The Halmark Holiday

The Halmark Holiday

“Marcy please.” I pleaded, “Don’t do this, we can make this work. I promise.”

“No more promises, Patrick, no more!” Marcy threw the clothes she had in her hands into a suitcase, “All you’ve ever done is promised me this, or promised me that. I can’t take anymore promises”

“Marcy, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, how ever you want me to. Please, just don’t go.”

Closing her eyes, Marcy sighed, and closed the lid to her suitcase, shattering my heart into a thousand pieces.

“I’m sorry Patrick.” picking up the suitcase, Marcy walked out of my room, my apartment, and then, out of my life, forever.


“And all the colors of the street signs, they remind me of the pick up truck out in front of your neighbors house.”

Listening to the crowd sing those words back at me almost made me cry. For some reason, who will remain nameless, it was her favorite song.

“Thank you!” Pete shouted, as Joe, Andy, and I made out way off stage. Pete ran off after us, and we all let out a cheer as we celebrated the end of another well performed concert.

“That was great!” Joe said, again, after the 1000th time, as we made out way to the ‘after the show' party at a local bar, where the bands get to hand, and where we all get to interact with our fans.

Sitting at a booth, Brenden Urie and Ryan Ross came over and sat with us. Apparently, Spencer went to bed, and Eric was hanging with another band.

“How’s life for you?” Brenden yelled over the sound of The Academy Is... performing a mini show on the small stage of the bar.

“A little better.” I answered, “Marcy left me last month, but I’m okay.”

“I’m sorry.” patting me on the back, he added, “At least you don’t have to worry about Valentine’s Day.”

“Valentine’s Day is such a Halmark Holiday.” Ryan said. Under the table, he placed his hand on my knee, and slowly moved it up.

I was used to this. We’ve been together for a while, and that was the reason why she-who-must-not-be-named broke up with me.

Turning away from Brenden I turned to Ryan and whispered in his ear, “Later okay?” I aloud my lips to brush against his cheek as I turned back to everyone at the table.

Everyone knew about Ryan and me, but they didn’t agree with it. They all though Ryan was using me in some way, but we knew it wasn’t true. Ryan's heart wasn't cold enough to do something like that.


Stumbling onto Fall Out Boy’s tour bus, Ryan moved me to the bunk area, and down on my bed.

Out lips were connected, and out bodies were close and hungry, his hands slid up my shirt, tore it from my upper body, and slid his hands back down.

Rolling over with difficulty, I removed his shirt. He bucked his middle to met mine, sending me on a mindless heart filled moan that was muffled in his lips.

Doing it again, it caused me to instantly dive down to his buckle, and undid his pants.

Soon, we were tugging at each others belt loops, trying to see which one could rid the other of their clothing first.

I won, but I later found myself on my ‘flipped side’ as Ryan called it, enjoying the pleasure of his thrusting work.

Lasting a long, yet wonderful, time we both released, mine due to the beautiful, swift movements of his hands, and we were both lying on my bunk, sweat covering us, and my sheet pulled up around us. We both fell asleep.


Waking up, I jumped slightly at the sight of Brenden smiling at me from the isle.

“Good morning.” he said, smiling wider, “Have fun?”

It took me a moment to register what he was talking about, but realized that I wasn’t wearing anything, it clicked.

“It was great.” I replied, “You should really try it sometime.”

“I’ll pass.”

“Hand me some boxers, will ya?”

Brenden looked on the floor and reached for Ryan’s pants, and then my boxers.

“You two cease to amaze me.” he said, as I took the article of clothing from him, and wriggled into it.

Looking over at Ryan, I placed a soft kiss on his forehead, then proceeded to get out of my bunk, and pulled on a tee shirt over my head.

I followed Brenden to the front of the bus, where Pete, Joe, Andy, Spencer, and Eric were sitting. The bus was moving so I guess that we were on our way to our next show.

“Hello.” Pete said, a smirk on his face.

“Hey.” I answered.

“Sleep well?”

I nodded.


“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Joe said, tossing a box of conversation hearts at me.

“Thanks. Same to you.” I answered.

Sitting down on the floor, I rested my head against the wall, and listened to them talk about last night and all that I missed.

After a while, Ryan stumbled through, into the sitting area, and sat down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. He was never a morning person.

“Happy V-Day.” Joe said, tossing a box of the candy hearts at him.

“Mmmmm.” Ryan replied.

Wrapping my arm around him, I moved his head so he was lying on my lap.

“Tired?” I asked. He nodded. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”

“Because you’re not with me.” he answered.

“I’ll lie down with you.” I answered.

Smiling wildly, Ryan got up and I followed him back into the sleeping area.
Pulling me into my bunk, he kissed me feverishly, causing me to kiss back. Pushing me down, he straddled my waist, and dominated me.

Releasing me foe a moment, Ryan smiled, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” kissing me again, the bus hit something, causing us to roll over.

With me on top, I broke out kiss and smiled.

“Valentine’s Day is suck a Halmark Holiday.” I said.

Ryan smiled, and pulled me down for a mind blowing kiss.

I love Valentine’s Day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Valentine's Day.

This is an old one that I had posted on Quizilla. First attempt at a slash, hence the awfulness of it.

But still.... comments?