Simply Dandy

Chapter 12

“Jesi!” I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Brendon running after me.

“What do you want?” I groaned in annoyance.

“Why are you acting like this?” he asked suddenly stopping. “I thought everything’s going good.”

“My sister’s alive and a vampire so now we just gotta find a way to get out of her and we’ll live happily ever after. Of course nothing going good!” I nearly yelled.

“You’re not making any sense you know that right?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, I’m just really sick of these walls. It’s like they’re watching your every move. Like they know what’s going to happen but too afraid to speak up.” I said and Brendon came closer to me and looked me in the eyes.

“Are you sick?” he asked softly.

“Physically, no. Mentally, don't even start with me on that subject.” I said shaking my head and continuing walking to our room.

“You know what I mean!” he yelled as he walked next to me. “You’re acting different.”

“Why am I even talking to you?” I asked not really wanting a reply.

“And I’m alone again.” I heard him mumble.

“You’re not alone so stop your bitching, I’m trying to think here.” I said and I saw him roll his eyes.

“Bad mistake.”

“Sorry, habit.” He mumbled as he opened our bedroom door for me.

“Thank you.” I smiled lightly and he nodded.

Then he did something that he’s never done. Never. He locked the door.

“Why?” I asked and he just pressed his finger to his lips asking me to be silent and I just nodded.

He walked over to the nightstand on his side of the bed, reached into the drawer and took out a letter.

Open it when you know you’re alone and your mind is safe.

I just nodded as I saw him disappear out of thin air leaving me confused and a bit scared. What can be so important?

I looked down at the envelope with my name elegantly written in the middle. I frowned at that. What does he need? If he’s had this letter for a while, why did he decide to give it to me now? Too many questions, not enough time, and no Brendon to answer them.

I hid the letter on the inside pocket of my jacket, unlocked the door and started walking through the old hallways to the best place in the house. The attic.

I looked up at the steps internally groaning and not wanting to climb. Wait a second, I don't have to! I shook my head at my own stupidity as I disappeared into the old, dusty, room filled with collectibles and family treasures. I sat down with one of the plush chairs that I stole from the living room and got Brendon’s letter out. I broke the wax seal and started to read.

I had to reread it a couple of times and with every time I couldn't believe it even more.

Is that what he really wants?

Why didn't he tell me?

We have to help each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to RandaRue22 and rivals are insane for commenting!
