Beckett says and before I can even say 'What?' immense pain radiates through my body as all of my limbs are shattered by the men holding me. I scream out bloody murder as the pain intensifies. I look at them and notice now that they are all biting me and drinking my blood.

“No! Stop it!” I try to yell as things are starting to get cloudy. I try to speak again, but I realize I can't I look down again and this time I notice Beckett at my neck. He looks to me kissing my neck, but once I see my blood flowing I know he’s not. He looks up quickly and then growls.

“You idiots! You’re not supposed to bite her!! You will drain too much blood!!” He yells at them, and I try to fight back to get out of this, but it’s no use, I can't move any of my limbs. Beckett growls at them again before biting into my neck again. What can I do?! I can't just give up!! I know! My neck isn't broken I can bite him! I lift my head and do just that. I sink my teeth into his neck and that causes him to jerk and let go of me, but I don't let go of him. “Get her off me!” He yells out as hands go to my face to try and pry my off, but I'm not giving up without a fight. I bite harder into his neck and actually break skin as some of his blood flows into my mouth and down my throat. As disgusting as that sounds if it is stopping him, I'm not going to stop. “Get her fucking teeth off of me!!” He yells at them and they jump before ripping my jaw off his neck. I scream again in pain once they let go and I realize they broke my jaw.

“Sorry boss.” They mumble.

“If she's dead you’re all dead!!” Beckett yells at them as I feel two of his fingers go to my neck. “No! No! NO!” He yells out as his face hovers above my mouth and then rest on my chest lightly. “You killed her!!” He screams at them before dropping my limp empty body to the ground. I just barely see him go after the men as he kills them violently. The pain intensifies as I begin to feel dead, and my vision starts to disappear. I try to take in a breath, or move, but fail as I lose to the cold darkness of death as it overcomes me.
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New Dandy story!!!
