Status: hope you like

Letters to Leslie


She looks slowly around the room, her hazel eyes probing. She catalogs the two way mirror, the small metal table, her small cold metal chair. And finally, she picks up the pencil on the cool table, and she touches it to the paper.

Dear Leslie,

I didn’t do it, you know I wouldn’t have. I could never do what I was accused of, it’s inhumane and horrific. And it pains me even more that all of our friends believe it’s true. Did I tell you that when they threw me in here, they showed me his picture? He was a gorgeous little boy, his young eyes filled with laughter. They didn’t trust me when I said I had never seen him before. Now his face haunts me, his pale cheeks filled with many freckles, his brown hair curling right at the ears, his small nose turning up at the end. He’s all I see, every moment of everyday.

When they showed me the picture I asked if I could keep it. They looked at me like I was crazy but yes , none the less. Every night before I go to bed I take his picture out of the pocket in my jumpsuit and I talk to it. I talk to it! I think I may be going crazy. But can you blame me? Wouldn’t you go crazy if you were accused of my crime.
I am no murderer.


She folded up the paper and slipped it into the envelope. Even though she knew the police would have to read it over she licked the tab and pressed it to the other side. Sealing her words. They came in to take her back to her cell.

But not before she gave it a kiss.
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