Under the Stars

Under the Stars 1

I would miss my home. The crazy city lights, all the people, but mostly I"d miss my mom. I looked down at the small gorund below. It was my first time on an airplane, and this experence helped me to realized that I really hated heights. The afternoonsun's orange light filled the sky.

The mountains in the distance were beautiful, I had to admit. North Carolina was so pretty, even though it was a complete opposite to my New York City. In NYC, there were buildinds and people everywhere, but here I was, moving to a small town. It was the sort of town where everyone knows everyone. Yet, it was still very beautiful here.

I was moving because my mom just got remarried. Dad had died when I wasreally little. Mom promised that no one could ever replace him,but Robert came pretty close in her book. Robert was my LanguageArts teacher back in New York. Yeah, he was nice, but really strict. All the kids hated him.

So that'swhen I desided to send myself to North Carolina to live with my Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Marissa and my mom were twins and super close.After months of begging, Mom finally agreed to let me try living herefor a while. She swore that the mountain air would be good for me. This remarriage had been had for me.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please take your seats.We will be landing shortly. Thank you."a voice on the intercom said. I dog-eared the pageI was on in my book and tookof my headphones.Twenty minutes later, the plane had landed and I stood in the lobby of the airport.

Please let them be here on time, I thought to myself as I got my luggage. Aunt Marissa and Uncle Steve were the sort of people that were always 'fashinably late'. I did not want to be the dork standing in the middle of the airport with the words 'lost' pratically written on her forehead.

A hand on my shoulder shook my thoughts. It was Unlce Steve.
"Ella!! We are so gald you are here!" he told me, wrapping me in a hug.
"Well, I'm glad to be here!" I replid as I was passed to my aunt for another hug. Uncle Steve grabbed my bags and slung them over his shoulder.
"Well, dear, let's get you home," my aunt smiled. I followed them out to the parking lot. Climbing into the red Chevy, I realized how happy I was to finally be here. Maybe the mountain air was working already.

Before I knew it, we were driving up to the house. It looked more like a mansion, though. Unlce Steve was a docter, so they had a bunch of money. The house was blue. Yes, blue. Two towers jutted from the sides seemed to reach the sky. It was beautiful.
I felt the car slow to a stop. I grabbed my bags and walked into the house. It was even more amazing on the inside. Expensive looking rugs covered the floors and chandilers hung from every room. Aunt Marissa lead my up the padded stairs to my bedroom.
"Here, dear. I'll let you get situated. Dinner will be in an hour."

I pushed open the door with excitement and gasped in awe. Beautiful couldn't describemy new room. It was light blus towards the ceiling and gradually got darker until it reached the floor.The ceiling and bed sread was a nice, sutal green and the floor was a rich wood floor. The bed was huge with dozens of pillows. Two doors were tothe left, one being the bathroom and the other being a walk in closet. Three bookshelves lined the walls. I loved it here already.

"Ella! Dinner's ready!" I heard Uncle Steve yell from the bottem of the steps. I bounced down the steps into the dining room. We ate an amazing meal. Aunt Marissa had a thing for the Food Network channel on tv. She was always expirimenting with food. Her cooking skills were very impressive.

After we ate, I went back upstairs to finish my unpacking I had started earlier. Soon, I had finished, so I grabbed my battered copy of the Lord of the Rings book and plopped down on the bed. I became lost in the pages as the words danced before my mind.
A while later, there was a knock on my door. It was my Aunt.

"I just wanted to say goodnight, dear. School's tommorw, so
do try to get some rest," she said. She kissed the top of my head and left, shutting the door behind her. I glanced at the clock. 11:00pm. Wow, where had the time gone? I got ready for bed and turned out the lights.

It was a while before I could fall asleep. My mind thought about school the next day and worry corsed through me. Chill! I told myself. Staying up and worrying about it won't change anything. I took a few deep breaths and finally drifted off to sleep. That was the first night I dreamed about them. That was the first night that I dreamed about him.
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This is about a dream I had a while ago. Enjoy :)