Crazy Beautiful


Frank and I are together.

That means... I have a boyfriend...


I've never had a boyfriend... What do you do with them?

Well this should be an interesting relationship.

These and other thoughts run through my head as I lay in Frank's arms waiting for my alarm clock to go off.

Am I going too fast. I've only know Frank for what? A month or more. But he's so sweet, and nice to me. And he cares.

But what if he doesn't like me because I'm inexperienced?


I reach over and turn the alarm off. I try to get out of bed but Frank just holds me tighter, and nuzzles his face into the back of my neck.

I try again a few minutes later, and the same thing happens.

"Frank, c'mon we gotta get up." I whisper shaking him.

"Noooo," he whines. "I don't wanna go to school today. Let's stay home."

"No, under no circumstances are we staying home."

"Why not? We don't have any tests, or projects. We just got done with the state standardized test; we're just watching movies the whole day today."

"Yea but..."

"But what? Mikey's not going to school today either."

"He's not?"


"Well... I guess...No. No I'm not skipping school."

"C'mon Zoe... We can watch movies all day, and hang out. And drink hot chocolate..."

Damn you Iero.
You know my weakness.

"Ugh, fine. But this is the first and last time."

"Mmhm, less talking more sleeping." he said closing his eyes.

We sleep till about 10 but then I need to get out of bed to use the bathroom.

After I do my business I take my pills then go down stairs to find food. We have a lot of pancake mix so I make pancakes and eggs with bacon.

As soon as I finish cooking Frank comes down, I'm guessing the smell woke him up.

We eat in the living room while watching Nick Jr. Blues Clues is on.

After we finish eating we clean up our mess then just sit down, not sure of what to do next.

"Sooo, what do we do now?" I ask.

"I don't know what do you want to do?"

"I don't know I'm not from around here. What is there to do?"

He sits there for a minute, thinking of something. "Go take a shower and get dressed then we'll go do something."

"But what are we going to go do?"

"It's a surprise." he says smirking.

I roll my eyes then go upstairs. After taking a shower I change into my undergarments, a blue t-shirt, jeans and a black hoodie. As I'm putting on my socks Frank comes through the door with his eyes covered.

"Are you naked?" he says.

"No." I laugh.

He uncovers his eyes, "Damn it!" he says in defeat. "Well I'm gonna go take a shower now and then we'll leave."

"Wait, didn't you only bring clothes for one night?"

"No, I brought clothes for a whole week."

"You were planning on staying a whole week?"

"Whatever it took to get closer to you." he says and walks into the bathroom.

I finish putting on my socks then go downstairs to find my shoes. Frank comes down 25 minutes later and we leave in his car.

We drive for awhile just listening to the radio, talking and laughing.

"Okay so let me get this straight," Frank says laughing. "You choked a girl when you were six because she didn't want to play tag with you."

I nod also laughing, "Yep, I don't know what I was thinking. She just made me mad and I just did it. Then I ran home."

"Wow... Hey we're here." he says as he turns down this dirt road.

The road leads to a big field and a hill with a gigantic tree, complete with a tire swing.

The sun is shining brightly today and it makes the field seem even more beautiful.

The breeze blows lightly through the grass and makes it sway and glisten in the sun.

I'm so amazed that I don't even notice Frank get out of the car and come over to my door opening it.

"Zoey," he says softly. "c'mon. Lets go exploring."

I nod and look at him; he gives me his hand and helps me out of the car.

We walk hand in hand through the field just taking everything in and having a light conversation.

"Frank, how did you find this place?"

"My dad use to take me when I was younger. We'd come fly kites or something like that."

"I've never met your dad. I've met your mom, but not your dad." I say softly.

"You can meet him one day. He'll really like you." he says smiling at me.

I smile back then look at the big tree on the hill, "Frank I wanna go swing. Can we go swing?"

"We can do anything you want to." he says.

I smile and take off running up the hill. I finally make it up, and surprisingly I am not out of breath.

I climb into the swing and try to move myself, but fail. I frown and am about to ask Frank to push me when I feel pressure on my back and I go soaring through the air.

I squeal in surprise and throw back my head letting the air blow through my hair.

After I swing for awhile, Frank gets on and I push him. Then we lie down in the grass and stare up at the clouds, saying which ones look like bunnies and other odd objects.

The wind starts to pick up and I get colder. Frank notices and pulls me into his arms, keeping me safe and warm. I nuzzle my head into his chest and take in his scent.

He smells like cologne and cigarettes. I've never seen him smoke.

"You smoke?" I ask lifting my head.

"Yea... is that bad?"

"No, I can smell it on you, along with your cologne. I like it." I say smiling.

He chuckles then moves a strand of hair out of my face. He caresses my cheek with the palm of his hand then leans in bringing his lips closer to mine.

I've never kissed anyone before, but I lean in too on instinct and close my eyes when our lips finally touch.

We kiss softly for a few minutes; I think he can feel my uncertainty in the kiss.

We pull away and smile at each other.

"Was that your first kiss?" he asks softly.

I nod shyly and blush a little. He nods knowingly and then kisses me softly again.

"You're beautiful you know that?" he says as we lay back down in the grass.


"Mmhmm, gorgeous. And what makes it better is it's a natural kind. Not that plastic shit that's so popular now adways."

"Thank you." I say softly.

"I just speak the truth... It's getting late. We should probably head home."

I nod and get up, then help him off of the ground. We walk back to the car hand in hand. Frank opens the door for me and I get in, and then wait for him to get in.

The conversation is light on the way back home, but it's a comfortable silence.

Today has been incredible. Frank is so sweet. I really like him. I'm glad he likes me too. I may even introduce him to Mother, something I was not considering before.

And if she doesn't like him, then I don't care. He treats me so well, and I really really like him. He makes me happy.

He's my first real boyfriend.

Frank and I get home around 5 and we see Mother's car parked in the drive way.

"Whose car is that?" Frank asks.

"Mothers..." I say quietly.

"I thought she wasn't supposed to be gone."

"I don't know... She said a whole week." I say as we get out of the car.

We walk into the house and Mother is in the kitchen reading the mail. She glances up quickly then does a double take when she sees Frank.

"Mother, I thought you weren't going to be home for a week." I say quietly.

"They made me go home. They said I was working too much... Who's your friend?" she says eyeing him suspiciously.

"This is Frank... He's my... boyfriend." I say hesitantly.

"Hi, nice to meet you Ms. Cataloni." he says smiling.

She raises an eyebrow at him, "Boyfriend? Since when do you even have any friends?"

I don't answer her and instead look down at my shoes embarrassingly.

"You know she's crazy right?" Mother says.

Why is she doing this? Does she want to hurt me?

"Zoey's not crazy... She's perfectly fine." Frank says putting an arm around me.

"Whatever you say." she says and turns her attention back to the mail.

We go up to my room and I close the door behind us.
I don't want to look at Frank. I am too ashamed and embarrassed.

She hates me.
My own Mother doesn't even love me.

Frank pulls me into his arms and I can't help but cry. She's so horrible. Why does she say those things?

She hates me.

"Shhh, Zoey its okay. Shhh, I'm here." he says while rubbing my back.

We go over to my bed and lay down for awhile just keeping each other company. He leaves a few hours later since Mother is home. I walk him out to his car and he kisses me goodnight and says he'll see me at school in the morning. I watch as his car disappears down the street.

I go back inside and am about to go upstairs when Mother stops me.

"I don't like him Zoey. He's a little freak with all of his piercings." she spits.

"Well I'm sorry Mother, but I like him. A lot. And he treats me so nicely. And I really really like him. You don't ever have to see him again if you don't want to. I won't bring him over if I know you're home." I say and continue up the stairs.

I go to my room and get ready for bed. After I take my pills I crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep.

I hate my Mother.