Status: going to be inactive soon...

Point of No Return.


Knock, knock, knock

I got my gun out and ready. It was probably Dean, but I didn't want to take any chances.

"Come in, it's open." I shouted at the door. I didn't bother checking who it was before-hand who it was, because I had drawn a devil's trap under the carpet and put hex bags around the room. That way, if it wasn't Dean about to walk through the door, whatever it was wouldn't even get close. Even as ready as I was, I was glad to see Dean's familiar green eyes as he opened the door and walked in hesitantly. I quickly put my gun away.

"Oh, hey Dean, hey Sam. So, here's the thing," however, as I was about to tell him about the case, he interrupted me.

"Don't you check who walks in? What if I had been a demon?" he sounded concerned...odd.

"Don't need to. There's a devil's trap under the rug and hex bags around the room," I said, waving my hand in a circle to prove my point. "So, as I was saying," again, he interrupted me before I could start on the case.

"Wait. Can't you let us walk in first? Jeez, not even a hello, or a hug." I just stared at him blankly. I wasn't very pleased with the way we left things.

"Do I look like I have the time for for hugs and hellos?"

Dean raised an eyebrow at me, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Not all of us make this their primary source of income, you know."

"Look, just give us a minute to settle in, okay?"

I waved my arms at the room, inviting them to let their hair down. Sam put his duffel bag down at the door and took a look around.

I stopped a second and looked at him, he was probably day-dreaming, he looked distant. He had been awfully quiet since he came in. Something's wrong here. He usually did his own research and, whenever he showed up, he would tell his version of things and tell me his opinion of what's going on and what creature it is. I have to find out what's up with him.

"So, Sammy, what's up?" I asked, realizing I hadn't really looked at him yet. He's much bigger now. Taller too. He lifted his head, probably snapping out of his day-dream, and looked me in the eyes.

"Nothing. Why?" I took a couple of steps back. There was definitely something wrong with him. It was written in his eyes. They seemed somehow tortured, but unknowingly. Like is it was all hidden behind some door. But how could that be possible? And what kind of memories would have to be hidden behind a door so badly, that some of it would come seeping out on occasions?

"Dean? What the hell is wrong with your brother?" I asked, my back against the wall. Dean looked taken aback, like he wasn't expecting that question. He looked at Sam, then back at me. I understand now. There was something wrong with Sam. Dean looked sad. It pulled at my heartstrings to see him sad, but I had to ignore it. I had to stay strong in front of him. I wouldn't break down, I couldn't. Not after what happened last time we saw each other.

"It's complicated. Besides, you don't wanna know. Trust me." he looked sincere, but I didn't buy it.

"No. Tell me what's wrong with him," I took out my gun, "or I shoot him." and pointed it at Sam, waiting for an explanation.

Dean looked tensely at my gun, then looked me in the eyes. I tried as hard as I could to hide the fact that I was bluffing, but he knew me too well.

"Sorry, I'm calling it a bluff." he smirked slightly, proud to have been able to read me when others had tried and failed miserably. But I couldn't let him think it was that easy.

"Well, suit yourself." I moved my gun a little bit to the right and, with a LOT of nerves and a BANG, I shot Sam right in the arm. Earning me a half-scream, half-groan and a swear from dear old Sammy. I smirked, proud that I had been able to step on my kindness and shoot him after all. "You better tell me or the next bullet is going in his skull. He's not 100% human, I know that much. And that's just enough for me to kill him."

Dean looked thoroughly pissed. But he answered anyway. Of course, I would never be able to kill Sam, but he didn't know that and he didn't want to make the mistake of underestimating me again.

"Look, Sam just came out of hell, okay?" he must've seen the look of utter confusion in my face, 'cause he continued. "He's been in the pit for about a year and a half and just came back. Thankfully, he doesn't remember any of it."

I thought about this for a moment. "Wait. Sam died?" Dean probably saw how worried I was because he elaborated on the subject.

"Yeah, he ended the apocalypse. I lived almost a year without hunting, but now we're back." He sounded happy enough, but I could tell he was hiding something. Every time my eyes tried to meet his, he looked purposely away.

"Wait, he was in there for over a year?" both nodded. "I think it's a pretty sweet deal that Sam doesn't remember anything, but I don't think it's gonna last. Sooner or later, the memories will catch up. Just sayin'." I raised my hands defensively, and put my gun back in its holster on my thigh.

"Believe me, you're not the first one to tell us." Sam finally got over his arm and answered.

"Come here, let me patch that up for you". I half-smiled and went to fetch my stuff in the bathroom cabinet.

I took out my pliers, some gauze and bandage tape, a needle and thread and a bottle of whiskey. I saw that Sam had moved to the kitchen table, so I set up my things there. Seeing my bottle, Dean immediately reached for it, trying to sneak a sip. But I stopped him before he could get the chance to chug down the whole bottle.

"Oh no, you don't! This bottle is for wounds only! There's another one under the sink if you want some that badly." He grinned and went for the kitchen while I got start on Sam.

"So, are you gonna help me?" I asked the boys after patching up Sam, who curiously didn't seem to care that I shot him. They looked at each other. I could feel the tension building, but Sam finally nodded slightly and Dean answered,

"Okay, but shoot my brother again and you'll be the one to drop. What is it exactly that we're hunting?"

"Well, I don't really know. I think it might be a dragon, but that's a little farfetched. All I know for sure is that all the victims that went missing were virgins." He raised an eye-brow as I handed him the folder the demon had given me. "You're lucky, when what's-his-face gave it to me, it was a lot heavier than that. I went through it a little, edited, updated and deleted some stuff."

"Alright, well, have you started tracking this thing yet?" He said, leafing through it.

"No, not really. I called you as soon as I could, considering the fact that I have no idea what we're dealing with here." I look up from my very interesting shoes and our eyes met.

No! This isn't fair! I thought to myself as I could feel a moment building. My subconscious knew I was in love with him. That's the problem, I can't. He can't. I could clearly see in his eyes that he felt the same way, but it was impossible. I just couldn't do this to myself. Damn his stupidly green eyes.

"Right, so, there were 3 disappearances, all girls. One vanished from her room on the 17th floor, one didn't make it home from school, and the latest one disappeared in a plane crash. Now, I spoke to all the families, friends and witnesses. The only connection I noticed is that they were all virgins. I'm not sure what we're dealing with here, but it's gotta mean something."

"Okay, that's a lead. But who would want virgins?" Sam had the best confused puppy look.

"You got me, I like my ladies with experience," Dean winked in my direction.

I rolled my eyes at him, but was secretly pleased.


Sitting here, in the back seat of the impala, waiting for Sam to come back with news, it reminded me of when I was a little girl. Except, back then, it wasn't Sam, it was John. But it still felt the same, being here with Dean. Fun fact? I lost my virginity in this very car. On the back seat. With Dean. That's exactly why we couldn't possibly be together.

"So...I heard you have a life now?" Dean asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, sort of. I have a house and pets, but I still hunt the occasional beastie that wanders into my town and I go on Crowley's wild goose chases once in a while. What about you? Still hunting on the back roads of America?"

"Yup. So, got a boyfriend?" I see where you're going with this...

"Nice try, but no. To both."


"Yeah. No, I don't have a boyfriend and no, I won't have sex with you."

He seemed scandalized for about half a second. "Why not?"

"Because I don't do that. Anymore."

"Funny, 'cause I seem to remember having sex with you in this very car a good couple of years back. You were so nervous! It was your first time wasn't it? I didn't exactly have time to ask you after what happened..."

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Sam came through the door, sitting down in the back seat. My shoes were VERY interesting.

"Nothing. What did you find out?" We were parked in front of a hospital. Sam had just gone in to find out more about the last victim.

"Well, she wasn't a virgin. Just faking it. They took her ring, though."

"Let me guess, gold?" Dean asked, starting the car.


"So, that's why they didn't take her, then? She wasn't pure anymore?"

"I guess so," Sam replied. "But what likes virgins and gold?"

"Dragons?" I suggested before Dean could say something stupid.

Dean scoffed. "Sure, but they're not real."

I shrugged, even though he couldn't really see. "I guess we should give Bobby a call."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Right. So, say it is dragons. How do we track this thing?" I asked.

"'We' don't do anything. Sam and I are gonna take care of this. You can go back home and take care of your pets." Dean started the car and drove us out of the hospital parking lot.

I just stared. So much for growing up! "No, I'm not. This is my job, Dean. You can't control me like you tried way back when. You're the one helping me on my case. I'm not gonna stand back and-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all," he answered, still refusing to look at me. The fact that he's driving is completely beside the point.

"I can take care of myself. I don't need or want anyone to watch over me. Trust me, if I did, I would." I crossed my arms over my chest. That was partially true. I didn't really want to bother trying to find someone with the same values as me. Having somebody to take care of me wouldn't be so bad, I guess. Oh god, I'm going soft.

Dean practically stomped on the breaks. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

I raised my eyebrows at that. "It means that you're not the only guy I've ever been with."

I couldn't see his face in the darkness, but I was betting he was pissed. "Oh, so you'd trust some random stranger to take care of you but not me?"

"Let me just remind you that when we met, you were a random stranger." He was about to answer something very rude, I suppose, when Sam finally spoke up. I had completely forgotten about him!

"Can you guys not start World War 3 while I'm sitting right here? Also, if you wouldn't mind getting back to the case?"

"Yes, thank you Sammy." He was just kind of leaning back against his seat, holding the file awkwardly.

"No, only I get to call him Sammy." Dean, still as stubborn.

"Funny, he doesn't seem to mind. Do you, Sammy?" Okay, at this point, I was just fishing for a fight.

"Can we please just go back to the case?" Smart Sammy didn't want to cause a fight. Unfortunately for him, it had already started.

Dean and I were the same. Both of us a dog with a bone. Once we'd started something, we weren't very keen on letting go or giving up. Our fights could last for weeks. Once, John had to get us separate motel rooms the fight was so heavy. Oh boy, this was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
next chapter coming soon, I am currently writing it!!
P.S. comments encourage me...............