Beautiful Distraction

Notice The Details

That day, in Mr. Fitz's class Erica sauntered up to the seat next to me. I caught myself about to give a glance that asked if she was crazy. She was sitting next to the one kid who didn't even get a standing on any social charts. However, I caught myself and the only words I uttered were "Good morning."

That would have been it but then she called my name before I could sprint out the door to get away from this place and head off to my secret hideaway.

"Lily, wait up," Erica asked. So I did the polite thing and paused.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, I just wondered if you were going to homecoming." I laughed.

"Uh, no." She pouted.

"You should totally come! Afterword I'm having an after party at my house. Everyone is coming. Hope to see you there." I didn't bother to even tell her I didn't know where her house was. She wouldn't notice if I wasn't there.

I walked calmly toward my two best friends, as they giggled and high fived each other.

"Did she take the bait?" Julia asked.

"I'm not sure, but she a nobody, does she have the option to say no?"

"What are we gunna do when she's hooked?" Karah asked. I merely smiled.

"Make her one of us."