Life On The Warped Tour

G is for Gerard but L is for Loser

Dear Zetsubou Billy,

Gee has been acting so strange ever since the concert in Boston. He was all smiles before, but now is hazel eyes have lost thier shine. What the hell is going on?

"Gee?" I asked him.

"What?" He mumbled.

"What's up, you've been acting down lately," I told him.

"It's nothing," He lied.

"Gee, no really what's wrong?"

"Sai, I just feel so down lately. I don't know why, sometimes I think that I was better off a druggie alcoholic..." He trailed off.

"Gee, c'mere," I told him.

He walked over.

I pulled him into a hug and he was sobbing quietly.

"Listen Gee, you're fine you don't need to go back on drugs and all that shit," I told him. "plus I hate to see people cry."

I wiped away his tears and waited 'till he calmed down.

"S-sorry," he mumbled.

Frank walked over and noticed Gee and myself.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

Gerard buried his head into my skeleten hoodie and startd to cry again. He lifted his head and wipes his eyes, that are now red and puffy.

"Gee, maybe you should tell Frank."

"Are you sure?"

"Gee, only if you want to," Frank reassured Gee.

"Frank, I-I just feel so down lately, I mean I enjoy the tours...but..." He hesitated. "Sometimes I feel like I should of stayed a druggie and an alcoholic. After Elena died I just started to go into a downward spiral. I love playing with all of you at the concerts. Now I feel totaly depressed. I don't know what to do." He broke down again. I ran one of my hands thru his jet black hair.

Frank looked at us.

"Gee, we all love you, especially the fans, they don't want you to go into another drug and alcohol downward spiral..."

"Yeah Gee," I added. "Your band has saved so many lives. They wouldn't want you to throw that all away, I wouldn't want that to happen, ever. Ok, Gee?"

"Ok," he replies, sniffling slightly.

I told him to go to bed after we sat there for 10 minutes to calm Gerard down.

"Better?" I asked him.

"Yeah..." he mumbled as he stood up and walked to his bunk.

he turned around.

"Sai...Thank you."

"For what?"

"For caring for me this whole tour."
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There is my chappie enjoy!!