Life On The Warped Tour

Mikey Mikey I love Mikey

Dear worthless pages of nothingness,

In case you haven't noticed. I DO have a bleak out look on life....Unless that outlook on life is Michael James Way!

GOD, he is soooo SEXY!! I honestly would do some things that I cannot mention here.

Mikey walks in.

What should I say?



"We are almsot at the next spot..."



"My cousin lives in Boston! SQEEEEEE!!!" I squealed.

"Uh, did you and Ninja switch places...?"

"Nah, I'm just acting outta the ordinary today!"


I can't wait...!!! :naughty:

XOXO- Black Haru
♠ ♠ ♠
Evee your pervyness is rubbing off on me!!! And Tori's too!