Simply Dandy

Chapter 7

I ran down the street covering my face, desperately trying not to cry. I don't know what’s happening to me. I wanted nothing to be near him, but then at the same time I wanted him all over me. What is wrong with me? I can feel tears welling up in my eyes, and I just try and run faster home so no one can see me. I take only back streets, and alley ways, but I'm not making much progress getting home. I can't see very well, and I keep getting weaker as more and more tears form in my eyes. I hear running coming up behind me, it's too fast for a human's weak legs so I quickly try and find their mind.

I'm not fast enough though because of my tears, and then before I know it they are a few feet from me.

“Wait! Jenifer, please wait! I'm sorry about what happened, I have no idea what came over me!” Pete cries out walking closer to me, no! He can't see me like this, but I can't escape not now, and the urge to cry is even stronger now that he’s here...

“I-it's okay, you don't know about my past... You wouldn't understand why a kiss is out of the question for me...” I mumble quietly to him keeping my back to him.

“I'm still sorry though, and I want to know why it is... I feel like I have to know everything about you. You interest me, and attract my attention like no other girl I've ever laid eyes on.” He tells me which isn't helping my eyes any. That is the same way I feel about him though....I take in a shaky breath and I can feel him reach towards my hand to pull me home, but then stops.

“Pete, it's okay...” I whisper quietly as the tears in my eyes spill over, with the blood slowly crawling down my face. I sniffle, and try to wipe my eyes, but the tears keep coming.

“Please then come back with me.” Pete asked me, and then actually grabbed my hand. He held it as if he was cradling something precious, as if he held it to tightly I would shatter, but just tight enough so that I couldn't slip away. I can feel that strange feeling wash over me feeling his skin on mine. I take a shaky deep breath, and try to wipe my eyes again with my other hand.... Still no luck, they keep coming...

“Pete, I can't do that...”

“Why not? Your alone anyway aren't you? Why not come with us where you don't have to be alone?”

“Because I would be anyway...Especially at night, it wouldn't be safe for you guys...”

“Safe for us? How, were the ones going out to fight. You would be at the warehouse.”

“Because I would beat the living shit out of you guys if you left me alone, and I would be worried so the beating would be worse. Plus I don't want to rely on anyone, I did and they ended up getting hurt. I'm not going to open up like that again... Maybe I'll let the guys in slowly, but they won’t ever be as close as they will want to be. There will always be a wall even if it’s cracked and worn. It will always be there, even if I don't want it there...” I trail off making sure he can't see my face.

“What could break through that wall?” Pete asked me after some silence.

“I'm not sure, I guess it would take my sister, but she's dead... Even then she might not be able to... I guess it would take someone that would want to mend and fix all that blows to my heart... I don't think anyone would want to do that though...” I mumble off, feeling the tears on my face still falling. I wish they would stop so I could look at him.

“What if....What if I wanted to?” He asked me, and my body hardened. I froze where I stood and even stopped breathing for a few seconds.

“I-I'm sorry...What?” I asked him, please tell me I heard him wrong... He seems like a nice guy, kind, and sweet, and not so bad looking. I don't want to ruin him...

“What if I wanted to break down your walls?” He asked me, and I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip to keep from screaming 'no' at him...

“Y-you can't do that...I would ruin you...” I mumble to him holding my hand over my eyes as I began to shake from my crying.

“Of course I can, you couldn't ruin me if you tried.” He tells me, hopefully not noticing I'm crying.

“No, you really can't....I-....I....I've lied to all of you...”

“I know that, and it’s okay you told us the truth.”

“I haven't told you the whole story... I'm still lying to you guys.... It actually hurts me to do so though...but I know if I were to tell you the truth...If I told you, you would all hate me...” I tell him crying even harder, and this time I think he noticed because I felt his arms wrap around the back of my torso in a hug.

“I'm positive we wouldn't hate you... We couldn't hate you even if we tried.” He whispers into my ear hugging me. Even through my tears, I feel like I would blush if I could.

“You don't know what I'm lying about though...” I whisper wiping away more tears.

“Well why don't you tell me? I promise not to hate you, or even be mad... Just please tell me.” He asks me sounding almost like he’s begging. I push him off me and turn around but making sure I don't look up from the ground.

“I don't know if I can trust you.”

“Of course you can! You can trust me with anything!” He defends, and even though I haven't known him for long I feel like I can really trust him...

“You promise? On your vampire life?” I ask him.

“Pinky promise.” He says sticking his pinky out. I grab his pinky with mine and shake it before taking the deepest shaky breath I can manage. I slowly lift my head up, and then look at him. The tears begin to slow just seeing his face, but I brace myself for what I have to say and his reaction...

“I-...I'm a....Vampire...” I tell him slowly and he gasps.

“I knew it!!” He shouts with a wide smile on his face. “I knew you were a vampire!!! I wasn't wrong!!! Ha! In your face Patrick!!” He says smiling still, and I giggle. After jumping around, and shouting happily he looks back to me. “Why are you crying though?” He asked me coming closer, and then wiping away the last of my tears.

“Because of what happened, and I really don't want to lie to you guys... I can't tell you the full truth though...” I tell him regretfully.

“Didn't you just tell me the full truth?” He asks and I just shake my head.

“No...There is a lot you still don't know, and I don't know how to tell you that...” I mumble looking down.

“It's okay, I don't need to know right this second... I can wait until you’re ready to tell me.” He says putting his hand lightly under my chin, lifting my head, so I can see his warming smile.

“I still don't know though... What if-”

“No. No what if's. We won’t hate you, and we'll understand. When you tell us.” He says cutting me off. “Now come on lets go back to your “fathers” so, we can tell the-”

“NO! You can't tell them!! Not now! Not yet...I only told you because I feel like I can trust you not to tell anyone. If they were to know they would be in danger.” I cut him off this time. If they were to know, once I kill Beckett they would be in danger from the other Dandies. They can't know who I am, not until I murder every last one of the Dandies...

“How would they be in danger?” He asked me and I looked down.

“I can't tell you, not yet.” I whisper stepping away from Pete. The sun was setting further and further behind the horizon, and I need to find a place to change.

“Okay, well I won’t tell them. I'll promise you that.”

“Thank you...Thank you so much, now I really have to be going.” I tell him starting to walk away, but he grabs my hand before I can get to far away.

“You’re going to come back right? You’re not going to leave us behind are you?” He asks, and I wince. I not sure what I'm going to do, that was an option though...

“I...I don't know for sure yet. I have to think about what I told you, and everything that is going on. I can't risk getting to attached to anything at this point. I need to fulfill my goal, and if you guys are going to be a liability I might have to leave. I might even have to leave if what I'm going to do will kill you all in the long run as well...” I tell him regretfully.

“Please....Don't go....But even if you do...At least say goodbye...” He begs me, and I close my eyes wincing.

“I'll make sure I do.” I tell him taking my hand away from his and then disappearing back to my apartment.

I smack my face with both my hands and hold them there as soon as I'm in my apartment. I stand there shaking my head, and mentally kicking myself for a little while.

“What am I getting myself into?!” I yell out walking to my bathroom to wash my face. I take off all my clothes and make a black tank top, black jeans, and a blue stripped sweatshirt appear on my body. I walk out of my bathroom, and into my bed room to my dresser. I lift my curtain to look at the thermometer, it’s almost cold enough to snow... It looks almost like the night Jesi died... I shake my head and grab gloves, and sunglasses from my dresser. I slide them on as I walk to my closet quickly. I open the door and stomp into a pair of black high tops from the back of the closet. The next thing I know I'm in my car.

I climb back over my seats and reach down to get all the weapons I had from the night before. I double check in the mirror that my face isn't visible before disappearing to a vacant rooftop. I take a deep breath, and sit on the ledge waiting for the vampires to arrive.

“Have you seen any of the Dandies yet?” The vampire hunter, the vampire I was just talking to Pete asked me appearing behind me after a while. I just shake my head no, not looking at him. “Is this the right spot though?” He asks and I nod seeing movement in the far corner of the intersection. I point just as they step out of the shadows. “Holy shit!! There's so many of them tonight!!” Pete yells out seeing their mass numbers. He was right though it seemed that there was at least fifty more vampires out tonight, and ten of them being some of the best Dandies Beckett has under his control. What is he planning?

I study the group trying to find Beckett, and I find him towards the front with Urie and Carden at his sides. Urie is a little further back though, and something is off. He has his arm around a girl. Which I would be okay with, I mean he is the man whore of the group, but this girl must be special or something. She's surrounded by the ten best Dandy vampires, all in a defensive positions. Their guarding her? What is she a w- SHE’S URIE’S WIFE?!!? Are you kidding me?!?! This is perfect!!!

I smile evilly studying the girl. She looks harmless enough in her pure white dress, white heels, and assortments of other white things. She hasn't looked up yet though... I can't make out her face, she seems to be concentrating on something. Hhhmmm.... Maybe she's here for a reason? Well, it doesn't matter, because whatever reason she is here. I'm going to use her to get to Urie, and hopefully to Beckett too. All I have to do is kill her leaving Urie hopefully crushed, then once he's out of the way Beckett should be easy enough to kill with his right hand man gone. I look to my right, and notice Pete is gone. I look down, and see the hunters fighting the mass numbers of vampires out tonight.

I shoot my cross bow at a couple of the vampires, and wait. Something isn't right about tonight the one's fighting the hunters aren't trying to kill them more like distract them... What are they waiting for? I don't think it’s smart to attack them just yet so I stay on the roof top and shoot at the Dandies until I'm nearly out of arrows. Then I drop down on to the ground, and fight from the shadows. I keep out of sight, and just when there's barley any of the Dandies left Beckett clears his throat and steps forward.

“Attention.” He calls out, and everyone stops moving. Even the hunters and I, Beckett never speaks at a feeding. Never. “I would like to speak to the hunter among you that always keeps their face hidden. The one that has been killing many of my Dandies.” He calls out and I know he’s talking to me, but I know better than to just go straight out there. Instead I watch Beckett from the shadows nearby. “I know you most likely don't want to oblige to what I'm asking, but what if I make you a deal. What if you come out, and show your face. That I will give you a free fight with me? I know that's what you want, you want to kill me don't you? Well here's your chance, come on at me.” He announces and I know it's a trap, and it's stupid, but they have nothing that can stop me so why care? I run out of the shadows, and start running at Beckett.

“Now! Do it now!” He yells looking back at Urie’s wife, she yells something at him that I can't hear, but I don't really care I keep going at Beckett.

“If your men got out of the way this would be easier!” She shouts pushing them aside and stepping forward. She steps forward, and I can feel her eyes staring at me, but I don't look at her. “It's not working! My power isn't working on her!” She shouts, and her voice sounded familiar to me. I don't know why, but I look at her while I run. As soon as my eyes look at her face though, I stop dead in my tracks.

I blink a few times, and then rip off my glasses letting them fall to the ground. I stare at her in disbelief. How can this be? I thought.... I thought she was dead?? I look at her studding her features in shock, and without thinking I speak.

“J-... Jesi?... Is that really you?” I ask her taking off my hood so she can see my face as well.
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