Status: Abandon

Got A Secret?

Cold FX?

"No, I'm sick. Leave me alone." I groan hanging up the phone before Marc could try and talk me into leaving the house. I had managed to play tonight even with my head-cold bothering me. This was the second time I had been sick this year and it wasn't even December yet. I think that was a warning that I needed more sleep or something because I was getting run down too easily now a days.

Still I had yet to miss a game, and had brought myself up to 7 goals, and 12 assists. Not that I was counting or anything, but since I was a girl I was at a disadvantage and I thought I was doing pretty good. However I was working too hard, Coach had told the night guards not to let me in and use the gym at night no matter what I said I had forgotten in there.

"Rachel works hard, too hard. There is nothing wrong with proving herself but if she keeps this up she's going to get sick. She's already been sick once this season and I can already see that she's getting run down again. We've had to ban her from the gym because if she had it her way she'd be in there all night. I feel like I need to get her a baby sitter at times. We encourage hard work, but she needs to take a breather, we believe in her. I think she just needs to believe in herself more and maybe she'd start to relax". Dan Byslma comments on his new right-wing.

I hated being sick, I reverted back to the biggest baby ever when I was sick. During my schooling I usually just curled up and hoped to die when I was sick. Which was never a good idea because I didn't drink, or medicate myself. I just needed someone to mother me and instruct me, yeah I know not very mature but men are no different when they're sick themselves. Luckily I only had morning skate tomorrow and that was optional, so I could either skip it. Or just go really drugged up like I did for the game I just played.

Let me tell you playing hockey when hopped up on cold medication is probably the worst experience ever. Not because you're tripping out or anything, but you just feel so yuck. I yelled, loudly when some of the Toronto players were taunting me, and I'm pretty sure I thanked each and everyone of them for "A game well played, yet lost" as we left. Jordan ended up having to drag me away from Kessel who I offered to trade teams with for a whole game to show him what it was like to win. Apparently I'm a vocal medicated person.

"Oh Keller, yeah she was pretty sick. She insisted on playing though and took some Day Quil. I don't think it was agreeing with her and I think she'll probably regret playing tomorrow morning. We hope she gets better she's no fun when she's sick. She's moody and grumpy it's odd to see her that way. Normally she has a very happy disposition and none of us like to see her hurting". Pascal Dupuis tells us after the game." She doesn't let anything break her focus, I was on the ice with her a few times and she was always focused. I was impressed".

Most of us wondered what was going on with the right-winger who seemed to loose her fire halfway through the game. We all figured she was sick though when the camera panned to her during the second period where she was attempting to discreetly blow her nose.

"It is uh, very funny when Keller is sick. She used word combination on Pascal in the dressing room we could never even imagine. She's very creative when she's grumpy, not someone you want to make angry. Some did not think she should play as much as she did, but uh.. she did not listen. She'll be better soon though". Marc Andre comments with a grin when we caught up with him after the game. Rachel Keller avoided comment holding up a pack of tissues and insisting she didn't want to infect us.

I hear a knock on my door not wanting to bother to actually get up and answer it. I lived with Mario and his family since my spot was only for a year thing so far. I figure if they let the person into the house, they didn't require my immediate attention or I would have been called down.

"Just leave me here to die!" I whine not really caring if it was my teams owner on the other side of the door or not. I push my face down into the pillow and clutch a tissue in my hand and pull the blankets up around my head. Maybe if I looked pathetic enough Nathalie would bring me soup?

"I like what you've done with the place, I usually kept my dirty clothes in that corner, but I guess it depends on preference" Sidney's voice cuts through the air. I grunt signaling I hear but didn't really give a shit as to what he was saying.

"You can't just hide in here all weekend, You're not going to get better that way".
Once again I grunt, I could do what I want.
"You just have a cold, stop being a baby about it".
Another grunt.
"If I bring you juice will you get up?"
"Maybe" I mumble, only to have a glass smacked down on my table.
"Good, I brought you some OJ, Nat says you need to eat too or she'll come up here. I don't think you want that. I speak from experience" he warns sitting down on my bed by where my knees were curled up towards my chest. I move the blanket down for a minute to watch him as he looked around his former room. I hadn't put too many personal touches in the room, I had a few pictures and articles from the season. Some pictures with friends from back home and my Jersey and medal from the Olympics hanging. Like hell I'd let those out of my sight.

"Would I take a bullet for her? That's kind of an odd question.." Crosby trails off looking over to his team mate Rachel Keller who looks slightly confused by the question.
"I have a few questions, where is he being shot? I mean if I was just going to be grazed by the bullet then yeah, I'd take a bullet for him. But if it's a machine gun and the person is aiming for my head or chest. Then no."
"At least I answered! I'm the more dedicated team mate here. I'd take a bullet graze for any of them"
"Really? All of them?" I question, she looks around the locker room for a moment. "Well, more or less. But I'm not going to encourage people to test this theory".

"Drink that and I'll consider getting Nathalie to make you some soup"
I roll my eyes grabbing the glass and taking a long drink, "You do this for all your team mates or am I just special? Captain Crosby to the rescue, da da da duu!"

Sidney laughs and leans over placing his hand on my forehead, the contact shocked me and I jump slightly in place feeling his cool hand against my forehead. We had never actually had skin on skin contact. We were always separated by equipment or clothing, it was... nice. I resist the urge to push myself against his touch and choose to swat his hand away instead.

"I'm not a baby Sid"
"Well you were acting like one, so I will treat you as such" he retorts with a frown, I curl my lip in annoyance but resist the urge to roll my eyes and take another drink of juice. I didn't feel so much like I wanted to die anymore, I couldn't decided if it was the juice or Sidney's presence.

"Are you coming to the rink tomorrow morning or are you going to sleep in? I'd suggest you sleep in but I know how stubborn you can be".
"Then why ask if you already know what I'm going to do?" I ask with a slight smile. I could probably self-medicate enough to make it through a morning skate. Sidney laughs and pats my knee through the blanket making my pulse jump slightly.
"You look a little feverish," he frowns looking at my face which felt suddenly warm, "you okay?"

I wiggle my knee a little and clear my throat, "Fine, yeah I'll be there tomorrow unless I get worse". Sid eyes search my face for a moment before nodding and taking his hand off of my knee, replacing it in his lap. "I'll pick you up on my way in then. You can rest on the way in too then. Can't be too careful, we have a game in a few days. You need to rest up".

"Thanks brah" I joke grabbing the glass once more, joining in with his laughter.

"Define their relationship... Well you can't really. You know we've never been asked these questions before, I almost miss the million questions I'd get about the game but this is a nice change I guess". Jordan Staal jokes with me, he looks across the dressing room at the two players in question. "Complicated. That's how I'd define it. They're both very unique and dedicated to the game, but they've also became dedicated to each other in the same way. Keller seems to understand Crosby in a way we never could and we've all known him longer. It's kind of interesting to watch to be honest, because Crosby always just seems to know what Keller is thinking and what she's going to do".

Staal pauses for a moment before his expression turns serious,"We have bets on them, do you want in?".