


Soul's P.O.V

I'm waiting…

I'm at the spot you told me to wait at. So here I am…waiting. But the question remains is, 'where are you?'

I remember the day we first met like it was just yesterday. Funny huh, but what's really funny is that we just met, last year. I was new here in Death City and new at DWMA. I've been here for a week now, but I didn't see you until yesterday, because you were sick.

When I first arrived here everyone was afraid of me. No one would approach me because of my hair color and my eyes, especially my eyes. One look and…poof…everyone is gone. No one looked at me; no one talked to me, until you came along, or rather should I say appeared.

I remember playing the piano in the music room. The only place in the entire school that would give me comfort. I was just playing a song that was my heart and soul. And you stood there…watching. I don't know how long, but I remember finishing the song and then I heard something unexpected. Clapping.

I turn around and I saw…you. You with your two pig-tails, your green eyes, short plaid mini skirt, and long black jacket. I was stunned, I shocked, but most importantly I was confused. I wasn't sure what I could do. Run. Stay. All I knew was someone was here, that you where here. I stood still, but you…everything stood still, but you. I watched as you moved towards me.

You told me how beautiful my song was and how talented I was. But I said nothing. I did nothing. Nothing but leaving. But then, I felt something on my shoulder, and when I turn I saw you. You told me not to go, but rather stay there with you. You. Out of everyone who ever saw me, who ever looked at me, you stayed.

I was shocked to hear you say that you wanted to know more about me. Where I came from, where I was raise at. I was even surprise that I answered those questions. I expected you to leave when I showed my teeth. If anything scared people it was my teeth. But no, you smiled when you saw them. Then the strangest thing happened, you started to talk about your life.

We sat in that music room for hours. When you talked, I listened. When I talked, you listened. Then when it got late, you stood up. You were leaving. I stood up and reached for you wanting you to stay. But before I could even get close to you, you turned. You turned to me and told me that you were going home. I told you that I didn't want you to leave. I saw the look on your face the look of shock. But then it changed to a smile.

You told me that you would meet me tomorrow. You told me the place to meet you at, since there was no school the next morning. Smiling, you said goodbye and left. But before leaving my sight you told me something I'll never forget. You told me your name. Maka. That's your name. Since then I wanted to see you again. I never gone home instead I came straight here. I've been waiting here since.


Waiting to see you again, to talk to you again. I'm waiting, until you come. Maka.
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This is my first Soul Eater fic I have created. I have a sequal that I'm going to post later. Hope to see you soon.