Life On The Warped Tour

Gee is emo-ish

I walked over to Kitten.

"oh, and Frankie said he loves me..."

"No really what were you actually going to tell me..."

"Well," I said. "Gee is really depressed and he said last night that he wished he was a druggie alcholic."

"He did?"


Gee walked in.

"Shit." I whispered.


"Its Gee."

"Freakin a!" I gasped.


"Go away." he mumbled

"God! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked.

"F--k off!" He snapped.

SLAP!! Kitten slapped Gee in the face.

"Bitch slapped!" I screamed.

I looked at Kit.

Then I looked at Gee. There was a trickle of blood running from his mouth.

I walked over.

Gee glared at me.

"Hey, its not my f-ing fault!!" I snapped.

"She is the one who slapped you!"

Gee walked over to the bathroom.

"Shit! What's he gunna do now!"

I ran over to him.

SLICE! Gerard sliced his arm with a razor.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I screamed.

I helped him off the floor and cleaned up his arm. Thankfully it wasen't deep. It looked like a cut when someone is shaving. Not too deep, but not too wide.

I put a bandaid on his arm. than I kissed it.

"There Gee, I even kissed it!" I said grinning.

"And one more thing! Don't do that again!" I snapped.

"But we still love you!" I say smiling.
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gos wccw ia funn KILLMW