Status: hope you like

Letters to Leslie


Leslie wrote back again. And this pleased her to no end, it made her happy to know that someone out there still loved her. Made her happy that someone out there still had fail in her. The letter was shorter this time, but it was still a letter.

It was still a show of Leslie’s love for her friend. She made a promise to herself that this time she would not cry. She would not shed a single tear. Then she realized how stupid of a promise that was. If she wanted to cry, then she would. Keeping your feelings bottled up was never a good thing. Especially, not in prison.

Dear Ani,

I read your letter, and I believe they will catch the true murderer before he gets a chance to kill anyone else. If they don’t, I pity the soul who crosses paths with him. Poor, poor soul indeed.

But like I said before do not let your guilt take a hold of you, for you are not.

When you get out of jail, when not if, I will be there for you. Even if nobody else shows you love. I will always be there to comfort you. In the mornings we can have our coffee together. And in the afternoons we can make your favorite meal, lasagna. Bet you haven’t had that in a while.

Forever and Always,

She folded the letter back up and slipped it into her breast pocket. She would keep that one there, right next to His picture. She would keep it there because it held hope, and faith. Emotions that she’d long forgotten how to feel.
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