Life On The Warped Tour

The Concert of Dreams

Dragon,Kitten,and, Tori all went home to change out of their uniforms, or in Dragon's case work cloths and into some concert clothes. They all fought over who would get the shower first then eventually tossed a coin to find out who.

Kitten got the shower first when she walked out she looked like a small blue eyed vampire with her black pleated skirt and black T-shirt that said I love Gerard Way! on the front and on the back showing a picture of Gerard's beautiful face. Dragon was next he walked out with baggy black jeans on and a shirt with Ray Toro on the front and the back saying "The Magical Fro Of Ray Toro" on it. Tohru got the last place shower she walked out smelling like fruit wearing a skirt just like her sister's and a shirt that had Bob Bryar on the front and on the back it said "Bryar don't take no shit!" on it.

They waited for their friends who showed up right on time wearing similar outfits all of them had their favorite members of the band on it. For Ninja it was Frank and the quote "Don't climb in the coffin Frank!". For Nari it was a picture of Brian the bands tour manager that said "Hey I like your band. Hey we like you!". And for Haru It was a picture of Mikey saying "I feel pretty damn good considering I'm gonna die tomorrow."

They ate at a local dinner and made their way to the stadium where the concert was going to take place. When they got there they saw a man out front selling tickets to some kind of raffle.
"Buy a ticket and you could win a free trip with My Chemical Romance on their Warped Tour! For you and five friends!" The man said loudly.

"Okay I am so going to buy that!" Kitten said.

"Us too!" The other five chimed in.

They each bought five tickets then went to find their seats. When the concert finely started all six of them were out of their seats until intermission when the numbers were announced for the raffle.

"Okay ladies and Gentlemen! The moment you've been waiting for who will go on the Warped Tour With us??" Gerard's voice said from the intercom. " The number is.....................................................................................5554488666!"

"Oh My God!! Dragon Tohru I won I won I won and were all going on tour with My Chemical Romance!" Kitten screamed jumping up and down.
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New York Won The super bowl Yay!! okay on a serious note I know its kinda short but I have been really preoccupied with uh well everything and on top of it all i have become seriously addicted to Ferards O_o Not the kind I wright the Kinky ones *Dirty! XD