Simply Dandy

Chapter 10

“Brendon, wake up.” I said calmly as I just entered the bedroom after my long relaxing shower. I saw him stir on the couch but his eyes were still closed. I let out a sigh and walked over to his unconscious, technically dead, body. “Brendon, wake up.” I repeated and still didn’t get a response. Then I raised my hand and slapped him hard on the cheek.

“Ow!” he yelped with a jump and looked at me in shock. “You’re really abusive, you know that?!” he yelled and I just smiled a sinister smile. “Of course you know that.” He mumbled.

“What did you just say?” I questioned pretending to be angry.

“Nothing, dear.” He said fast with a nervous chuckle.

“Good, now go wash up because we need to be down in the main room in half an hour.” I stated as I walked to my closet and started looking through clothes.

“Says who?” he responded.

“Says William and I.” I said back to him and he just nodded as he walked into the bathroom. As soon as I could hear the shower running and him starting to sing I ran across the room to one of the dressers.

I opened the top drawer and reached far inside to get to the secret compartment. I took out an old ring I once stole from William. He killed half of the Dandies when he found out that it was missing. I wonder what is so important about it. I examined the ring closer and found something that I never noticed before. An engraving. Zachary James Anderson. I feel like I know the name. Someone’s mind probably mentioned it somewhere but that’s all I know.

“What are you looking for?” I heard behind me and I immediately used my numb power to make sure that Brendon didn’t see anything and hid the ring back in the drawer. After I was done I got up and stopped using my power. “What was that for?!” he yelled.

“You startled me.” I said with my hand over my heart.

“I’m so sorry.” He apologized and came over to gave me hug. I let out a breath and hugged him back. “I’m going to go change and I suggest you do the same, alright?” he said and kissed my forehead before leaving. I just nodded and proceeded to the closet.

I just need to search through minds to find out who that Zachary is and why William was so freaked out over the rings “disappearance”. I also need to find Jen and hopefully we’ll figure out how to get out of here together.

Right after I figure out who Mr. Anderson is.

I’ve been trying to ask William about the ring for so long but all he said that it was a really powerful thing and would cause a lot of tragic events if it will end up in the wrong hands. Then again, William had it, so how wrong can you get?

“Are you ready yet?” Brendon asked and I turn around to see him fully dressed. Was I taking that long to think?

“Um, in a minute.” I mumbled and ran into the closet to find a quick outfit.

After I finally changed I hopped to Brendon’s side while trying to put on a pump with one hand and I could hear laughter coming from him. I looked up and gave him the evil eye.

“Don’t even say anything, you gotta admit, that was pretty funny.” He laughed.

“Oh shut up.” I snapped with a frown and stormed out of the room with him on my heel.

“Don’t be snappy with me! You were the one that was late, not me, so you don’t have a right to yell at me, missy!” he yelled and I could hear hysteria in his voice and then both of us just burst out laughing.

“Missy? Really, Brendon, really?” I questioned as I held onto my sides from laughter.

“Well you were late.” He pointed out and I nodded with a smile as I waited for him to catch up with me so we could hold hands.

“So do you know why we’re being gathered in the main room?” I asked looking at him for a second.

“You’re the one that told me about the meeting, remember?” he said and I shook my head.

“I don’t think so. You were the one that woke me up.” I said and he just gave me one of those ‘you have got to be kidding me’ looks.

“You woke me up with a slap!” he yelled out and I got a really shocked look on my face.

“What?! I would never!” I yelled back and he just narrowed his eyes at me and then just sighed with a smile.

“We need to get out more.” He concluded and I nodded.

“Ya think?” I responded with annoyed tone as we finally walked into the Dandy filled room.

“About time you two got here!” William spoke with authority and I just flipped him the bird at which everyone laughed. “Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows as his eyes followed my every movement.

“I’m not sure.” I replied and went over to one of the couches in front of the coffee table. I sat down, got my gold deck of cards, leaned back on the back of the couch and started shuffling them as a way to relax myself. “So why did you call us here?” I asked.

“I didn’t call anyone, I heard that you called everyone.” William said with a confused expression and I just raised my eyebrow at him.

“Mike!” we yelled in unison.

“I’m sorry, but when are you two going to learn?” Mike laughed as he high fived some of the Dandies and I started growling. “Oh shit.” He mumbled as his eyes widened.

“Jesi, calm down, please.” William begged as he nervously looked over to me.

“Fine, just keep your bitch on a shorter leash, please.” I sneered.

“Sorry, hun, but he’s actually your bitch.” William responded and the whole room started shaking with laughter. “But if we’re all here, we need to talk about Jena.” He announced and I could feel my expression harden as Brendon put his arms around me to prevent me from leaping out of my seat.

“What exactly do you want to talk about?” I asked looking straight at him.

“We all thought that she was dead.” William started.

“Because you told us that she was dead.” I said.

“Yes, because-“ he started.

“You left her all alone in the streets, dying.” I said emotionlessly.

“Jesica, please.” William said and I could see the pain in his eyes, although it’s not even close to all the pain that I felt for the past eight decades. “It was difficult for me as well.” He said referring to my thought. “And I really thought that we killed her.” He said with a voice full of sorrow.

“Wait a second.” I said looking around. “Where is she?” I asked.

“She’s in our room.” Will said and my eyebrows shot up at that.

“I-I’m sorry, what?” I laughed.

“Our room.” He repeated through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you really think that she’s going to be able to even look at you after what you did to her?!” I screamed.

“Jesi, please calm down.” Brendon whispered low enough only for me to hear. “He’s not worth the effort.”

“But she is!” I snapped back. “I want to see her. Now!” I yelled and William started shaking his head.

“We still need to talk about her!” he insisted.

“She’s my sister, there’s nothing to talk about! I have to see her or you will be sorry and you know that I won’t stop at anything to get what I want.” I nearly growled at him.

“Alright, alright. She’s in the library right now, just go.” Will said waving his hand around a bit and I nodded as I tucked my cards in the band of my hat and walked out of the room.

I started my way through the dark hallways and I could hear someone laughing. Stupid Dandies. Never take anything seriously. I ignored the sounds as I kept walking through the halls. Then I heard the laughter again. I stopped dead in my tracks. It was a child’s laughter. So young and so innocent. What is it doing here?

I ran towards the sound not really caring where I would end up. I turned a couple of corners but the laughter never seemed to get closer. Finally I gave up when all the noise stopped. I looked around and when I didn’t see anything I started making my way back to the library. I turned on my heel and almost screamed as I saw a little boy, about ten years old, standing a couple of feet away from me. I walked closer and closer.

“Hi.” I said with a soft smile. “My name is-” as soon as I extended my hand the boy smiled and disappeared like the smoke. That’s not something a vampire does. Vampires just disappear, whilst the boy just turned into smoke and dissolved in front of my eyes.

Something is really wrong with this place and if I ever tell anyone I would be considered even crazier that I already am.

After that little experience I didn’t hear any laughter. I just started running to the library. As soon as I got there I shut the door behind me and looked around.

“Jen?” I called out.

“Jesi? Is that you?” I heard her respond and I smiled immediately as I ran over to the source of the voice and hugged her. “About time you found me!” she pretended to glare at me.

“I’m sorry, Mike the idiot decided to mock a gathering yet again.” I laughed.

“Who?” she asked.

“Carden.” I said and she nodded.

“For me, it’s strictly last names.” She explained and I nodded. “So do you know how to get out of here?” she asked with hope in her eyes and I shook my head no.

“I’ve been trying to get out of here for the past eight years.” I started and she nodded urging me to continue. “But there are some things that I’m always trying to get explanation for.”

“Like what?” she asked obviously impatiently.

“After about ten years of trying to disappear out of the house I started noticing more details and I actually started watching Will’s behavior.” I continued on. “There was this ring that he always wore and every time I asked him about it he would nearly start yelling at me. So one day I just took it.”

“What does the ring do?” she asked suddenly very interested. “Does it allow you to leave the house?” she asked and I shook my head. “Then what does it do?”

“I don’t know, I never got a chance to find out.”

“Did you ask Beckett about it?” she asked and I nodded. “Well?”

“He just said that it could be dangerous if it would get in the wrong hands. Oh and he killed a lot of Dandies when the ring was gone. So I guess it was pretty important to him.”

“We have to find out the significance of that ring.” She stated with a nod.

“Really? I haven’t thought of that yet.” I stated with a voice full of sarcasm.

“Oh shut up.” She mumbled and I just let out a laugh.

“I’m going to ask Brendon if we could just go out for a while and then I’ll try to get some answers out of him.”

“That works.” She nodded in response. “Wait a second, are you two really together?” she asked a bit shocked.

“Um, it’s complicated?” I said looking from side to side.


“Well as I told you when we met yet again, we just started acting like a married couple only a few days ago. Then I gave him the boot then I guess we made up last night but he still slept on the couch.”

“Your life is so messed up.” She said shaking her head.

“Wow, Jen, thanks for support.”

“What’s with the sarcasm!” she whined and I just laughed at her manner.

“Sorry, that was a must. But what about you?” I asked. “Do you have a significant other besides that man whore?” I asked.

“What man whore?” she asked with wide eyes.

“William, who else?” I laughed.

“Oh.” She responded looking down.

“Wait, who did you think I meant?” I asked and there was silence. “Jen, tell me.” I demanded.

“It’s nothing, no one, none of your business!” she yelled.

“Why not?!” I whined.

“Because your mind is probably being watched, mine isn’t!”

“You do know that William can read everyone’s thoughts, right?” I yelled back.

“Oh.” She said deep in thought. “That bastard.” She concluded and I just narrowed my eyes at her.

“Don’t call him that!”

“Why not? You called him a man whore, why can’t I call him a bastard?” she demanded.

“Because I know him longer, he treats me like a sister, and even though he is a bastard, he is still like a brother to me.” I explained and Jen just glared at me.

“Are you on his side now?” she said through her teeth.

“No, I’m not.”

“Then why are you defending him?”

“I’m not sure but I think he jinxed my blood supply.”

“I’m sure he did.” She rolled her eyes at my answer and I smiled an innocent smile in return. “Alright so the plan is: you make Urie take you out for a walk.”

“You make it sound like I’m his bitch.” I interrupted with a glare.

“Okay. Then you take him out for a walk.” She corrected slowly and I nodded with a smile. “God, you’re still so weird.” She mumbled under her breath.

“Yes and then I’ll ask him tons of questions while keeping tabs on his mind.” I finished and she nodded.

“Because he wouldn’t really say anything but he will be thinking the answer.” She said with a nod.

“Alright.” I agreed. “And he’ll know that I won’t run away because he knows that I won’t leave you behind at the mansion.”

“Yep, sounds good. Now go talk him into it.”

“Not now, I came here to catch up with you, I’ve been stuck in this mansion all alone! I’m bored! I need someone to talk to besides Will, Brendon, or Mike.” I whined.

“What do you want?!” she whined.

“To talk!”

“About what?!”

“About who your significant other is.” I said wiggling my eyebrows.

“It’s no one!” she yelled.

“Oh come on! I listened to your thoughts on the night we were reunited. You kept thinking about some guy named Pete.” I laughed and then stopped abruptly. “Who was a hunter and a vampire.”

I looked at her and she just looked around nonchalantly.

“Don’t tell me it’s him.” I said shaking my head.

“What’s wrong with him?!” she yelled in defense.

“Will is gonna throw a hissy fit if he finds out! He’s Will’s biggest enemy! William was trying to recruit him for years now!” I yelled and slapped my forehead in frustration.

“Which is why Beckett cannot find out!” she yelled.

“I know!” I yelled back. “Is it serious between you two?” I asked.

“Not really. We’re just friends? I think?” she replied uncertainly.

“And I thought my life is a mess.” I sighed.

“Your life is a mess.” She said and I just shrug my shoulders.

“I had eighty years to get used to it, so it’s all good.”

“Define good.” She said with a raised eyebrow.

“Brendon’s whipped and he loves it that way, so that’s the best part.” I smiled and she just laughed in return.

“I guess that would be the bright side. So the plan is set. You take him out for a walk and interrogate him. Then you bring him back and reward him.” She said.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, who said anything about a reward?” I laughed.

“Well he’s your bitch isn’t he?”

“Yeah the bitch that doesn’t get any rewards. Ever.” I corrected.

“Oh well then the same plan minus the reward.” She said and I nodded.

“Good, now I gotta go before he throws a search party even though he knows where I went.” I told her and she nodded and came over to give me a hug.

“I guess I’ll talk to you after.”

“I guess so.” I said and walked out of the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
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