Life On The Warped Tour

Gee isn't so emo now

Dear Zetsubou Billy,

Like I said earlier I caught Gee cutting himself. It was shocking. I knew he was depressed...but how did this happen?!

Gee walked over.

"Hey Gee," I said.


I looked at the bandage on his arm.

"Can I look at your cut?" I ask him.

He nodded.

I slowly took off the bandage, he winces.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I whispered.

I took a look at it. Not too wide but it was a little deep. I felt around the area just to make sure nothing was too out of place. I'm glad he didn't hit a vein or something, he'd be screwed. I put some of that Neosporin stuff on his arm, he shudders as it took effect and started killing germs that could possibly lead to an infection. I get out 2 boxes of bandaids. One was black with the Misfits ghost skull. and the other had a pentagram and said Hellsing.

"Ok Gee, pick one," I tell him.

He picks the Misfits one.

He applies the bandaid and walks off. Then he turned around.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you and Kitten, I deserved to be hit," he whispers. "Maybe I should just--"

"Gee, no! You shouldn't die over something like that, its sorta stupid," I tell him.

he looked at me, then winced. I looked at him. He was holding his arm and shaking. His vision got blurry and he kneeled down and shivered.
He strts sniffling, like I did when I broke my wrist. He is trying to hold back tears, but his unsuccesful. Tears slowly pour down his face.

Frank walks in.

"Gee, what's wrong?" he askes, looking worried.

"I-I feel like my its on fire..." he whispers.

"Does it hurt that bad?" I ask him.

He nods weakly.

"You stay here hunny, I'm getting Kitten."

I come in 2 minutes later with Kitten.

"What's up?" She asks him.

"My arm hurts." He moans.

She felt around the bandage. She then takes it off.

"Gee, its infected. We need to get you to a hospital," She tells him.

He whines and begs not to go.

"c'mon Gee, it won't be that bad," I reassure him.

We tell Brian what happened. he's pretty shocked.

"Gee's self harming again?" He asked utturly shocked.

Kitten nodded.

Gerard was shaking and holding his arm for dear life.

"Uuuuuhhhhhnnnnn..." He moans. "This hurts so bad."

We drove to the nearest hospital, which was the Harvord Medical Hospital.

Gee gets out of the bus along with the rest of the group.

We check in and then wait until...

"Gerard Way." A male nurse calls.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's going to happen next! Evee, update soon!! To karrine and tegan. I'm sorry I made Gee cut himself but he'll get better! ^_^ evee, i'm sorry about making you the violent ome, but its true (JK I love you!) Oh and in my last uppie i was hyper so ignore the random nes in my a/n! We work at teh loony bin to make everyone happy (if you know what I mean! -_- DIRTY!) HELL YEAH FOR PUNK ROCK BANDAIDS!!^_^