Status: hope you like

Letters to Leslie


She was still weeping as she picked up the tiny, chewed pencil from the cool surface. She pressed it hesitantly to the paper.

Dear Leslie,

You are very right. I thank you for that, where would I be without you? Hopefully I will never know. But please try to understand. Try to understand this pain I feel every day. Every day when I think about that poor boys killer, and how he’s still out there. Roaming the earth.
What if he kills someone else, what if another child is hurt in his wake. Or worse, killed. And it would be all my fault, for I am here in jail. And they think they have conquered. They think they’ve won. But he is still running loose. Free to do as he pleases, yet I am punished for something I have not done.

And you’re right, maybe justice will find me. But if it does, I doubt it will be soon. And even if I was let out, people will still see me as a criminal, as a murderer. My case was televised, everyone saw, there is nowhere I would be able to go to be free.

As I took a shower today there was a small mirror placed in front of me. It was scratched and dirty, but I still saw what was reflected inside. I looked horrible, my face drawn, dark bags under my eyes. Then I looked closer, and what I saw was not myself, but the boy.

He pounded his small fists on the glass as he screamed over and over again. Help me! He screamed. And all I could think was, why wasn’t I there. There when he was murdered? Maybe I could have saved him, maybe he would still be alive today.


She put the pencil down. Folded the letter and put it into the envelope. Just like before, she licked it, and sealed it. And again,

She kissed it.
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