This Is How You Remind Me

Possible Parents

"This is Izzie, Beth, and Carmella," Lorraine had pointed us out each individually.

"It's nice to meet you, girls," Mrs. Armstrong spoke with a heart warming smile, hand extended for awaiting handshakes. "I'm Adrienne and this is Billie Joe."

We all shook her hand, and then her husband's. Stepping around the black leather sectional that the Armstrong's were sitting on, we made our way to the other side and sat patiently.

"Well, I'm going to go and make some coffee. Would anyone like anything to drink? Coffee? Pop? Water? Tea?"

"Water, please," the three of us chimed.

"No, thank you," both Adrienne and Billie Joe responded.

After sitting in a few minutes of an awkward silence surrounding us, Adrienne spoke up, "So I hear you guys are in high school?"

"Yes, ma'am," Izzie responded. "We're all sophomores, soon to be juniors."

"I remember sophomore year well," Billie Joe had laughed aloud. "It was an. . .interesting year. What do you guys think of it so far?"

"Yes sir, interesting is about the right word to use," Beth laughed along with him.

I just nodded with a smile still across my face. I wasn't sure what to say or how to act, so I just smiled politely until Lorraine brought out three water bottles for us.

"Well, I'll be upstairs if you need me," Lorraine spoke with a smile. She waved to all of us, and the five of us waved back to her.

When no more footsteps were heard, Billie Joe turned around and squirmed about to catch every angle of the upstairs to make sure that Lorraine wasn't about to hear anything. "Okay, enough with the formal bull shit. What do you guys do for fun?"

"I don't know, I guess I just listen to music and/or write. Keeps me busy enough," Izzie replied with a shrug.

"Listen to music, party when Lorraine's out, do photography, and play guitar in my band," Beth spoke.

And sure enough, the part the I dreaded most came. It was my turn to talk. My turn to let some strangers into a glimpse of my life. No matter how little a part it is, it's still my life. . .and that scared me.
"Um, I'm not sure. I play music, listen to music, read, write, party, just teenage stuff, I guess," I answered him quietly.

"That's cool. Sounds like you guys do the stuff I used to do," Billie Joe laughed.

"What subject in school do you find the most fun?" Adrienne asked. "Well, as far as fun in school goes."

"Art, definitely," Beth replied. "Photography is cool."

"I really don't have a favorite," Izzie replied. "School's not really…my thing, I guess. If I had to pick, maybe biology."

"I like English," I spoke up. "For some reason, I love reading and writing. I'm like the nerd of the house."

The rest of the evening remained going just as the aforementioned conversation, but soon it was time to Billie Joe and Adrienne to leave, and to sleep on that ever so fateful decision. I told Izzie and Beth that I'd show them out and they could go do whatever they needed or wanted.

"Thank you so much for coming over and talking with us," I smiled politely at the couple, using the standard line that was to be used.

"It was our pleasure, really," Adrienne smiled. She leaned forward slightly, arms open, waiting for a hug, I assumed. I leaned forward as well and then broke the connection a second later. "Would you let Lorraine know that we'll talk to her tomorrow, dear?"

"Yes, ma'am," I responded.

"Well, we hope to see you soon, kid," Billie Joe laughed slightly, outstretching his hand towards me.

After seeing them out, I marched upstairs and into our bedroom, wanting to talk with Beth and Izzie. Although, when I walked into the room, my ears were greeted by nothing but the heavy breathing of the two girls. Looking out the window, I realized that it was, sure enough, night time. I hadn't really taken notice that it was getting darker. The 'visit' had stolen most of my attention.

I quietly crept back out of the room and down the hall, making my way to Lorraine's room where I knocked softly on the door.

"Come in," was the feeble response I received.
I cracked the door open and stuck my head in, showing her who it was.
"Oh, Carmella, dear. Come in! Come talk with me for a while!"

I stepped farther in and closed the door gently behind me. I took a seat on her deep green bedspread, swinging my legs up on the bed to sit cross legged.

"What're you up to, Deary?" she asked, a smile gracing her soft, feminine features.

For a woman pushing her fifties, she was gorgeous. Sure, her green eyes didn't hold as much life as I'm sure they used to, but they still shone brightly. Her pink lips curved into the perfect smile when she wanted to express joy. More often than not, her brown hair would be left down to hang around her shoulders. Only slightly grey, her hair held quite a bit of sheen. I had never really taken the time to realize how pretty her facial structure was. Everything from her prominent brow bones and high cheek bones, to her sharp, petite nose and thin, rosy lips. Of course, she was more than fortunate to have a curvy body like that of a woman in her twenties.

"I was just going to head to bed in a little bit," I admitted, pushing my hair behind my ears. "I just wanted to stop by and let you know that the Armstrong's had said that they'd talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," she spoke quietly. I was about to get up, but she stopped me in my tracks. "So, the Armstrong's. What do you think of them, Carmella?"

"I think that they seem like very nice people," I told her politely, keeping most feelings out of the discussion.

"Okay, now I want an honest answer. What do you think of them?" she asked again, laughing slightly at how she was able to tell that I was holding back.

"I think that they seem like very loving, fun, people. I think that any of us would be lucky to end up with them as our parents. Period," I finished.

"I'm glad you think so," she smiled. "Because Adrienne had talked to me while Billie Joe was keeping the three of you occupied and had let me know that they were thinking of adopting you."


"Oh," I smiled, trying not to think about how much I was going to miss this place. I mean, I had lived here for three or four years now, and it would be hard to detach from it. Not to mention the people in it.

"You say it with so much distain. Can I ask why?" Lorraine asked, acting innocent.

"It's just that," I sniffed, biting back tears. "It's just that, this has been more of a home to me than anywhere has. And come on! Since it's only the four of us," at this statement, I heard Princess growl in her throat, wanting to be let up on the bed. I laughed and picked her up, heaving her onto the bed and watching her crawl up and curl into Lorraine's side. "Since it's only the five of us, I've grown attached. You guys are my family; my life. What would I do if I had to leave? I wouldn't be able to come in here late at night and talk with you like this. I wouldn’t be able to snuggle up with Princess in the middle of the day. I wouldn't be able to pick on Izzie and Beth. Ever. I'm not going to lie, I fell in love with this place and it'd be hard to leave."

"Oh, Honey," Lorraine spoke as she got up and wrapped her arms around me. "We'll still be here. You can still call us and talk with us. We'll come visit you and you're sure as hell welcome back here to visit with us. That is, if you'd want to."

I pulled back from the embrace and lightly slapped Lorraine on the shoulder, "Of course I would!"

"Good!" she laughed, and resumed her spot at the head of the bed right next to Princess. "Now, go get some sleep, babe. You'll need it, especially if you're going to move in with the Armstrong's. Just think, you can finally have a last name: Carmella Marie Armstrong. It has a nice ring to it," she smiled at me. "Goodnight, Honey."

"Night, Lorraine," I smiled to her and then backed out of her room and retreated down the hall to our room. Soon to be their room.

I quickly replaced my clothes with pajamas and hopped into my bed.

Carmella Marie Armstrong. It does have a nice ring to it.