Simply Dandy

Chapter 4

“Ugh, I can’t believe that it happened again!” I heard my husband’s voice booming through the room.

I was just sitting in one of the chairs sideways with my back leaning on one armrest and my legs swung over the other one. I looked over at the entry way and saw William, Mike, and Brendon walk in with angry expressions. Again.

“What, you couldn’t defend yourselves from a little girl?” I asked as the room filled with my laughter.

“That wasn’t a girl! That was one of the best fighters I have ever seen! He’s better than Peter!” William boomed and I laughed again.

“William, dear, it’s a girl.” I said with a smile and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“What do you know?” he retorted.

“Well looking at the fighter’s appearance and the way she moves, I can tell you that she’s a girl.” I said with a triumphal smile.

“Urie, tame your wife.” William grumbled with a frown as he sat in the chair opposite of mine.

“Yeah, he’s been trying to do so for the past eight decades.” Mike laughed and I joined him while Brendon was just standing there in order to avoid eye contact at all costs.

“Honey, are you upset with me?” I asked pretending to be concerned. Then I swing my legs back into the right sitting position and got up to walk to my husband. “Honey, you need to talk to me.” I said softly as I used my hand to turn his head so he would look at me.

“Stop it. I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not gonna work.” He said through his teeth and he still didn’t look at me.

“Aww, did someone state the rules?” William asked me and I turned around to face him with a smirk.

“Would you like to elaborate on that, William?” I asked and he motioned Mike to talk.

“Will is referring to Brendon not wanting to have sex with you so you’re shit out of luck.” Mike said bluntly and I started laughing so hard I thought that I was going to die, if I wasn’t dead already to be exact. It was down to a point where I could barely breathe and I had to hold onto Brendon’s shoulder for support.

“Honey, do you want to tell them or do you want me to tell them about our sex life?” I asked Brendon and he just got the scared look in his eyes and started shaking his head.

“Don’t you dare.” He said through his teeth.

“Alright, I guess I’ll tell them.” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“Gentlemen, you see,” I started with a smile, “from the moment I walked down the aisle, I knew that this man,” I said pointing to Brendon, “will never get laid in his lifetime, and as you all know, I’m always right and that I always, always keep my word.” I said with a smirk and William and Mike burst out laughing.

“She’s got you whipped and you don’t even get any sex?! Man you’re screwed!” Mike yelled out while William still laughed till he dropped. Literally, he fell out of his chair.

“Well, boys, goodnight, I’m tired, and I think I’ve tortured my honey enough for today.” I said and they nodded and waved me goodbye as I exited the room and started making my way to my our bedroom.

As soon as I was inside I closed the door behind me and lied down on the bed waiting for Brendon to storm in and have one of his famous hissy fits. And three, two, one… ta-da!

“Why did you do that?!” he yelled and I just got off of the bed and walked closer to him. He looked me in the eyes and gulped.

“You are a selfish bastard and I’m just making sure you get everything you deserve.” I say as I keep stepping closer to him. Five steps later he’s against the wall searching for a way to escape. “Honey, you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” I smiled at him and he just nodded in agreement. “Come on, time to go to bed.” I said in a normal tone and he nodded.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back and started kissing my neck.

“Get. Off. Now.” I said and he growled and I could feel him biting my neck slightly. “You have one second to leave me alone or you will pay.” I said and he growled louder this time but stopped. Then he turned me around and looked me in the eyes.

“Why do you keep doing this to me? I thought that by now we would be in love and possibly starting our own clan or possibly a family. Whatever you ask is yours. Why are you still doing this to me?” he asked in desperation.

“First of all, I hate you.” I said seriously. “Second of all, this clan killed my sister and no matter what you do, I will never like you. Let alone love.” I said. I may have sounded harsh but that’s the least he deserves.

“But I love you, I always have, isn’t that enough?” he asked as he pulled me closer to him.

“I don’t care about your love. I never did and I never will, I hate your kind. I was perfectly fine with being human and I would’ve been perfectly fine with being dead by now. But no, you and your Dandies had to come in and kill people who I love and you made me one of you!” I yelled.

“But we’re meant for each other! Can’t you feel it?!” he yelled back.

“Yes, I can, but I don’t care! It means nothing! Got it?!” I yelled and he just looked down and walked out of the room.

I hate it when he’s making me the bad guy. He ruined my life. “I love you, isn’t that enough?” Sorry Mr. Urie, but I don’t give a damn about your stupid love and your stupid feelings. You know why? Because you never cared about my feelings!

“Jesi,” I heard a voice behind me and I turned around to face William Beckett.

“What?” I snapped.

“No reason to be mad.” He said as he put his hands up in defense. “Could you at least try to be nice to your hus,” he stopped when he looked at my expression, “I mean, your Brendon?” he asked and I just shook my head. “Why not?”

“You know why not! You killed my sister and he forced me to marry him! I’m supposed to love him after all that?! Hell no!” I yelled and if I was alive the tears would be pouring out of my eyes.

“Shhh, everything’s going to be fine, you have your Dandy family.” William said as he pulled me into a hug.

Yeah, one thing that I forgot to mention.

Ever since the wedding, Will was like an older brother to me. He’s a bastard, but he has a soft spot for me. Probably because he was in love with my sister.

“It’s not because of that.” Will chuckled. “Well not just because of that.”

Yeah, he can read, manipulate, and do whatever he wants with anyone’s mind. Except for mine, he can only read it. Which I’m not too happy about.

“Why aren’t you happy about it? Brendon loves it.” Will said and I laughed.

“He only loves it because you told him that I thought he looked hot.” I said. “And you lied.”

“Yeah, but it made him happy.”

“His ego went through the roof, and I have to live with him cuz you don’t want to get us divorced. You know that I won’t love him.” I said as I sat at the foot of my bed and Will just laid down putting his head on my lap and stared up at me.

“Why won’t you love him thou? It’s been 80 years.” He said and I just shrugged. “I mean, he’s hot, what else does a beautiful girl need?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe a choice that I never had.” I said with a frown.

“You sound like Rosalie from Twilight Saga. Well from Eclipse to be precise. That scene on the balcony?” he said and my jaw dropped.

“You watched that?!” I yelled out as I burst out laughing.

“Mike and I were bored.”

“You two must be gay for each other.” I laughed.

“And you will love Brendon. You’ll get tired of his nagging and finally give in.”

“Is that what you did?” I asked and Will just glared at me.

“You suck.”

“I believe we all do.” I chuckled.

“But you will love your Brenny-Bear.” He cooed and I laughed as I shook my head. “Why can’t you get along with him like you get along with me? Because technically you’re supposed to hate me because it was my fault that your sister died, he had absolutely nothing to do with it.”

“I don’t know, I just don’t like being rushed into something like this.” I said showing him my wedding ring.

“Please, just try. Because you two are meant for each other. I know you feel it every time you two touch. And it will increase when one day he’s going to corner you and kiss you. Just you wait.” He said and I shook my head again.

“Oh please, he’s too scared of me to try something.”

“Well he’s going to get you either like that, or you’re going to get really jealous one of these days.” He said with a smirk.

“Why would I be jealous?” I laughed.

“Don’t you know his power?”

“I was never curious enough to find out.”

“Um… he’s the one who finds women for us because he has a power of attracting them and they could never resist him.” Will said and I looked at him with confusion.

“Then why can I resist him?”

“No one knows and he gets really mad because of it.” Will said. “His voice is what always gets the girl but we don’t know why it’s not working on you. It’s really weird.”

“Wait a second, does that mean he cheated?” I asked and Will’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, Will, keep talking.” I said as I tried to keep myself from growling.

“No, he didn’t, but it did get you pretty jealous.”

“Dammit.” I cursed. “I was hoping for a legitimate reason for me to divorce him.” Hold on. “Wait, I still do! I don’t want to be married to a freaking John who collects whores!”

“Jesi, he doesn’t do that. He just goes, let’s call it grocery shopping.”

“That’s not helping.” I snapped. “I need a reason for a divorce because apparently me not loving him is not enough for his ass.”

“Let’s discuss his ass, I mean..”

“Don’t you dare to finish that sentence.” I said and gave him a pointed look.

“How about a deal?”

“What kind of deal?” I asked.

“Kiss him. See what you feel. Then we’ll talk again. If you don’t feel anything and still want to go through with the divorce, you’ll get it.” Will said and I nodded.


“Brendon, you can come in now! I told you I could do it!” William yelled and I looked down at him shocked. “Sorry, but I’m tired of his sexual frustration especially with his loud mind.” Will said in disgust.

“Thanks, I owe you.” Brendon smiled as Will nodded and disappeared. Then Brendon turned to me with a smirk.

“I take back my words. The deal’s off.” I smiled and he growled. Then in seconds I was pinned down on the bed with him on top of me. “Get off before I hurt you.” I said and in a second he was against the opposite wall. “Do you really want to kiss me that badly?” I asked as I walked towards him and I could hear his mind screaming. “Fine.” I said and in less than an instant Brendon had one of his arms wrapped around my waist and his hand pulled my face closer to his.

“Ready?” he smirked and I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Let’s get this over with.” I said and leaned in to kiss him.

He responded immediately and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed that kiss and how much I wanted to take things farther. All I have to say is that William was right. I did feel something. Something that was too powerful for my liking.
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