Life On The Warped Tour

Surprise surprise surprise!!!

Dear blood soaked pages (literally Gee bled on them when trying to read over my shoulder yesterday!)

We are waiting at the hospital for someone to come and look at poor Gee's arm.

"Gerard Way?" A tall slender man with white hair and bright green eyes calls.

"That's us Gee." I say.

"Both of you are coming with me! I refuse to go it alone!" He says panicked

"Okay! okay! we'll come! we'll come!" I say

we walk back to a little room where the man comes and starts taking Gee's vitals.

"I'm Richy by the way Richy Reynolds pleasure to meet you all. The doctor will see you

shortly." He says prancing away.

"No needles right?" Gerard asks me.

"How the hell should I know? I'm not doctor!" I answer

We weight for what was only a few minutes but seemed like years until a short young man with black hair down to his shoulders, Hazel eyes, and abnormally white skin came in with another man who was almost as tall as Frank with sandy brown hair green eyes and a kind smile waked in.

"Kitten that guy looks like me!!!" He screamed.

"Only more compact!" I say looking at the both of them the other guy was about a head shorter than my Gee Gee.

"Uh well then my name is Dr. Jared Montoya." He said with an awkward smile.

"And I am Kaleb Reynolds." The nurse said

"Any relations to Richy?" I ask

"He's my husband!" Kaleb said smiling

"Oh! cool!" I say (Yay gay people)

"Okay Mr. Way let's take a look at that cut." Jared said taking Gee's arm and examining it. "Well it has a definite Infection but nothing a little antibiotic won't cure. I'll go get you a prescription right now." He said leaving with Kaleb

"Hey Kit, mind if I leave you to go to the restroom real quick?" Ninja asks

"Not at all take your time." I say giving her a look that said I meant that literally.

She left the room and walked down the hall. I watched after her to make sure she was actually leaving (It's so like Ninja to snoop!) Then I turn to Gerard.

"So I heard you apologized to Ninja are you ready for your surprise now?" I ask. He nods his head looking like a Hyper-little-five-year-old-that-has-had-way-too-much-candy kind of way.
I walk towards him and sit on his lap. He puts his arm around my waist. I lean in and kiss him. But, this time when he pleads for entry I let him in. Feeling his tongue in my mouth as he strokes it against the roof of my mouth, It feels like I am melting. Then we here footsteps and we break contact. I hop off his lap just in time as Dr. Montoya walks in.

"Here is your prescription you can pick it up at the drug store when you leave."

"Thanks." He says to the doctor as Ninja walks in.

"Wud I miss??" She asks.

"Don't worry I'll fill you in tonight." I tell her.
♠ ♠ ♠
six cups of coffee and two bags of skittles in the past hour *damn I'll never get to sleep never never never!* OH! and by the way If anyone happens to see Gerard Way Tell him HE'S A BUTT HEAD!!!!!!!!!! He kill Mr. Pogo in Umbrella Academy!!!!!! what did the poor monkey ever do to you!? *Bitch slaps Gerard*