Simply Dandy

Chapter 5

I ran across roof tops for a while, until I didn't see that vampire up on the roof anymore. Then I disappeared to my car, and sat in the driver’s seat for a minute without moving. After a while I throw off all of my weapons and throw them forcefully to the back of my truck. I pulled down my hood and threw my sunglasses into the passenger seat before sliding the hat off slowly and looking at it in my hands.

I stare at it for almost ten minutes just thinking until I can feel my eyes stinging. I close my eyes trying to stop myself, but give up burying my face in the hat. My body begins to shake as I think even more, I should know better by now than to think, but I never listen... The only thing I ever listen to is myself... I can listen as my mind screams out how alone I am.... How much I blame myself for what happened to Jesi... How if only I could have done something, both of us could have avoided both of our fates.... But I never listen to anyone besides myself.....

My body shakes and I tremble, but I can't cry anymore...That's part of being a vampire. We don't cry, if we do all we cry out is blood... Blood of the others that we have drank, and all it does is make us thirsty for more.... All I can do is cry tearless sobs, wishing, and hoping this is all just a nightmare that I can wake up from.... I know it’s not though, nothing is that simple, or happy. Not for me anyway. I take a deep breath, and wipe my eyes out of habit before starting my truck. I put the hat on the center console before driving away.

The sun is due to be up in a few minutes, and I have to make it to my apartment before that happens. This is going to be close; I step harder on the gas and speed faster down the roads. I make it to my apartment as the sun is rising, and I park my car and make a fast break for it bolting to my building. Hopefully no one saw me because either I'm the fucking fastest runner in the world, or something is wrong with me, and I don't want anyone trying to figure out. I don't like attention; it's hard to be a vampire pretending to be human enough as it is, without people thinking I'm different too.

I walk up my stairs at a normal pace since there's no windows in there just a light at the ceiling.

“Good morning, Jenifer.” Says the guy that lives one floor below me. He moved in a little while ago, and is always talking to me whenever he sees me. It’s pretty annoying, especially since he thinks I'm hot. Fucking idiot, I didn't even have to read his mind to figure it out.

“Hi.” I answer simply without looking at him, and continuing on my way up the stairs.

“Wait! Jenifer, I was wondering... If you’re not busy d-”

“I am, can't do anything.” I tell him cutting him off and leaving him to his hurt feelings as I close my apartment door behind me locking it.

I turn on the light switch for my living room dropping articles of clothing as I walk to my bathroom. I turn on my shower and get in after all of my clothes were off. I shower quickly, and get out of my bathroom dry and in pj's within fifteen minutes. I left my hair wet so it'll dry in soft curls. I turn off all my lights walking to my bedroom, and close my bedroom door behind me. I sigh once I walk into my room seeing a bed I've never touched, walking to my closet opening the door. I close the door behind me and lay down before falling asleep for a short while...

**Two o'clock later that day**

My eyes slid open as I sensed it was late afternoon. I stand up and look to the left of my closet picking clothes out before changing into them. I walk out of my closet wearing things from my alter ego; A long sleeve gray and blue stripped shirt, black jeans, a studded belt, black converses, and a necklace. I sigh gazing to the bed again, wishing I did have a need for it... I don't know why I even keep it around, I guess to give the illusion that I sleep in a bed, or maybe just because I still can't accept the horrible things that happened that day. My sister being snatched from my finger tips, and I being turned so I can't join her in death...

I walk to my dresser and brush my hair before putting a black beanie on my head and black sunglasses over my eyes. I peek out the window quickly pulling back the dark black curtains for just a second, and see its raining out. So in other words I don't have to look like a dumb-ass today.

I walk out of my room grabbing my iPod and headphones on my way to the kitchen. I let my head phones rest around my neck and slide my iPod into my pocket as I open my fridge. I grimace at the countless blood packets filling the entire thing to the brim, but I sigh taking out two packets. I start sipping on one before even closing the door. Last night sure did make me pretty thirsty for whatever reason... I wonder if it was because of the blood I had to use? I don't know, but then again I don't care as long as I'm killing dandies. They will pay for what they did to Jesi, and then for what they did to me. I finish my first packet and throw it out before sipping on the next one.

I wonder through my apartment and pick up the clothes I just threw on the floor as I sip, and just when the packet is about half empty I go to my hall closet. I open the closet to reveal various vampire hunting supplies, I reach in and pull out a checkered purple and black backpack that's empty. I start filling the backpack with different weapons, a change of clothes for later on, and then a phony book or two before zippering it close.

I slide my arms through the back pack as I finish my blood and close the closet walking to my kitchen. I throw out the bag and turn out the lights grabbing my keys and cell phone off the table. I'm not quite sure why I have a cell phone, I guess it's just because it makes me feel more human... I hooked my keys to my jeans and slid my phone in an empty pocket walking to my door. I turned around and thought for a moment making sure I didn't forget anything... Nope, okay time to go.

I grab an umbrella and walk out my door locking it on the way out. I walk down my stairs, stopping at the bottom step to open my umbrella. I don't care if it's bad luck for seven years, burning up into a charred pile of ash is worse. Plus without my bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. So what does it matter anyway?

I put my black umbrella with skulls on it over my head before I walk out the door. I put my headphones over my ears to block out the world around me and press play on my iPod’s shuffle function. I hum along to songs as I walk down the streets, bobbing my head a little to the beats of the songs. People always give me weird looks all the time, you get use to it after a while.

I turn a corner down a shady street of just warehouses, still humming not bothered by my surroundings. This is the way to where the hunters live, they actually know me. That's why they really can't see my face while we fight, but I've never seen the vampire while I was at their 'home' I guess he’s sleeping the whole time. They probably don't want me to see him because of what I told them happened to my family. Well they bought it when I said William Beckett murdered my entire family right in front of me, and then tried to kill me, but I got away somehow. Such idiots... How on earth could they believe that? I even told them I was ten when I met them, and they believed that too!! They are blind, I haven't aged a day, but yet they haven't noticed that either... Whatever, being close to them helps me keep tabs on them.

I am about to arrive at the warehouse the hunters live in when Break by Three Days Grace comes on, and as much as its cliché. I really love this song, so I start singing it out loud as I go to the back of the warehouse. You see, I don't like knocking, so I break in instead. I don't think there's one time that I haven't broken into this warehouse, even when we first met. They keep most of the windows boarded up so no sun gets in, but I bust through one of them so I can get inside every time.

I go around to the back to break in, but they have metal bars over the windows now. What the fuck? That's new, I start running around the warehouse checking all the windows, but all of them have bars on them now. God dammit, their going to pay for this. O there's one! Shit, that's the basement though, I'm not supposed to go down there... O well, it's their fault. I kick in the wood covering the window and hear a crash as I break through the glass of the window too. I shrug, and then slide in the window in one swift movement and close my umbrella as soon as I am out of the sunlight. I smile satisfied at the window, it'll take them forever to clean this up. I smile as Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace comes on and sing loudly to that as I try to find the stairs to the upstairs.

“Whoever the fuck that is, shut the fuck up and go upstairs!!” I hear yelled at me, from somewhere in the room. I don't see anyone in here though, where the hell are they?

“Hhhmm, fuck no!!” I yell and then keep singing loudly, but stop walking so I'm standing in the middle of the room basically screaming Animal I Have Become. I see a locker laying on its back open up, and a figure stand up and out of it. They come closer, but only close enough so we can see each other.

“Who the fuck are you?” We ask at the same time. “I asked first.” We say again. “NO I DID!” We yell, and then both glare. We both look each other over, but once we reach our eyes we stop. I stared into his eyes, and felt.... I'm not sure, a spark? I felt something, and I can't seem to look away. I read their mind quickly, and found out they are feeling the same thing. I blink because I'm supposed to be human, and then look away quickly.

“Answer, who the fuck are you?” They ask me, and I raise an eyebrow looking back to them.

“I'm not answering first, cause I asked first.” I tell them simply and he growls. “Aw did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” I ask him in a baby voice and he growls even louder before grabbing me by the elbow, but then let’s go quickly. I felt the same thing as before when our eyes locked, what the hell? Did he feel it?... Yup, he's practically screaming about it in his head. I wince at how loud he's screaming before leaving his mind.

“Who are you?!?!” He screams out loud this time, and I narrow my eyes at him making sure not to make eye contact though.

“You first!!!!” I scream louder than him, and he looks almost as if he's going to pin me up against the wall.

“What the fuck is going on down here?!?!?!?!” We hear someone yell from the top of the stairs before pretty much running down them, and turning on the lights.

“Pattie!!!!!!!!” I yell out running over to him and hugging him around the stomach. “He was being mean to me!” I complain in a pouty voice, and he looks angry up at the other guy.

“Pete!!!!!!” He yells at him, oooo it's that guy!! It's the vampire from last night. I thought I knew him from somewhere.

“What the fuck is this?!?!!? Is she your fucking girlfriend or something?!?!” He shouts out as two more sets of feet come running down the stairs.

“Joey!!!! Andy!!!” I yell out letting go of Patrick before running over to them and hugging them both at once.

“What the fuck is going on here?!?!?!” Pete screams out, and the guys all look at him nervously.

“Well....This is uh....Jena, she's been coming here every day after school for.... Almost four years now??” Patrick tells him nervously with a nervous laugh and I stick my tongue out at him from behind Patrick.

“School? What the fuck? Which one of you is dating a little girl illegally?!?!?!?” Pete yells out and I bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing.

“NONE OF US ARE DATING HER!!!!!!” They all yell out at once at him.

“Then why the fuck is she doing here?!?!!?” Pete asked mad still.

“Because they love me more than you.” I tell him sticking my tongue out again and he glares at me.

“Well...” The three other guys say in unison and Pete growls.

“What?” He asks with a raised eyebrow and a straight mouth.

“Jena lets go up stairs sweetey.” Andy tells me.

“Aw, but I wanna make fun of the vampire more.” I complain and they all gulp, they were hoping I didn't notice he was a vampire. There nervous because of what I told them about my past. These guys really care about me, it scares me... They think of me as a daughter... I haven't been treated like that since before my parents died of Spanish influenza...

“How can you tell I'm a vampire?” Pete asked me, shit I wasn't thinking... He hasn't shown his fangs yet.

“Well, you were sleeping in a pitch black basement, that I'm usually not allowed in because the guys thought seeing a vampire would either scare me, or make me cry. They don't realize that vampires give me neither of those reactions, just hate and anger, and the want to kill. Plus it was dandies that did that to my parents, so I really only feel that way about them, so other vampires wouldn't really affect me much, but since your such an asshole. I kinda feel the same, sorta, but back to the reasons why you’re a vampire. You were sleeping during the day time. In a locker. Your skin isn't exactly warm either, and you could see in the dark as well perfectly fine. All signs of a vampire, I'm not a dumb ass my whole family was killed by them remember? I won’t forget what they look like.” I tell them, and all the guys wince when I say that. Except for Pete he looks almost intrigued, as if he wants to know what happened.

“Come on sweetey let’s have a snack, and watch a movie.” Joey tells me and I sigh.

“What one?” I ask him because that's usually what I do while I'm here. Watch movies, and dodge their questions about who I am or my past. All they know is my name is Jenifer, they can call me Jena, my family is dead, and that's it. They don't even know I'm all alone... O well.

“Whatever one you want.” Patrick tells me, and I think about it before sighing and then shrugging.

“Okay, come on.” I tell them starting to the stairs.

“You three go ahead I have to talk to Pete, alone.” Patrick tells us and the guys nod before walking up the stairs.

“Okay Pattie cake, but hurry up or you'll miss Vampires Suck.” I say with a smile and then sticking my tongue out at Pete once more before walking all the way up the stairs. I walk to the kitchen where Joe and Andy are fighting to get in there first.

“Ladies first! O, wait you two are girls. Then prettiest one first!” I shout, pushing them out of the way, but not too hard so they don't suspect anything. I don't have to worry about the coldness because over the years I've absorbed a vampire's power of fire, and I've adapted it to heat my whole body. So, I don't have to worry about them thinking I'm abnormally cold.

I reach in, and grab a water bottle, and sit on the counter watching Andy and Joe fight over the fridge. They do this every day, so I was tired of it and wanted to know what Patrick and Pete were talking about. I strained my ears to hear them, but I couldn't....Where are they? I decide to just listen through Patrick's mind, apparently there's another room all the way in the back down there and even after going in there they are whispering about what they are talking about.

'We have to find out who that guy is.' Patrick whispered to Pete.

'I know, he would be a great help to us if we could plan things' Pete answered.

'Are we even sure he won’t kill us if we join up though?'

'I don't know, all I know is we've been fighting beside him for years now, and nothing has changed. Maybe we should just let them be, they don't seem to want to fight together.' Pete whispered and that's when I realized they are talking about me. They think I'm a guy, haha, they really are clueless bastards.

'I guess so, but they could be a reliable ally do-'

'When exactly were you going to tell me about that girl?' Pete asked changing the subject.

'...Well.... We were waiting until we were sure she would be okay with meeting a vampire, and that she trusts us enough to allow us to do that... She's had a rough past, that much is certain, but we barley know anything about her. All we know is: Her name is Jenifer, she only asked us to call her Jena until almost a year knowing her, she told us that her family was murdered when she was young by vampires before her eyes, and she narrowly escaped after we knew her for two years, she was ten when we met her, making her almost fifteen now, but that's it. Nothing else, nothing at all. We don't even know who she is living with, what school she goes to, how she even found us in the first place, nothing.' Patrick said to Pete, and I could almost hear the wheels turning in Pete's head from Patrick's mind. 'Why do you care? You never care about humans, all you care about is killing Beckett so you can get revenge.'

'Because there's something weird about that girl, it's just something about her.... It makes me feel like I know her from somewhere, and I mainly feel that she's hiding something..... I don't know I just have this strange feeling.... No hunch that she's hiding something, and it's big.' Pete says, and I choke on the water I was sipping on.

“Are you okay??” Joe asks me, and I look to him after I composed myself.

“Uh yeah, fine. Sorry, and Andy leave something for Joe.” I say almost unemotionally with a blank expression. What did I do wrong? Where did I slip up, what did I let slide??

'What do you mean? I don't understand.' Patrick asks Pete in a defensive tone.

'Well because when I touched her arm, it felt different... It didn't feel normal, something was off... It raised a dark red flag.' Pete said and I froze my body stiffening. No... Don't say it... Please don't say it.....

'What do you mean? I don't understand.' Patrick asked him genuinely confused by Pete's comment, but I know exactly where he's going with it.

'A blood red flag.'


'I think she's a vampire!' He yells out tired of dropping hints.

'No! She can't be! That's impossible!' Patrick yells at him and my eyes go wide.

“Hey, hey Jena? Jenifer! What's wrong?!” I hear yelled at me, but I can't move. I can barley take breaths of air.

“Jenifer! Answer us! What's wrong!?” I hear a different voice yell at me, but I don't respond. I feel hands on my shoulders shaking me, and even gentle hands on my face. I just can't snap out of it though, what did I do wrong? Where did I mess up? I did everything perfectly! He shouldn't have been able to figure me out! Not this soon! Especially not if he just met me today! What did I do wrong?!

“Jenifer honey, what’s wrong?” I hear before I'm engulfed in a big hug that's followed by four more arms that hug me on either side at the same time. I take a deep breath and blink a few times looking up to see Patrick in the kitchen hugging me. I take a deep shaky breath, and actually hug him back. As much as I regret it, and hate that I did it... I've grown attached to these three, they almost..... They almost feel like actual fathers to me....

I know I shouldn't have let them get close to me like this, but I'm lonely, and they treat me like I'm normal.... I can't help it, they were the first ones to welcome me with open arms and treat me nicely since.... When I was turned.... If I were to tell them though, would they hate me? Would they just throw me out, and tell me not to come back? Or would they sick their vampire on me to kill me? I'm not sure... I don't think I could find out though..... I wish I knew what to do... I wish Jesi was here, she always helped me. She could always help me make the right decisions, but she can’t when she’s dead... What if I just tell them half of the truth? Just a part of it can't hurt could it? I hope not....

“Jena, sweetey, what's wrong? What happened?” Patrick asked my looking me in the eyes. This is gonna be hard.... I'll only tell them the truth about my family that's all....Yeah that's it.

“....I.....I-I lied to you three....” I mumbled quietly and Joe and Andy look at me with questioning eyes, while Patrick looks at me with shocked eyes thinking Pete was right.

“What do you mean?” Joe asks me and I gulp before taking a deep breath.

“I lied about what happened to my family...” I answer with a small voice, and now all three of them are looking at me confused.

“What happened to them, Jenifer?” Patrick asked me and I had to look down.

“My parents weren't murdered by vampires....They died of Spanish influenza, but my sister Jesica was murdered by vampires..... Except it was Brendon Urie that killed her, and William was only after me....” I tell them quietly and they gasp. I stare at my hands now in my lap to afraid to look them in the eyes.

“What do you mean William was only after you??” One of them asked surprised.

“M-My uh sister and I, we were.... Well we were hunters...” I almost whisper and there is only silence. “We...We uh fought against Beckett, and his dandies for years before you guys came along, but my parents died when I was about five... My sister practically raised me herself, but once I turned about ten. We started fighting the vampires because we were tired of all the murder they caused... We figured even us two human girls could help, even if it's just by a small amount.” I tell them and still no speaking, but I'm still too scared to look up so I start to babble. “The night that it happened, we were just coming from a party, and we were late so we had no time to go home. We had to make do with what we had on us already. We would have been fine, but at first the dandies didn't show up, so we went out into the open... Beckett showed up with his men, and asked, no more like begged my sister and I to join them... We refused of course, but then out of nowhere Urie went after my sister, and Beckett went after me. We tried to fight them off, but it wasn't working, and... And then....Then the next thing I knew.....U-Urie was drinking” I have to stop as I stop shaking, and my hands go immediately go to my eyes. I take a shallow shaky breath before continuing. “Sister dry..... Then as if that wasn't bad enough, Urie left with her body, and then Beckett had me restrained..... He had four men come and hold my arms and legs.... And he made them break them....” I whisper and wince remembering the pain of that day..... “The next thing I knew they were all biting me, and then....Th-then....” I grab my neck just so I can make sure he's not actually here. “Beckett bit my neck...... I tried to fight back with all my will, but I failed... I was only a young girl though, it was expected. How could I? They all finally stopped drinking my blood eventually though, but they thought I was dead.....S-so they left me there to rot....” I whisper, but before I can look up I feel three pairs of arms on me again hugging me tightly. “I....I-I-I'm....So, so, so, so, so, sorry....” I mumble into one of their chests.

“No, it's okay. We understand why you wouldn't want to talk about that.... Just take a deep breath and relax...” Patrick tells me soothingly, rubbing my back. I try and do what he says, but I'm too worked up. The next thing I know I'm being lifted off the counter, and wedding carried out of the kitchen. I look up at Patrick with questioning eyes as to what he's doing, and he just chuckles shaking his head. He walks into the living room and sits down with me in his lap. Joe follows us in the room, puts Vampires Suck in, and presses play before sitting on one side of Patrick.

“Hey guys whose phone is this? Cause it's pretty bad ass.” Andy asks holding up a phone that's black with splattered paint all over it, and different designs from different bands.

“Um....That's mine....” I mumble and all three of them look at me with raised eyebrows.

“Since when do you have a phone?” Joe asked me and I scratched my forehead nervously.

“Well....Since before you knew me?.... I needed one for work so I can keep my apartment...” I tell them and they narrow their eyes at me.

“Are you living alone?” Patrick asks me in a low voice.

“About that.....”

“Jenifer! How can you do that!? I thought you are fifteen!!!!” Patrick yells at me.

“Well I'm older than fifteen but, younger than twenty?” I tell him unsure that I want to tell him this part. The three of them just shake their heads with their hands on their foreheads.

“I don't even want to ask anymore.” Andy mumbles.

“Just as long as you’re our little girl I don't care.” Patrick says running his hand through the ends of my long wavy black hair.

“Haha, okay dad.” I tell him laughing slightly and he smiles.

“Do you mean it?” He asks and I look at him confused.


“Calling me dad.”

“O...Um...uh.., sure I guess.” I tell him with a small smile. Should I? Is it wrong? Am I betraying my own father?.....

“I call Daddy!!” Joe yells out and I giggle, he would.

“Okay, daddy.” I tell him with a smile.

“Then....Then.....Then I'm Daddy-o!!” Andy shouts happily and I laugh.

“Okay, Daddy-o.” I tell him laughing as Patrick, and Joe laugh as well.

“O, but I'm putting my number in your phone.” Andy said to me and I shrugged.

“Okay, the only ones I have in there are my landlord, and my boss anyway. You guys can be my speed dial.” I tell them with a shrug.

“I call one!!” Patrick yelled holding his hand out for my phone, and Andy pouted.

“I call second!!” Joe called out and Andy's mouth hung open in anger that he lost to both my father's. I simply laugh still sitting on Patrick's lap. Patrick chuckles at Andy's expression the entire time he puts in his information. Joe takes my phone, and enters his info before giving it veeeerrrrrry slowly to Andy. Andy takes my phone greedily and enters in all of his information, and then takes a picture.

“Hey! I didn't know there was a camera!!” Joe complains trying to take the phone from Andy's hands as he was handing it to me.

“No! You two are not fighting over my phone! I need that if I'm going to keep my apartment!” I yell at them snatching it from them, and they pout.

“Jena, are you living alone?” Patrick asks me all of a sudden, and I stiffen in his arms.

“Um... Uh.... Maybe?”

“Are you?”

“...Yes...I have a job too...” I admit to him and he sighs.

“Would you consider quitting your job, and moving in here?” He asks me, and I choke on the water bottle I was sipping on.

“What?!” I ask him shocked.

“Would you quit your job, and live here?” He asks me, and I look him in the eyes reading his mind to see if hers serious. His mind is clearly made up, he doesn't want me living alone....

“I....I uh don't know....” I tell him, I really shouldn't.... I can't....I would have to tell them my biggest secret yet..... “O look, the movie started.” I tell him using my telekinesis to push the play button. The three of them all get wrapped up in the movie, but I end up laying across the three of them and falling asleep. I would have slept soundly except for the fact that I kept dreaming of Jesi... It was a weird dream... I didn't understand it, it almost seemed like our past, but it wasn't anything I remember happening... I don't know all I know is that's all I dreamt about.

“Jena, Jena wake up.” I hear as someone softly shakes my shoulder. I slowly come to and peek one eye open to see Patrick smiling down at me.

“It's about an hour before we all have to leave to hunt for the night sweetey, so I have to get up and ready.” Patrick says sweetly smiling at me, and I yawn stretching.

“Okay, dad.” I answer with a sleepy smile sitting up and leaning back into the couch. I check the time on my phone, four o'clock. Yup, one hour till the sun is down enough for the vampires. I sigh looking through my phone, realizing my father's stole my phone and took pictures of each of themselves, together, and even some with me in them while I was sleeping.

I feel the couch sink next to me, but I think nothing of it and don't look up. The person slides on the couch closer to me until our arms just graze each other, and just like before I feel this sorta spark again as our skin touches. My attention snaps to his face as soon as I feel the spark.

“I never got to formally introduce myself. Pete, Pete Wentz.” He says holding out his hand, and trying to get eye contact.

“Um, hello Pete. I'm Jenifer.” I tell him simply trying to look away.

“I'm sorry about what happened down in the basement earli-” He stops as soon as he catches my eyes. Our eyes locked, and all I could feel is this spark sorta thing. I don't know what it is though... We couldn't seem to look away from each other... I tried to look down, but as soon as I started to move my head his hand went to my face, and held it there. I had no choice, but to stare deeply into his eyes. I got lost in them, and I would have been okay with it. If only it wasn't for the feeling of safety and want that washed over me. I felt safe with him near me, I felt like he could protect me from the dandies, that if he was there the day I was turned I never would have been.... I also felt a strong desire and want for him. I want to feel his hands all over me, I want him to be close to me..... What is wrong with me?!!? I don't even know this man!! I've never thought these things before in my life!! Why now??!! Why him?!!?

I come back to what's going on around me, and almost gasp, but decide against it. The scene in front of me is Pete very close to my lips, and it scares the blood out of me. I keep having flashbacks of Beckett, on that day.... Is he going to do the same? I can't let that happen.... Not again, I'll kill myself this time, and I won’t be able to avenge Jesi. I can't let that happen, but what if he won’t do anything like Beckett? I'll never know if I don't let him...But I'm so scared too......

Pete looks unsure as to what he's doing, and his thoughts are unsure as well. He seems to feel the exact same way I feel though...He looks deeply into my eyes, and then starts to lean closer to me. I feel his lips start to lightly graze my lips, and they twitch in anticipation wanting this kiss , but....I-...I can't do this! I can't stop thinking about how powerless I was to William that day, how I let him have his way.... I keep thinking about it.

“No!” I whisper out sliding away from Pete feeling like I could cry. “I-I'm sorry... I just... I just can't... You don't even know how much I can't do that.” I whisper softly, and at first he looks full of sorrow and rejection, but then confusion and wanting to know. I get up off the couch and hide my face. I run to where my bag is putting my headphones around my shoulders, and then putting my backpack on and grabbing my umbrella.

“B-Bye Dad, Daddy, and Daddy-o.... See you tomorrow...I-I guess.” I yell upstairs before running as fast as I could at human speed out of the house.
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