Life On The Warped Tour


"Surprise!" came a voice from the front of the school.

"Dragon! Would you calm down and use normal tones of voice!?" a girl said walking up to a man with shoulder length black hair, blue eyes, who stood at six foot six wearing a black My Chemical Romance t-shirt a baggy jeans.

Another girl walked up to join the other. To the untrained eye they would look exactly the same but to the man named Dragon they were completely different right down to the identical pony tail they each wore in their hair.

"Kitten!" Dragon wined " I got tickets to the concert we wanted to go see! Enough for us

three, Haru, Ninja, and Nari!"

"Alex you are amazing!!" The two girls screamed jumping up and down. "When is

the show?" Added the one called Kitten .

"Tonight I thought we could celebrate the end of the school year," Dragon said smiling.

"Haru Ninja Nari! Come here!" he called seeing his sister's friends.

"Dragon! Inside voice! We may be outside but people are still staring!" Nari said looking over her shoulder at the faces staring at her and her friends.

"Oh would you all relax I got tickets to the My Chem. Show tonight can ya come?" Dragon asked.

"You bet!" Ninja shouted.

"I'm In," Haru said in a quiet voice.

"Fine just don't shout anymore I already had to deal with Ninja's voice all day and

then people will be screaming all night and I am so very tired so I am going to go home and

take an nap before the show. Night all. Where are we meeting tonight? And when?" Nari asked.

"Our house at five that way we can eat before we go, and, I can get a beer," Dragon said.

You aren't drinking! We need a driver!!" said Kitten's twin Tohru.

"You guys are old enough to drive! I'll drive there and you can drive back. Don't flip out on

me! I just want one drink anyway I'll be fine," Dragon said annoyed.

"Fine," Tohru said begrudged.

"God Ru do are you honestly afraid of driving at night that much?" Kitten scoffed.

"Oh Kit, you know I'm not afraid of driving at night but we don't need our big brother drunk as a skunk. Don't you remember what he did at the AFI concert last year?" Tohru asked.

"Yeah that was funny!" Kitten said eyes lighting up. " Don't worry I'll keep him under control and I'll drive home tonight okay?"
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okay after the concert the diary entries will begin and yeah but this is the first chappie what do you all think please leave comments *Pouty face*