Status: Completed :) Won 1st place!!

In the End

And for all this, there's only one thing you should know.

I was mad, angry, furious. Peter should have never left me. I did everything for him! I loved him! My hand dashed the tears away from my eyes as I scribbled and scratched out, scribbled and scratched out. I wanted to make Peter feel the pain I felt. I knew his weakness, it was the same as mine. I laid my heart in his hands and he'd crushed it. I'd trusted him and he'd crushed that too. I had nothing left. I was a failure and losing Peter was the last thing I could take. I'd leave this note for him and he'd know he was the one to blame...


I put my trust in you and I guess I pushed as far as I could go. There's only one thing I want you to know. I love you so much, Peter, and that never changed. Don't blame yourself for what happened to me. Please? I know you're like me and you think too much of what other's think of you. We're just too sensitive of people to be put into this situation known as love. Forget anything bad I ever said when we fought. I didn't mean it.

I still love you,


I'd changed my mind. I didn't want Peter to feel guilty. I didn't want him to be blamed. This was all my fault. I wanted him to know I loved him and I just couldn't be away from him. I glanced down at the busy street. The street lights glowed in the darkness several stories below me. I remembered when Peter had tried to commit suicide in this same way. He'd failed, but I wouldn't. A cold wind blew into my face, making me shiver. I closed my eyes and backed away from the ledge, breathing in deeply. Just end it now.

Slowly I leaned forward, my feet left the solidity of the roof, and I was falling. The air rushed past me, making it impossible to take a breath. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I wasn't even brave enough to face my own fate. I was falling, falling to lose all the pain. Then I wasn't falling...
Something hard and fast slammed into me and I was flying across the air, horizontal instead of vertical. I thought maybe I had hit the concrete and now I was leaving this world, but when I opened my eyes, the skyscrapers zoomed by and I wasn't the one flying. I was half-way over someone's shoulder.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Peter demanded as we continued to skyrocket through the air.

"We're...flying..." I whispered, my hair whipping in my face.

"You didn't answer my question,” he growled. Honestly, I couldn't. I mean, I was flying through New York!

"How...?" was all I got out. He didn't answer.

After a few minutes we began to descend and he adjusted to holding me in his arms. I looked into his face, his brown hair blown back, a determined, pissed look on his handsome face.

"Hold on," he said. I squeezed my eyes shut and I felt us hit the ground rather hard, but Peter stayed upright. When I opened my eyes I immediately located us in the park where'd he dumped me a few days before. The memory of it brought back pricks of pain in my chest. He set me on my feet so he could look me straight in the face. "Are you insane?" he yelled.

" can fly?" I was shaking from the shock, my mind still flying several miles behind us.

"That and among other things," he admitted. "But you still haven't answered my question."

"What do you mean 'among other things'?" I asked meekly.

Peter closed his eyes in a gesture to gain his patience. "I absorb other special people's abilities. Flying is Nathan's ability."

"Nathan can fly?" Peter nodded. I tried to imagine Nathan, the great politician, flying through the air. It wasn't easy.

A sad look came across Peter's face, a look of misery like I'd never seen before, and hoped never to see again. It was in his eyes. His deep, dark eyes radiating something so miserable I couldn't look at them anymore.

"I never wanted to leave you," he finally spoke, his voice thick with the emotions that were stirring inside him. "And seeing what you just tried to do, proved that I made a horrible mistake. I was only trying to protect you, Jade. I was–"

"Peter, I don’t' need protection from you!" I snapped, knowing what his excuse was going to be. "I just need you!"

Peter stepped forward so his body was inches from mine and I had to look up into those eyes. "You don't understand. When I was in the hospital I saw this city was going to explode. All because of me, you and Nathan and my mother are all going to die."

None of what had just come from his mouth made sense, but I wouldn't question that now. I shook my head. " could never–"

"Listen to me!" he said sharply, making me start. "I am a ticking nuclear bomb all because I met a guy who emits radiation. I am going to try everything in my power to stop what I saw, but I can't promise anything. So, I need you to leave here. Go to another town, another state. I don’t' care, I just need you to leave so I know you'll be okay. Understand?”

I shook my head forcefully. "I am not leaving you, Peter."

Peter's eyes burned with frustration, but the sadness still brewed with it. "I don't want you to leave, but I don't know what else to do. I promise you, when this is all over, we'll be together. Just do this for me, please?"

I couldn't believe that Peter actually still wanted to be with me, even after all that time he'd stayed away from me. It was only because he was different, he was special. I looked up at him and placed a kiss on his lips. His hands tangled in my hair as I held on tightly to his neck. It was passionate in a way that makes you never want it to end. It gave me a bad feeling in my stomach because he wouldn't kiss me like this if something bad wasn't going to happen.
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3rd chapter! Only one more! Why not a comment? ;) Please?