Fight For Me

I had a shitty life. It started shitty and it will probably end that way. But there were some things in my life that i couldnt help but admit were fantastic. Like Kid and Aaron. Aaron was my boyfriend. 19 years old and filthy fucking rich. He was older, somewhat smarter, gorgeous, and ..... a perfect asshole. He hated most of every human being. Except me. He loved my. Intensely. Sometimes it scared me, but i knew that the feeling was mutual. I loved him more than love itself. And i was a big fan on love. Kid was my bestfriend. He was 18 going on 130. He was brilliant. As corny as it sounds, he was like a sparkly diamond. Clean cut, hard as nails, and a rough and dirty past. If you looked deep enough into his eyes, its like you could see the world. All the intense emotions of something far bigger than just him. Wisdom. That was the only word for it.
These were the two greatest people of my life. They meant the world to me and i made sure to spend nearly every waking moment with them .
And then they died. Now here i am. Same old shitty life. Back to the same hopelessness that was Bree Helix. Pre-Aaron&Kid.
This is my story. I hope it ends well.....