Simply Dandy

Chapter 11

I really want to get a hold of Pete...I feel bad for not telling him the whole truth, and I mean really bad... I still have my cell phone because I can keep my immediate thoughts pretty much to myself or blank, but I can't find anywhere that's private enough to place a call, or even a text. I tried going to the library, but Jesi ended up finding me, so now I'm back to looking for a place to be alone.

“God dammit!!” I yell out in frustration and just throwing my hands out in front of me, accidentally blowing up the wall directly in front of my face. “Oops...” I mumble sensing someone appearing next to me.

“What the hell happened?!” I hear Beckett yell out looking at the giant hole.

“I...Um got frustrated?” I mumble and he looks at me.

“You did this??”


“So this is your power?”

“Um...Suuure lets go with that.” It's one of them anyway I think to myself.

“One of them? You have more?” He asks and I hit my hand to my forehead.

“Fuck...I hate that other people can read minds too...” I mumble under my breath.

“You can read minds as well?”

“Fuck!!” I yell out getting frustrated again and blowing up the floor right in front of Beckett by accident.

“Jesus Christ!!” He yells out jumping back and I just shake my head disappearing to somewhere else in the house.

I open my eyes with a sigh, and look around to see what I think is an attic. I make sure no one is close by before walking to the corner and sitting down. I take my phone out of the chest part of my dress and start a new text message.

'Pete, it’s me I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't know my sister was alive let alone with the Dandies, but she isn't really on their side. I don't think... Please forgive me for not telling you I was the hunter always fighting at night... It would have given me away too easily... I was going to tell you all soon though...I really was, I promise... Please, please, please, forgive me for going with them as well. I didn't want to, they took me here without me actually wanting to, and well... I can't get out of here, there's some type of shield around the place, making it impossible to leave... I'm so sorry about what happened... My sister and I are trying to find a way out of here as soon as possible, but I don't know when that will be...I know I'm safe...I really would rather not say why though... Please don't forget about me...But don't try and find me....I don't want anyone, especially you, getting hurt, or trapped here... I'm so sorry, please don't hate me over this, and tell Dad, Daddy, and Daddy-o I'm safe, and okay? Please? Thanks... Love, Jena' I finish the text and hit the send button as something appears directly in front of me.

We make eye contact and both gasp, blink a few times, rub our eyes, and then get horrified looks on our faces.

“AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” We both yell. “Don't tell anyone about this!!!!” We shout again, and then both stop and look confused.

“Wait what?” I ask the young curly black haired boy right in front of me.

“Don't tell anyone about me.” He begs and I just nod confused.

“Okay, but as long as you don't tell anyone about this.” I beg him showing him my phone before placing it back in my dress.

“I promise.” He says, and we both let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank god.” We both say happily and then laugh.

“I'm Jenifer, call me Jena. Are you a Dandy?” I ask the boy and he looks nervous.

“I-I'm not supposed to talk to anyone...No one is supposed to know anything about me.”

“It's okay, I'm different. I'm not like them, or even one of them. I hate the Dandies.” I say with a sick tone, and he looks almost hopeful at me.

“Really, you don't like them either?”

“Not one bit.”

“Finally someone who feels the same way as I do!” They say happily. “I'm Matthew, but call me Matt. Now I really have to go, but please don't tell anyone about me, okay?” He asks me and I nod.

“Of course not as long as my phone stays a secret.”

“It will.” He says disappearing in a puff of smoke, wait what? Smoke? Vampires don't have that ability, do they? Hhmm...I don't know, but-

“Ah!” I shout as the vibrate on my phone scares me. I take it out quickly and notice a text message from... Pete!!

'Thank god your okay! We were so worried, but don't blame you at all. Where are you? We want to help get you out, please tell us. We can help your sister too! Please tell us, were so worried about you, and miss you... Love, Pete' His message said and I had to gulp and squeeze my eyes shut to not cry, scream, or do anything drastic.

'Yeah...Just peachy, but really don't come looking for us...I don't even know where “here” is, all the windows are boarded up, and I can't get outside to look around...I miss you guys too....A lot...I have to go now though...If I can, I'll try to text you later...If my phone isn't discovered that is...Well, goodbye for now...Please don't look for me, I don't want you to get hurt... Love, Jena' I send the message, and then turn my phone off feeling moisture on my face...Wait, I'm crying? Dammit...It hurts to push them away, I have to go clean myself up... I get up and disappear to my bedroom, to wash my face.

I appear in the room and notice that the place is back to how it was before I trashed it. I'll fix that later-.

“Please don't trash our room again.” I hear come from behind me and I jump slightly not realizing he was in here. I quickly look down, and try to make sure he doesn't see my face.

“Why shouldn't I? This isn't my room, not as long as you share it too. Nothing is ours absolutely nothing. I hate every fiber of your being, and I hate being trapped here.” I mumble and before I can react he is holding me by my shoulders, and lifting my head to see my face. He stops as soon as he sees the tears on my face, and gasps.

“What's wrong? What happened?!” He asks me concerned, and I just look away trying to step back, but he won’t let me. He engulfs me in a hug instead. I struggle trying to get out of his arms, but then a strange feeling washes over me. Something that I've been ignoring, or trying to ignore. He holds me tightly to him, as I stand there trying to figure out this feeling. My eyes open wide as I make the realization that this is the same feeling I get, only slightly different, when I'm around Pete.
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Thank you so much for reading and a special thank you to RandaRue22 and rivals are insane for commenting!