Simply Dandy

Chapter 3

It's dark and empty here, nothing. Just darkness. I can't feel, I can't see, nothing at all. I'm dead.... I keep looking around me, but all I see is dark blackness. I feel limp motionless, but if I wanted to I feel like I could move my limbs, as if they are healed.... I'm going to be stuck here forever aren't I?....Wait....What is that light?....It's so bright and white... I feel like I should touch it.... I reach for the light, only to find it’s just out of my grasp. I move closer it or I think I do, and reach for it again... My arm stops short, something is stopping me, holding me back.... I feel something cold and hard on my arm, it feels like a vampire's hand... I look over at my arm and see a pale white hand on my arm. I try to shake it off, but it tightens its grasp. I shake harder before trying to use my other arm to pry it off. Its then that I realize there is a hand on my other arm as well. I start trying to fail my legs, but I can't. I look down only to see more and more hands coming up from the depths of the darkness tugging and pulling on me. I feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness, and see the light getting smaller and smaller. I try running to the light, trying to escape from this nightmare, but even more hands come up and grab onto my body dragging me away. I start shaking my head trying to get them off before I hear evil sinister laughing coming from the depths below. The laughter gets closer and closer to my ears. I try to scream out for help or to say get off me, but a hand slides gently over my mouth and I see a matching hand grab my neck. The laughter rings in my ears now as the face of the one with the hand on my mouth appears right next to my face. I slowly turn my head to the side to see the face of the laughter, and then want to scream out in terror.

“Ah, ah, ah Jenifer, your one of us now.” Says none other than William Beckett himself as he smiles sinisterly laughing and then drags me into the deepest depths of the darkness...... Then my eyes opened. No deep breath, no gasping, no anything.... I'm dead, but I can still walk this earth.... I am a Vampire....

** 80 years later**

“I'm late.... God dammit, those dumb ass hunters are going to die if I don't get there before the fighting starts.” I mumble to myself as I change out of my work clothes and into some jeans, a t-shirt, and a zip up hoodie before running to my car parked outside. The sun has been down for almost ten minutes now, this is going to be close. I reach into the back of my car grabbing a hat, dark glasses, and leather gloves before putting them all on. I jump out of my car and run to the trunk before shuffling through the great amount of papers and empty blood packets. I sling a sleeve of arrows to one shoulder and a sleeve of steaks to the other. I crawl inside the trunk looking for more weapons quickly before it gets any darker. I attach throwing knives to the belt on my jeans and grab my cross bow before disappearing to a roof top.

I look down from the high building, and see the ugly and disgusting monsters that took my sister from me waltzing in like they own the place, as I see the hunters sitting waiting in their car in a alley nearby. Those idiots can't even kill a baby vampire... I'm the only reason they’re still alive right now... Hell they still don't even know if I'm a vampire or just a skilled human, clueless bastards...

I look back to the group of vampires in the center of the area just as Beckett drops his white glove and the fighting begins. I appear on a lower roof top at first to access the situation better before seeing a vampire sneaking up on one of the hunters. I load my cross bow faster than a human ever could and shoot hitting the vampire right in the head and then shoot again hitting their heart for good measure. The hunter jumps and then looks up to where I'm standing on the roof and then appears directly next to me, great he's a vampire too... Just what I need....

“Thanks, for that, I'm Pete by the way.” He says outstretching his hand and I ignore it shooting down four more vamps. “Queen of the fucking universe huh? Does that mean you’re a girl?” He asks reading my shirt, all I do in response is zip up my hoodie walking closer to the edge. “Well does it?” He asks again and I shrug my shoulders shooting at more vampires.

“Why don't you ever speak to any of us, or even show your face?” He asks me and I shrug again. “We are obviously on the same side, and we've been fighting together for a few years now.” He tells me and I shake my head. “What?” I just shake my head again. “Where not on the same side?” He asks and I shake my head looking at him, of course he can't see my face, but he knows. “So were not fighting together?” He asks and I nod giving him a thumbs up. “Why not??” He asks and I just shrug before jumping off the side of the building. “What the fuck?!?!” He yells out from the ledge before looking down to notice that there's a fire escape that I landed on. From there I slid down the stairs and then jumped to the ground.

I grabbed a stake from my back and threw it into a vampire attacking a hunter and he yelled a thank you which I ignored before running after more to fight. I start using the throwing knives killing countless vampires and using my telekinesis to move my knives back to their cases on my hips. I continue throwing knives and stakes as they keep coming back to their cases until I see a quick vision of a vampire jumping out of the shadows and attacking me. I quickly turn around and drop kick them before they got to close to me. Before they could get up I stabbed them with a stake, and then ran off. I just simply went through killing them on a revenge filled rampage as I've done every night since I was turned.

Most of the Dandies that came tonight are dead, that or I can't find them... I turn a corner and see over forty vampires surrounding the hunters, great I can't leave them alone for a fucking minute can I? I sigh reaching down to my converses and open a pocket on the side of the shoe sliding out a four viles. I throw two at the ground, one at the wall, and open the fourth one just holding it in my hands. I gulp resisting the temptation to lick up every drop of the red liquid seeping out of the glass, and ready myself as the vampires surrounding the hunters come running at me for the blood I have all around me and in my hands. I put the cap back on the fourth vile and slide it back into my shoe before taking out two stakes. I stake the first two with the stakes in my hands, and at the same time steak about twelve more using my powers to throw my knives in my belts. I throw a few stakes and then my knives again, and all too soon all of the vampires that were around me are dead. I sigh before picking up my steaks and knives returning them to their resting places. Before I can even run away all of the hunters are in front of me wide eyed.

“That was amazing!!” The one with curly red hair yells out and I nod ignoring him.

“It was!” The one with short black hair adds.

“You really saved us back there.” The one that's a little plump tells me and I just simply nod again.

“Still no speaking?” Asked the vampire from the roof again and I nod before getting a flash of two vampires running up behind them and attacking them. I shove them all off to the side just as the other vampires arrived. I drop kicked the first and then punched the other vampire in the face before whipping out a stake, and staking the one I punched before staking the one I kicked with the same stake.

“Well thanks again.” Says the vampire and I just nod before looking to the center again seeing Beckett, Urie, and Carden all disappear. I growl before kicking and punching a wall and then looking up at the night sky. I take deep breaths calming myself before I remember that the hunters are right behind me still

“Wow, Pete isn't the only one who has it out for Beckett.” I hear one of the hunters mumble quietly, thinking I couldn't hear..

“Sooo..... You like The Nightmare Before Christmas too?” The vampire asks me, and that's when I realized that my hood fell down and has seeing my TNBC hat I have on. I quickly put my hood back on before they can make out my long black hair and shrug. They start to walk closer to me for whatever reason before I run to the nearest building jump up into its fire escape and then climb onto the roof.

I can hear the hunters talking about me still from all the way up here and then the vampire saying that he wants to see where I went and he'll be back. Shit! He's coming up here! I look around, but I can't find anywhere to hide. I sigh and go to the storage shed on top of the roof. I slide down the side of it and sit my ass down on the ground, waiting for that stupid boy to get up here.

“You haven't left yet?” I hear him ask as he finishes climbing up the fire escape and I shake my head no. “Why not?” He asks and I simply shrug. “Why won’t you speak to any of us?” He asks again and I shrug. “Are you mute or something?” That one earned him a look and a shake of my head no. “Then why not?” Another shrug and I can see him narrow his eyes. “That's really annoying you know that?” He asks and I nod my head and I can hear him growl. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing, but I did still smile. I hear him sigh before walking over and staring at me. “Can I at least see your face?” He asks and I shake my head no. “Then what about your eyes, just for a second?” He asks me and I shake my head no again. “Why not?” Yet another shrug, but this time I get up to walk away. “Can I at least know your name?” He asks and I shake my head no yet again before jumping to the roof top nearby and running away doing the same thing until I'm out of sight.
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Hello everyone! I really hope you liked this chapter, your feedback means a lot to us, so please leave comments :)