Simply Dandy

Chapter 14

I looked around the room to find some place to put a newly written note for Brendon. After reading what he had to say I was truly shocked but I started looking at him with new eyes. I guess the reason I never expected him to say that he was sick to be under William’s ruling was because he was always so loyal. Never reckless. Always careful.

I walked over to the boarded up window and stuck the note between the windowsill and the bottom board.

“Jesi, where are you?” Brendon called and then entered our room.

Close the door. I thought looking him in the eyes and he complied with a simple nod. He walked over and followed my eyes which landed on the hand that was covering a note.

Go distract William before Jena ends up killing him. I’ll read it.

Just be careful. I thought taking a step to him and placing a soft kiss on his lips. With that I exited the room and started running to where I heard a lot of high pitched screaming. That bastard is to dead!

I start running fast- wait a second! Ugh why do I keep doing this?!

“What the hell?!” I yelled as I opened my eyes and started laughing hysterically as I saw the poor William stuck in a corner covering his face with his arms as Jen was closing in on him with a devilish smirk and her eyes practically glowing with anger. I just shrugged and sat down at the foot of the bed. I crossed my legs and put my hands on my knee with a sigh.

“Jesi, help!” William yelped and then tried to crawl back.

“Sorry. Consider this payback for making me walk down that isle.” I smiled.

“Oh, hi sister.” Jen turned to smile at me.

“Nice outfit.” I laughed and she just grinned and curtsied.

“Thank you.” she bowed and then I looked down at my watch. “So how’s Brendon?” she asked with a pointed look.

“Not good.” I said shaking my head. “Not yet anyway.” I said making sure to keep my thoughts off of the letter and mine and Jen’s conversation in the library.

"Well then go do whatever you need to do while I deal with this little whore." she said looking at still shaken up William.

"Okay well good luck with that sis." I said getting up and giving her a hug before heading out the door.

Hopefully that was enough time for Brendon to read what I said and come up with some sort of plan. Even though I already have one I still want to hear what he has to say. I walked into our bedroom and locked the door behind me. With all of this note passing and secrecy it became a simple habit.

I agree.

That was all I needed to hear. He extended his hand towards me and I took it without any hesitation. In a fraction of a second we were outside breathing in the fresh air far away from our hell of a home. I turned to look at him and he smiled down at me and started pulling me down the isolated street.

"I knew I could trust you with this." he said with excitement and a slight hint of fear. "I wanted to tell you all along but you hated me and would probably tell William on me just to have me killed and out of your life."

"Brendon don't say that." I said stopping him from more rambling. "I just wouldn't believe you." I smirked and he chuckled. "And since you confessed your grave secret to me I have to tell you mine." I said nearly inaudibly.

"What is it?" he asked worriedly.

"Can I ask you something first?"


"What do you know about the ring that William was freaking out about?" I asked carefully watching his reaction.

"You mean Zachary's ring?" he asked and I nodded urging him to go on.

"Zachary was never a Dandy. He was one of the greatest vampires I ever knew. William's nothing compared to him."

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know." he answered with a preoccupied expression. "One day William came back from the meeting wearing Zachary's ring and having a giant ass grin on his face."

"Yeah that didn't help. At all." I said.

"Well what did you want to know?" he asked.

"Why can everyone except from Jen and I leave the mansion?"

"And it all comes back to infamous Zachary. His power was or is, since no one knows what happened to him, is to keep certain entities"


"Don't interrupt me, Love." he smiled tapping my nose in a funny manner.

"Sorry." I smiled sweetly at him and he just shook his head.

"Anyway, as I said, his powers let him control certain people's movements if you will. He could let some creatures pass and trap another. He was really powerful and the only thing that gave him more power was his family's antique. I don't know what it is so don't even ask." he pointed at me just as I was about to open my mouth. "Now what do you know? " he asked as we both sat down on an old bench and he instantly wrapped his arms around me as if I was going to get cold.

"Well I know that if the ring gets in the wrong hands it's going to cause some major power shift in the vampire world."

"Yeah no wonder William's freaking out."

"He really shouldn't. It's in the safe place." I said looking up at him.

"I did not see that coming." he laughed and kissed the top of my head then took an unnecessary deep breath.

"But this still doesn't explain how we're stuck at the mansion. Zachary's the one with that power not William."

"Maybe some of the power was in the ring?" Brendon suggested and I shook my head.

"No, it doesn't work that way. We're vampires not witches, we can't transfer powers from one to another. Let alone objects." I said frowning. "It has to be something much deeper than this."

"I'm gonna need to ask William lots and lots of questions don't I?" he asked and I nodded with a sad smile.

"Just be careful." I said.

"Always." he said leaning down to kiss me. Once he pulled away I could tell how nervous he really is. I took his hand in mine and turning his chin so that he was looking at me.

"We're going to get through this you know. I'll make sure of it." I said looking him in the eyes.

"Can we just run away?" he asked in a pained voice. "Just take Jena with us and just leave everything behind?"

"I'm afraid it's never this simple." I said leaning into his embrace and closing my eyes.

"And the worst part is that us who made it this complicated." he said and I nodded making my silent agreement.

“So what are we going to do?” I asked looking straight ahead into the dimly lit streets.

“You’re much more clever than me. I can’t do this without you.” he replied solemnly.

“Then all we have to do is find a way to overthrow William and I just might know some people, and a vampire, who can cooperate if you behave.” I said deep in thought as I tried to find the scent of one of the hunters that would hopefully lead me to their hideaway.

“Sorry darling, but they’re too good in covering their tracks. If they weren’t we would’ve been able to track them down ages ago.” Brendon chuckled at my attempt. Just as I was about to agree with him I caught onto…Jen’s smell. She was with the hunters. She can lead me to their place! “Okay, you know what, I won’t even talk anymore cuz apparently I know nothing.” Brendon huffed as I grabbed his hand and we disappeared to the front door of some run down firehouse?

“I think it’s just a warehouse.” Brendon whispered.

“Eavesdropper.” I grumbled and he just chuckled and pulled me closer to his frame. “So do we knock?” I asked.

“I don't know. I’m never this polite, remember?” he asked in a mocking tone and I just glared as I raised my knuckles.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Brendon asked hesitantly.

“Absolutely not.” I said and started knocking. A couple of seconds later there still wasn't any noise. Then I heard someone come to the door and start hissing and growling. I rolled my eyes as I recognized the vampire hunter. Peter? Yeah sounds about right.

“What do you want?” he hissed from the other side of the door.

“Oh, well it’s nice to meet you too.” I said smiling for some odd reason. “I’m Jen’s sister and I just have something to talk about and if you open the door and stop making me feel like I’m talking to myself I would really appreciate it.” I said continuing to smile.

“Why are you grinning like a fool?” Brendon whispered and I elbowed him in the chest. “I take my words back.” He said clutching his side with pain.

“Fine.” Peter growled. “And call me Pete, jeez.” He huffed as he opened the door and stepped out. “Now what do you want?” he asked me directly.

“I need your help.” I smiled.

“With what?”

“Helping overthrow William.”


“Because if we don't Jen and I are stuck in the mansion forever.” I said knowing that it would hit the right buttons and he would become more than willing to help us.

“What do I need to do?” he asked. Told ya so.

“All we need is a good plan and time.” I answered.

“But before that we need to solve the whole Zachary mystery.” Brendon interjected and Pete instantly glared at him. “Don't give me that sour look. I’m her husband.” He said pointing at me trying to defend his poor self.

“Dragged down the aisle?” Pete asked and I nodded. “Ahh, a perfect start to a dysfunctional marriage.” He said rolling his eyes and I instantly felt Brendon tense by my side.

“Calm down.” I said under my breath enough for him to hear. “So can you help us?” I turned to Pete and he nodded.

“Anything for Jena.” He replied and I nodded with a thankful smile. “Now get out of here before my scent starts lingering on your clothes.” He said shooing us out and I nodded grabbing Brendon’s hand and disappearing back to the bench where we were seated less than an hour ago.

“Back home?” Brendon asked.

“Sadly.” I frowned as Brendon got up. He took my hand and started leading me to the mansion. This is the first time I actually got a good look around it. Beautiful landscape. Beautiful historical building. Too bad all of the evil still remains there from the dark times…
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