Crazy Beautiful

Fully Alive

Something is licking my face.
And purring. The thing is purring.

I swear if I open my eyes and-


"A kitty!" I shriek, scaring it a little.

Its a brown kitty with random white spots all over its body, like on her paws and back and a little spot around its right eye.

I sit up and scoop her into my arms; she immediately starts to purr and snuggles into me. I check to see if it's a boy or a girl.

It's a girl.

After playing with her for a few minutes I get up and make my way downstairs, all the while with the mysterious kitty following me.

Gerard and Mikey are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and drinking coffee.

"Hey whose kitty is this?"

"Well good morning to you too." Gerard says taking a sip of his coffee, "It's yours."

"Mine? I never had a kitten."

"That's why we bought you one." Mikey says.

"You guys bought me a kitten?!"

"Yea... do you like it?"

"I love her! I've always wanted a kitty." I say picking her up in my arms again.

"Good, Dad said you would... Oh and just so you know I'm not scooping any litter boxes. That's all you sis." Gerard says.

"Don't worry; I'll take care of my kitty all by myself thank you."

"What are you gonna name it?"

"Uhmm...Felix." I say walking over to the refrigerator. My stomach has just started to growl.

"Why Felix? Why not Chocolate, or Cocoa." Mikey asks.

"Uh because those are gay names, and I like Felix." I say grabbing a bagel and some cream cheese. "Where is everyone?"

"Mom and Dad are at church."

"Why aren't we with them?"

"They don't make us go anymore, except for like Christmas."

[Okay so I have no idea if they were raised like Catholic or not, but I'm just gonna put Catholic because that's what I am, and that's what I know.]

"Catholic Christmas masses are pretty." I say quietly, staring out the window.

"I guess; they're fuckin' long though." Gerard mumbles.

And then a thought pops into my head... I've never cursed before. In my entire life, I've never used any obscenity.

"Fuck." I say quietly.

"What?" Mikey asks.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I say giggling.

They look at me funny, "Are you okay Zoey?"

"I'm fine; I've just never cursed before."

"Oh. It's no big deal."

"For me it is. I've never even thought about ever using profanity. I kinda feel weird, but excited about using it."


"It's a new way of expressing myself."

"Oh. Whatever floats your boat Zoe."

I finish my bagel, then grab Felix and go back upstairs.

I'm going to have to litter box train her. Maybe she's a smart cat, and she'll just figure it out.

I don't pick her up as I leave the room because I know she'll follow me, I go to the laundry room because I'm guessing that's where they'd put the litter box.

I set Felix in there and she just looks up at me.

"This is where you use the bathroom Felix. Not anywhere else in the house, just this little box. Think of it as your safe heaven."

She looks at me for a second, and then starts to pat around in the litter. Gerard comes in to see what I'm doing.

"Are you trying to litter box train her?"

"Yep. I think its working."

"She's not just gonna get it in one day Zoey." he says laughing.

"She's a smart kitty, she'll get it."

We watch for a few minutes and she looks like she's about to go, but she just won't.

"See I told you its not working."

"That's because we're watching Gee. I wouldn't want people starin' at me while I'm trying to take care of my business either. Look we'll turn around, and then after she's done you'll see that I'm right."

"Yea okay." he mumbles as we turn around.

A few seconds later we turn around and she's burying something in the litter.

"AH-HA! In your face! I told you she's smart! She's more than smart she's genius!"

"Wha-, I can't believe it. She actually got it after one day. Dammit I want a smart pet."

"Too bad she's mine. I could like win some pet contest for her."

I go back upstairs and decide on what to wear today. I pick out a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt. I get some socks and underwear out then grab a towel from the linen closet and head for the bathroom.

I undress then unwrap the bandage around my stomach. I'll have to rewrap it after my shower. I'm glad that my arm cast is waterproof; I think I'd die if I had to have a sponge bath.

After I take a quick shower I go back to my room, trying to dodge the cold air of the house and get dressed.

I put on everything but my shirt because I have to bandage my stomach, but I'm having difficulty.

Someone knocks on my door, "I don't have a shirt on." I yell out.

"That's perfectly fine with me." Frank says.

"Well I can't put it on; I have to wrap my stomach."

"Do you need help?" I don't reply for a minute, "I'm not gonna perv out on you, I just wanna help."

I walk over to the door and unlock it; he comes in and shuts it behind him.

"Okay where're the bandages." I hand them to him and he delicately starts to wrap them around.

After he's done he tucks them in place and then helps me get my shirt over my cast.

I smile up at him and kiss his lips softly after he's done. "I missed you." I say softly.

"I missed you too." he says kissing me again.

"I got a kitty. She's so smart, I already litter box trained her."

"I know, Gerard told me. What'd you name her?"


"Felix, I like it. I'm more of a dog person though."

"I like dogs too. If they got me a puppy instead of a kitty, I would love it as much as I do her." I say walking over to my bed and lying down.

"What do you want to do today?" he asks lying down with me.

"I wanna go to our special place. I bet it's really pretty with all the snow."

"No baby, we can't." he says running his fingers through my hair.

"Why not?" I whine.

"Because the doctor said you have to rest for the next week, and even after that you have to take it easy. I don't want you to get warn out or hurt. We'll go after you're all better."

"But that won't be till like Christmas break."

"Then we'll go then. On Christmas Eve."


"I promise... lets watch a movie or something." he says getting up.

He helps me up and we go downstairs. For a few hours we watch different movies and stuff. But then we get bored with that so we just sit and talk.

Bob and Ray come over and now we're all in the garage just hanging out.

"Gerard how old are you?" I ask.

"20. Why?"

"Shouldn't be like in college somewhere? Or something."

"I could be. I'm thinkin' about going to art school up in New York."

"That's good. You have too much talent to just waste it here and do nothing... Dammit! I'm so bored."

"Well maybe if you could heal faster we could go do something." Bob says.

I turn and glare at him, "Do you want to die Bryar?"

"Do you want to die?"

"Do you wanna go Bob? Cause I'll take you down, all the way to funky town."

"Bring it."

"Oh it's already been brought, set down on the table and opened."

"Well then let's take it out of the box."

"Alright then, let's go. Frank hold my earrings."

"Zoey, it's not worth it. He's not worth it." he says holding me back, and laughing.

"You lucky he's holdin' me back Bob, you so lucky."

Everyone just starts laughing at the little show me and Bob put on.

"Wow, who are you and what happened to Zoey?" Ray asks between laughs.

"That wasn't me before, that was my boring evil clone."

"Well I like the new Zoey." Gerard says.

"She's not new, she was just forgotten."

But she's back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going on vacation for a week... so this is it for... a week lol. :)